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MySQL Rapid Development Engine for PHP 5.5+

Xap requirements:

  1. PHP 5.5+
  2. PHP PDO database extension
  3. Database table names cannot include characters ., /, : or (whitespace) and cannot start with [

Install Xap options:

  • Git clone: git clone
  • Subversion checkout URL:
    • Subversion checkout library files only:
  • Download ZIP file

Here is a list of Xap commands:

  • add - insert record (can also use insert)
  • call - call stored procedure or function (and call_affected and call_rows)
  • cache - set single cache expire time
  • close - close the database connection
  • columns - show table columns
  • commit - commit transaction
  • count - count table records
  • debug - get debug info for connections
  • del - delete record(s) (can also use delete)
  • error - check if error has occurred
  • error_last - get last error, when error has occurred
  • exists - check if record exists
  • id - get last insert ID
  • limit - global max limit for queries
  • log - get debug log (debugging must be turned on)
  • log_handler - add log message to database log (debugging must be turned on)
  • mod - update record(s) (can also use update)
  • pagination - get/set pagination params
  • query - execute manual query
  • replace - replace record
  • rollback - rollback transaction
  • tables - show database tables
  • transaction - start transaction
  • truncate - truncate table

Xap supports:

Quick Start

Edit the xap.bootstrap.php file and add your database connection params:

// register database connection
	// database connection params
	'host' => 'localhost',
	'database' => 'test',
	'user' => 'myuser',
	'password' => 'mypass',
	'errors' => true, // true: Exceptions, false: no Exceptions, use error methods
	'debug' => true // turn logging on/off

Next, include the bootstrap file in your project file:

require_once './xap.bootstrap.php';

Now execute SELECT query:

$user = xap('users WHERE id = ?', [14]); // same as "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '14'"
if($user) echo $user->fullname; // print record column value



Simple select queries examples:

$r = xap('users'); // SELECT * FROM users
$r = xap('users(fullname, email)'); // SELECT fullname, email FROM users
$r = xap('users LIMIT 1'); // SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 1
$r = xap('users WHERE is_active = 1'); // SELECT * FROM users WHERE is_active = 1

Select Where

Select query with named parameters:

// SELECT fullname, email FROM users WHERE is_active = '1'
//	AND fullname = 'Shay Anderson'
$r = xap('users(fullname, email) WHERE is_active = :active AND fullname = :name'
	. ' LIMIT 2', ['active' => 1, 'name' => 'Shay Anderson']);

Select query with question mark parameters:

// SELECT fullname, email FROM users WHERE is_active = 1
//	AND fullname = 'Shay Anderson' LIMIT 2
$r = xap('users(fullname, email) WHERE is_active = ? AND fullname = ? LIMIT 2',
	[1, 'Shay Anderson']);

Select Distinct

Select distinct example query:

$r = xap('users(fullname)/distinct'); // SELECT DISTINCT fullname FROM users


Simple insert example:

// INSERT INTO users (fullname, is_active, created)
//	VALUES('Name Here', '1', NOW())
$affected_rows = xap('users:add', ['fullname' => 'Name Here', 'is_active' => 1,
	'created' => ['NOW()']]);

// can also use action ':insert'
// xap('users:insert', ...);

The replace command can also be used, for example:

// REPLACE INTO users (id, fullname, is_active, created)
//	VALUES(5, 'Name Here', '1', NOW())
$affected_rows = xap('users:replace', ['id' => 5, 'fullname' => 'Name Here',
	'is_active' => 1, 'created' => ['NOW()']]);

Insert with Insert ID

Insert query and get insert ID:

// INSERT INTO users (fullname, is_active, created) VALUES('Name Here', '1', NOW())
xap('users:add', ['fullname' => 'Name Here', 'is_active' => 1,
	'created' => ['NOW()']]);

// get insert ID
$insert_id = xap(':id');

Insert Ignore

Insert ignore query example:

