Least Recently Used cache implemented with double linked list and a hashtable. Actions into the cache - get and put have been externalized as a service exposed by REST API. Default capacity of cache is 2. Global variables are used to preserve cache state between requests to the app.
App usage: LRU_app.py [-h] [-c [CAPACITY]]
To fire up the app in a terminal on the default port 5000:
python LRU_app.py
For help
python LRU_app.py -h
From another terminal use curl to test the app.
To put a key value pair to cache.
curl -X PUT -d "value=1600"
To get a key value pair from cache.
curl -X GET
requirements.txt can be used for installing dependencies while deploying.
- Flask - a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions.
- Shamiek - shamiek
- Stackoverflow
- Python docs