diff --git a/test/dash/dash_parser_manifest_unit.js b/test/dash/dash_parser_manifest_unit.js
index 5a978a8bab..e0e0815085 100644
--- a/test/dash/dash_parser_manifest_unit.js
+++ b/test/dash/dash_parser_manifest_unit.js
@@ -287,42 +287,6 @@ describe('DashParser Manifest', () => {
- it('rejects periods after one without duration', async () => {
- const periodContents = [
- ' ',
- ' ',
- ' ',
- ' ',
- ' ',
- ' ',
- ' ',
- ' ',
- ' ',
- ].join('\n');
- const template = [
- '',
- ' ',
- '%(periodContents)s',
- ' ',
- ' ',
- '%(periodContents)s',
- ' ',
- '',
- ].join('\n');
- const source = sprintf(template, {periodContents: periodContents});
- fakeNetEngine.setResponseText('dummy://foo', source);
- /** @type {shaka.extern.Manifest} */
- const manifest = await parser.start('dummy://foo', playerInterface);
- const video = manifest.variants[0].video;
- await video.createSegmentIndex();
- // The first period has a segment from 0-10.
- // With the second period skipping, we should fail to find a segment at 10.
- expect(video.segmentIndex.find(0)).not.toBe(null);
- expect(video.segmentIndex.find(10)).toBe(null);
- });
it('calculates Period times when missing', async () => {
const periodContents = [
' ',