// INSERT IGNORE INTO users (user_id, fullname) VALUES('3', 'Name Here')
xap('users:add/ignore', ['user_id' => 3, 'fullname' => 'Name Here']);

Inserting Objects

Insert into table using object instead of array:

// note: all class public properties must be table column names
class User
	public $user_id = 70;
	public $fullname = 'Name';
	public $created = ['NOW()'];

$affected_rows = xap('users:add', new User);


Simple update query example:

// UPDATE users SET fullname = 'Shay Anderson' WHERE user_id = '2'
$affected_rows = xap('users:mod WHERE user_id = :user_id',
	['fullname' => 'Shay Anderson'], ['user_id' => 2]);

// can also use action ':update'
// xap('users:update', ...);

When using the mod (or update) command all params must be named params like :my_param and not question mark parameters

Update Ignore

Update ignore query example:

// UPDATE IGNORE users SET user_id = '3' WHERE user_id = 6
$affected_rows = xap('users:mod/ignore WHERE user_id = 6', ['user_id' => 3]);


Delete query examples:

// delete all
$affected_rows = xap('users:del'); // DELETE FROM users

// can also use action ':delete'
// xap('users:delete', ...);

// DELETE FROM users WHERE is_active = 1
$affected_rows = xap('users:del WHERE is_active = 1');

// DELETE FROM users WHERE user_id = '29'
$affected_rows = xap('users:del WHERE user_id = ?', [29]);

Delete Ignore

Delete ignore query example:

// DELETE IGNORE FROM users WHERE user_id = 60
$affected_rows = xap('users:del/ignore WHERE user_id = 60');

Execute Query

Execute manual query example:

// execute any query using the 'query' command
$r = xap(':query SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 2');

// use params with manual query:
$r = xap(':query SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = ?', [2]);

The query command can use these query options: /query, /first, /value, /pagination, /cache. For example:

$query_string = $r = xap(':query/query SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 2');

Count Query

Get back a count (integer) query example:

// returns int of all records
$count = xap('users:count'); // SELECT COUNT(1) FROM users

// SELECT COUNT(1) FROM users WHERE is_active = 1
$count = xap('users:count WHERE is_active = 1');

// SELECT COUNT(1) FROM users WHERE user_id > '2' AND is_active = '1'
$count = xap('users:count WHERE user_id > ? AND is_active = ?', [2, 1]);

Record(s) Exist

Check if record(s) exists:

$has_records = xap('users:exists'); // check if records exists
if($has_records) // do something

// use query params example:
$is_record = xap('users:exists WHERE user_id = ? AND is_active = 1', [2])
if($is_record) // do something

Truncate Table

A table can be truncated using:


Call Stored Procedure/Function (Routines)

Call SP/SF example:

xap(':call sp_name'); // CALL sp_name()

// Call SP/SF with params:
// CALL sp_addUser('Name Here', '1', NOW())
xap(':call sp_addUser', ['Name Here', 1, ['NOW()']]);

// Call SP/SF with params and out param
xap(':query SET @out = "";'); // set out param
// CALL sp_addUser('Name Here', '1', NOW(), @out)
xap(':call sp_addUserGetId', ['Name Here', 1, ['NOW()'], ['@out']]);
// get out param value
$r = xap(':query SELECT @out;');

The call command will return a boolean value. If a recordset array or affected rows integer is required instead use:

// get recordset:
$rows = xap(':call_rows sp_getActiveUsers'); // array
// or get affected rows count:
$affected = xap(':call_affected sp_updateUser'); // integer

Query options can be used with the call command like: xap(':call/query sp_name');


Transactions are easy, for example:

xap(':transaction'); // start transaction (autocommit off)
xap('users:add', ['fullname' => 'Name 1']);
xap('users:add', ['fullname' => 'Name 2']);

if(!xap(':error')) // no error
	if(xap(':commit')) ... // no problem, commit + continue with logic
else // error
	xap(':rollback'); // problem(s), rollback
	// warn client

