diff --git a/src/Insect/Environment.purs b/src/Insect/Environment.purs index 253d2e4..ebe6686 100644 --- a/src/Insect/Environment.purs +++ b/src/Insect/Environment.purs @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ derive instance Eq StorageType data StoredValue = StoredValue StorageType Quantity -- | Mathematical functions on physical quantities. -type MathFunction = NonEmpty List Quantity → Either EvalError Quantity +type MathFunction = Environment → NonEmpty List Quantity → Either EvalError Quantity -- | Meta information for a function, mostly for pretty printing data FunctionDescription = BuiltinFunction (Maybe Int) | UserFunction (NonEmpty List Identifier) Expression @@ -164,16 +164,16 @@ initialEnvironment = hiddenVal identifier value = Tuple identifier (StoredValue HiddenConstant value) constFunc identifier func = Tuple identifier (StoredFunction Constant (wrapSimple identifier func) (BuiltinFunction (Just 1))) constFunc2 identifier func = Tuple identifier (StoredFunction Constant (wrapSimple2 identifier func) (BuiltinFunction (Just 2))) - constFuncN identifier func = Tuple identifier (StoredFunction Constant func (BuiltinFunction Nothing)) + constFuncN identifier func = Tuple identifier (StoredFunction Constant (const func) (BuiltinFunction Nothing)) wrapSimple ∷ Identifier → (Quantity → Either ConversionError Quantity) → MathFunction - wrapSimple name func qs = + wrapSimple name func _ qs = case qs of x :| Nil → lmap QConversionError $ func x _ → Left $ WrongArityError name 1 (length (NonEmptyList qs)) wrapSimple2 ∷ Identifier → (Quantity → Quantity → Either ConversionError Quantity) → MathFunction - wrapSimple2 name func qs = + wrapSimple2 name func _ qs = case qs of x1 :| x2 : Nil → lmap QConversionError $ func x1 x2 _ → Left $ WrongArityError name 2 (length (NonEmptyList qs)) diff --git a/src/Insect/Interpreter.purs b/src/Insect/Interpreter.purs index 8597219..e919837 100644 --- a/src/Insect/Interpreter.purs +++ b/src/Insect/Interpreter.purs @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ eval env (Apply name xs) = else case lookup name env.functions of Just (StoredFunction _ fn _) → - traverse (eval env) xs >>= fn >>= checkFinite + traverse (eval env) xs >>= fn env >>= checkFinite Nothing → Left (LookupError name) eval env (BinOp op x y) = do x' <- eval env x @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ runInsect env (FunctionAssignment name argNames expr) = numExpected = length argNames' userFunc ∷ MathFunction - userFunc argValues = + userFunc env' argValues = if numGiven == numExpected then evalAndSimplify functionEnv expr else Left (WrongArityError name numExpected numGiven) @@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ runInsect env (FunctionAssignment name argNames expr) = args = zip argNames' argValues' insertArg map (Tuple argName val) = insert argName (StoredValue UserDefined val) map - functionEnv = env { values = foldl insertArg env.values args - , functions = delete name env.functions + functionEnv = env' { values = foldl insertArg env'.values args + , functions = delete name env'.functions } runInsect env (PrettyPrintFunction name) = diff --git a/test/Main.purs b/test/Main.purs index 8f6c98c..32e5a0f 100644 --- a/test/Main.purs +++ b/test/Main.purs @@ -889,6 +889,14 @@ main = runTest do expectOutput' "3 m" "3m" expectOutput' "3 m" " 3.0 meter " + test "Function using current environment" do + let env1 = initialEnvironment + env2 = (repl fmtPlain env1 "a = 2").newEnv + env3 = (repl fmtPlain env2 "f(x) = a * x").newEnv + env4 = (repl fmtPlain env3 "a = 3").newEnv + + expectOutput env4 "3" "f(1)" + test "Square, cube and other exponentiation operators" do expectOutput' "18" "3²*2" expectOutput' "18" "3² 2"