A typical problem is given an array of N elements. Calculate average of elements of subarray of size K.
Brute force algorithms takes O(N*K) to solve this.
def find_averages_of_subarrays(K, arr):
result = []
windowSum, windowStart = 0.0, 0
for windowEnd in range(len(arr)):
windowSum += arr[windowEnd] # add the next element
# slide the window, we don't need to slide if we've not hit the required window size of 'k'
if windowEnd >= K - 1:
result.append(windowSum / K) # calculate the average
windowSum -= arr[windowStart] # subtract the element going out
windowStart += 1 # slide the window ahead
return result
def main():
result = find_averages_of_subarrays(5, [1, 3, 2, 6, -1, 4, 1, 8, 2])
print("Averages of subarrays of size K: " + str(result))