When errors are on, use try/catch block like:

	xap(':transaction'); // start transaction (autocommit off)
	xap('users:add', ['fullname' => 'Name 1']);
	xap('users:add', ['fullname' => 'Name 2']);
	if(xap(':commit')) ... // no problem, commit + continue with logic
catch(\Exception $ex)
	xap(':rollback'); // problem(s), rollback
	// warn client

Show Tables

Show database tables query example:

$tables = xap(':tables'); // returns array of tables

Show Table Columns

Show table columns query example:

$columns = xap('users:columns'); // returns array of table column names

Global Limit

A global max limit can be set to force max limits, for example:

// the query below may crash if too many records exist (exceeds memory limit)
$docs = xap('documents'); // SELECT * FROM documents
// this problem can be solved globally by using global limit
xap(':limit 50'); // now all select queries auto use limit
$docs = xap('documents'); // SELECT * FROM documents LIMIT 50
$users = xap('users'); // SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 50
// reset limit
xap(':limit'); // or xap(':limit 0')
$docs = xap('documents'); // SELECT * FROM documents

The global limit will not override a LIMIT clause already in a query.

Global limit will not work with other options like /first, /model, /pagination, /value

Debug Log

Get debug log array example:

$log = xap(':log'); // returns array of debug log messages

Debug mode must be enabled for this example

The default log handler retains the most recent five thousand log messages (memory safe). A custom log handler can except all log messages.

Error Checking

Check if error has occurred when errors are on (throws exceptions) example:

    $user = xap('users.14'); // same as "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '14'"
    if($user) echo $user->fullname; // print record field value
catch(\Exception $ex)
	// warn here
	echo 'Database error: ' . $ex->getMessage();

Or, if errors are off use error commands:

$user = xap('users.14'); // same as "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '14'"
    if($user) echo $user->fullname; // print record field value
    echo xap(':error_last'); // print error

Get Last Error

Get last error string example:

	echo xap(':error_last');

For getting last error message errors must be disabled, otherwise exception is thrown


To display all registered connections, debug log and errors use:

print_r( xap(':debug') ); // returns array with debug info

Close Connection

A database connection can be closed using the close command:


All database connections will automatically close, but the close command can be used explicitly when runtime between database calls exceeds the connection timeout - and can eliminate errors like server has gone away, for example:

xap(':call spProcessQueue'); // long runtime
xap(':close'); // close connection
// below query will automatically open new connection
xap('job_queue:count WHERE status = 0');


Custom Log Handler

A custom log handler can be used when setting a database connection, for example:

// register database connection
	// database connection params
	'host' => 'localhost',
	'debug' => true, // debugging must be enabled for log handler
	// register custom log handler (must be callable)
	'log_handler' => function($msg) { echo '<b>Message:</b> ' . $msg . '<br />'; }

Now all Xap log messages will be sent to the custom callable log handler.

If a custom log handler is used and the Xap log handler should be disabled the custom log handler callable must return true, for example:

	'log_handler' => function($msg)
		echo '<b>Message:</b> ' . $msg . '<br />';
		return true; // flag as handled, do not pass message to Xap log handler

Now the default Xap log handler has been disabled.

The log_handler command can be used to insert log message into the database (without logging the actual log message being sent to the database), for example:

	// send all log messages to the `event_log` table columne `message`
	'log_handler' => function($msg) { xap('event_log:log_handler', ['message' => $msg]); }

Custom Error Handler

A custom error handler can be used when setting a database connection, for example:

// register database connection
	// database connection params
	'host' => 'localhost',
	'errors' => true, // errors must be enabled for error handler
	// register custom error handler (must be callable)
	'error_handler' => function($err) { echo '<b>Error:</b> ' . $err . '<br />'; }

Now all Xap error messages will be sent to the custom callable error handler.

Query Options

Query options are used like: table:command/[option] and can be used with SELECT commands and other commands.

Example of option use:

$r = xap('users(fullname)/distinct'); // DISTINCT option

Options can be chained together to complete valid MySQL statements:

// UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY IGNORE users SET fullname = 'Shay Anderson' WHERE user_id = '2'
$affected_rows = xap('users:mod/low_priority/ignore WHERE user_id = :user_id',
	['fullname' => 'Shay Anderson'], ['user_id' => 2]);
Array Option

The array option can be used to force return type of arrays instead of objects when using objects in configuration settings:

$r = xap('users(fullname)/distinct/array LIMIT 5');

Now the $r variable is an array with arrays instead of an array with objects.

The array option is helpful when using objects for connection in configuration settings but array return types are desired for a single or several select commands. This option is used with SELECT commands only.

Query Option

The query option can be used to return the query string only, without executing the query (for debugging), for example:

// returns string 'SELECT DISTINCT fullname FROM users'
$r = xap('users(fullname)/distinct/query');

The following commands can use the query option: add, call, columns, count, del, mod, query, replace, and tables

First Option

The first option can be used to return the first record only, for example:

$user = xap('users/first WHERE is_active = 1');
if($user) echo $user->fullname;

This can simplify using the first record only instead of having to use:

if(isset($user[0])) echo $user[0]->fullname;

The first option will auto limit the rows to 1, multiple rows are not allowed

Value Option

The value option is used to return the first value only (scalar), for example:

$fullname = xap('users(fullname)/value WHERE id = ?', [1]); // string

If multiple columns are in the query only the first column value is returned, example:

$email = xap(':query/value SELECT email, fullname FROM users WHERE id = ?', [1]); // string

The value option will auto limit the rows to 1, multiple rows are not allowed

Other Options

Other options not mentioned here are: /cache, /pagination and /model

Multiple Database Connections

Using multiple database connections is easy, register database connections in bootstrap:

// connection 1 (default connection)
xap(['host' => '',
	// more here

// connection 2
xap(['host' => '',
	// more here

// or manually set connection ID
xap(['host' => '',
	// more here
	'id' => 5 // manually set ID (int only)

Note: manually set ID must be integer

Now to use different connections:

// select from connection 1 / default connection
$r = xap('users.2'); // SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '2'

// select from connection 2, where '[n]' is connection ID
$r2 = xap('[2]users.2'); // SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '2'


Pagination is easy to use for large select queries, here is an example:

// set current page number, for this example use GET parameter 'pg'
$pg = isset($_GET['pg']) ? (int)$_GET['pg'] : 1;

// next set 10 Records Per Page (rpp) and current page number
xap(':pagination', ['rpp' => 10, 'page' => $pg]);

// execute SELECT query with pagination (SELECT query cannot contain LIMIT clause)
// SELECT DISTINCT id, fullname FROM users WHERE LENGTH(fullname) > '0' LIMIT x, y
$r = xap('users(id, fullname)/distinct/pagination WHERE LENGTH(fullname) > ?', [0]);
// $r['pagination'] contains pagination values:
//		rpp, page, next, prev, offset, next_string, prev_string
// $r['rows'] contains selected rows

Displaying the previous page numbers can done using:

if($r['pagination']->prev > 0)
	// set last 5 pages viewed, so if on page 12 the pages would be: [7,8,9,10,11]
	$pages = array_slice(range(1, $r['pagination']->prev), -5);

Note: Pagination can also use decorators.

Pagination only works on select commands like users(id, fullname)/pagination and select queries like :query/pagination SELECT id, fullname FROM users

Pagination Helper Class

Before reading this section read the Pagination section

The \Xap\Pagination helper class can be used to simplify pagination, for example:

// set GET var name for current page if not the default 'pg'
// \Xap\Pagination::$conf_page_get_var = 'pg';

// set object
$pagination = new \Xap\Pagination(xap('users/pagination'));

	foreach($pagination->rows as $v) // access rows

	// print pagination controls
	echo $pagination;

HTML can be added to style the controls:

// change default link HTML
\Xap\Pagination::$conf_html_next = '<li><a href="{$uri}">Next &raquo;</a></li>';
\Xap\Pagination::$conf_html_prev = '<li><a href="{$uri}">&laquo; Previous</a></li>';

// HTML wrapper around all controls
\Xap\Pagination::$conf_html_wrapper_before = '<div class="pagination"><ul>';
\Xap\Pagination::$conf_html_wrapper_after = '</ul></div>';

// then use object
$pagination = new \Xap\Pagination(xap('users/pagination'));

The URI can be appended with #jump-here by using:

$pagination = new \Xap\Pagination(xap('users/pagination', '#jump-here'));

A previous page numbers range can be displayed, for example:

// optional, globally enable
// \Xap\Pagination::$conf_prev_page_range = true;
// optional, globally set total number of page numbers to display (default is 5)
// \Xap\Pagination::$conf_prev_page_range_count = 5;

// set HTML wrapper
\Xap\Pagination::$conf_html_prev_page_range = '<li><a href="{$uri}">{$number}</a></li>';
// set active page HTML
\Xap\Pagination::$conf_html_prev_page_range_active = '<a href="#">{$number}</a>';

// then use object
$pagination = new \Xap\Pagination(xap('users/pagination'), null, true); // enable for this object only
// optonal, set page numbers to display for object only
// $pagination = new \Xap\Pagination(xap('users/pagination'), null, true, 10);

A page number filter can be used to modify page numbers, for example:

\Xap\Pagination::$conf_page_num_filter = function($n) { return base64_encode($n); };
// then use object
// $pagination = new \Xap\Pagination(x);

When setting the pagination object there is an option to set the first URI, meaning the URI used for the first page (when no more previous pages are availble), for example:

$pagination = new \Xap\Pagination(xap('users/pagination', null, false, 0, '/user/view'));

This does not need to be set because the pagination object uses auto first URI logic - but that can be overridden by using the option above

Data Modeling

Data Modeling (or ORM) can be used in Xap. First, ensure the \Xap\Model class is included in the xap.bootstrap.php file:

require_once './lib/Xap/Model.php';

Next, set the data model object using the /model option and load (select) the model record data:

$user = xap('users/model'); // \Xap\Model object
$user->id = 14; // set primary key column value
if($user->load()) // load record data
	echo $user->fullname;

If the table primary key column name is not id use the \Xap\Model::setTableKey(table, key_name) method, for example:

\Xap\Model::setTableKey('users', 'user_id'); // must do BEFORE using model
$user = xap('users/model'); // \Xap\Model object
$user->user_id = 14;

This can also be done using:

$user = xap('users/model'); // \Xap\Model object
if($user->load(14)) // load record data with primary key column value
	echo $user->fullname;

Column names can also be defined to optimize the load query:

$user = xap('users(fullname)/model'); // only load 'fullname' column

Note: if column names are not defined they are automatically set by the model object, meaning that an update following a load (select) will update all the automatically loaded columns instead of defined columns (which is recommended)

Add Model Record

Adding (inserting) a model record is simple:

// set model object and define model columns (required for insert)
$user = xap('users(fullname,is_active,created)/model');
// set model column values
$user->fullname = 'Shay Anderson';
$user->is_active = 1;
$user->created = ['NOW()']; // plain SQL as array value
// add model record
	// now the insert ID is ready:
	$insert_id = $user->id;
	// warn failed to add user record
Modify Model Record

Modifying (updating) a model record is simple:

// set model object and define model columns (required for update)
$user = xap('users(fullname,is_active)/model');
// set model record primary key value (required for update)
$user->id = 14; // update record with ID = 14
// set new model column values
$user->fullname = 'New Name';
$user->is_active = 1;
// update model record
	// do something
	// warn failed to save user record
Delete Model Record

Deleting a model record is simple:

$user = xap('users/model'); // set model object
// set model record primary key value (required for delete)
$user->id = 14; // delete record with ID = 14
// delete model record
	// do something
	// warn failed to delete user record
Model Record Exists

Checking if a model record exists is simple:

$user = xap('users/model'); // set model object
// set model record primary key value (required for exists)
$user->id = 14; // does record with ID = 14 exist
// check if model record exists
	// do something
	// warn user record does not exist
Adding Query SQL

Query SQL can be added when setting the model object, for example:

$user = xap('users/model WHERE is_active = 1'); // set model object with where clause
$user->id = 14; // set primary key column value (required)
// check if model record exists 'WHERE id = 14 AND is_active = 1'
	// active user with ID 14 exists

Also query params (named query params) can be used:

$user = xap('users/model WHERE is_active = :active', ['active' => 1]);

Query SQL rules:

  • The LIMIT clause cannot be used with the model object
  • Do not include the model primary key column name as a named parameter (in the query paramters) because it is automatically set by the model object
  • Select with key like users.14/model will not work with the model object
Other Model Object Methods

Other useful \Xap\Model methods are:

  • getColumns() - get model column names in array
  • getData() - get the loaded model record data
  • getKey() - get the model primary key column name
  • getTable() - get the table name
  • isColumn() - check if a column exists
  • isLoaded() - check if the model record is loaded
  • setData() - set the model record data

Data Decorators

Data decorators can be used in Xap. First, ensure the \Xap\Decorate class is included in the xap.bootstrap.php file:

require_once './lib/Xap/Decorate.php';

Here is a simple example of a data decorator using a select query:

// SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 3
$decorated = xap('users LIMIT 3',
// $decorated is string

Now the decorated data can be printed as string:

	echo '<table>' . $decorated . '</table>';
	echo 'No records found';

Which will output something like:

<table><tr><td>1</td><td>Shay Anderson</td><td>1</td></tr>
<tr><td>2</td><td>Mike Smith</td><td>1</td></tr>
<tr><td>3</td><td>John Smith</td><td>0</td></tr></table>

The above decorator can be improved using a value switch decorator which uses the logic x?:y where x is used for a positive value (> 0 when numeric or length > 0 when string) and y is used for a negative value, for example change the decorator:

echo xap('users LIMIT 3', '{$id} - {$fullname} - {$is_active:Yes?:No}<br />');

Notice the {$is_active:Yes?:No} switch decorator. Now the output will be:

1 - Shay Anderson - Yes<br />2 - Mike Smith - Yes<br />3 - John Smith - No<br />

Decorators work for all commands except: columns, commit, debug, key, log, pagination (but will work with the pagination select query), rollback, tables, transaction

Decorator Filters

Callable decorator filters can be used with decorators, for example:

echo xap('users LIMIT 3', '{$id} - {$fullname:upper} - {$is_active:Yes?:No}<br />',
	['upper' => function($name) { return strtoupper($name); }]);

Notice the {$fullname:upper} where upper is the filter name, and in the array of filters the key upper is used to denote the filter by name. Now the output will be:

1 - SHAY ANDERSON - Yes<br />2 - MIKE SMITH - Yes<br />3 - JOHN SMITH - No<br />

Or a callable filter can be used with the entire array (or row), for example the example above could be rewritten as:

echo xap('users LIMIT 3', '{$id} - {$:upper} - {$is_active:Yes?:No}<br />',
	['upper' => function($row) { return strtoupper($row['fullname']); }]);

When using decorate filters the array of callable filters must be passed to the Xap directly after the decorator string

When using decorate filter(s) with string values, like error decorators, the value passed to the callable filter is the value and not an array, for example:

echo xap(':error_last', '<b>{$error:upper}</b>',
	['upper' => function($error) { return strtoupper($error); }]);
Test Decorators

Test decorators are used for commands like add, count, del exists and mod when the command returns a boolean or integer value and use the logic x?:y (where x is used when value is true or integer > 0, otherwise y), for example:

echo xap('users:del WHERE user_id = ?', [122],
	'User has been deleted ?: Failed to delete user');

The value User has been deleted is displayed if the user exists and has been deleted, otherwise the value Failed to delete user is displayed.

Error Decorators

Error decorators can be used when error exceptions are turned off, for example:

echo xap(':error', 'Error has occurred ?: No error occurred');

Or when display last error:

if(xap(':error')) echo xap(':error_last', '<div class="error">{$error}</div>');
Decorators with Pagination

Decorators can be used with pagination, for example:

$decorated = xap('users/pagination WHERE is_active = 1',
	'{$id} - {$fullname} - {$is_active:Yes?:No}<br />');

// display the decorated (and paginated) data:
echo $decorated['rows'];

Pagination values are still available in $decorated['pagination']

Decorators can also be used for the pagination values next_string and prev_string, for example:

// set decorators for 'next_string' and 'prev_string'
xap(':pagination', ['next_string' => '<a href="?pg={$next}">Next</a>',
	'prev_string' => '<a href="?pg={$prev}">Prev</a>'])

$data = xap('users/pagination');

Now when the value $data['pagination']->next_string is called and there is a next page it will output HTML like:

<a href="?pg=2">Next</a>

And likewise for the value $data['pagination']->prev_string. If there is no next page then no value will be set, and same for the previous page value.

Decorators with Data Modeling

Decorators can be used with data modeling, for example:

$user = xap('users/model', '{$id} - {$fullname} - {$is_active:Yes?:No}');
$user->load(14); // load (select) user record
echo $user; // display decorated data

This example would display something like:

14 - Mike Smith - Yes


Caching can be used to reduce database calls. First, ensure the \Xap\Cache class is included in the xap.bootstrap.php file and the cache settings are set:

require_once './lib/Xap/Cache.php';
// set global cache expire time to 10 seconds (default is 30 seconds)
\Xap\Cache::setExpireGlobal('10 seconds');
// set global cache directory path for cache writes

Security Warning: Do not use caching to store private data that should be stored in a secure database. Also, for Web applications the global cache directory path should be protected from public (external) requests using Web server configuration files.

Here is a simple example of caching using a select query and the /cache option:

// SELECT title, sku, is_active FROM items LIMIT 10
$items = xap('items(title, sku, is_active)/cache LIMIT 10');

Now the recordset has been cached and will expire in 10 seconds (the global expire time). When the cache expires it will be rewritten with current data.

Caching can be used for all different types of select commands and queries, but cannot be used with the /model option

To use a custom expire time for a single query (and not the global cache expire time) use:

xap(':cache 1 hour'); // refresh cache every hour
$items = xap('items(title, sku, is_active)/cache LIMIT 10');

Now the recordset will expire every 1 hour.

Cache expire times can be strings like: 1 hour or 30 minutes or 15 seconds, or an integer for seconds like 25 would be converted to 25 seconds. Also the cache expire time never can be used to allow a never expire cache.

A custom expire time is only used for a single query, for example:

xap(':cache 1 hour'); // refresh cache every hour
$items = xap('items(title, sku, is_active)/cache LIMIT 10');
// $items_inactive cache expires in the global expire time and not in 1 hour
$items_inactive = xap('items(title, sku)/cache WHERE is_active = 0 LIMIT 10');

A custom cache key prefix can be used. This can be helpful when managing cache files with scripts. Here is an example:

// set cache key prefix to 'item', cache key will be 'item-[cache key]'
// only this cache will use the 'item' cache key prefix
// it must be set again for any other caches
$items = xap('items(title, sku, is_active)/cache LIMIT 10');

Custom cache key prefixes should only include word characters (\w), all other characters will be removed

Likewise, a custom cache key can be used, for example:

// set cache key to 'my-custom-cache'

Custom cache keys can only include word characters (\w) and hyphens -

All cache files can be removed by using the command:

\Xap\Cache::flush(); // flush all cache files

By default Xap uses compression for cache files (requires PHP Zlib functions). To globally disable compression use:

\Xap\Cache::$use_compression = false;