This page keeps track of babashka-related new items. Feel free to make a PR if you have anything to add. Also see #babashka on Twitter.
1.3.176, 1.3.175, 1.2.174:
Biggest highlight: Switch to GraalVM 19 and enable virtual threads!
- Blambda! The sound of babashka and AWS colliding, by Josh Glover from Pitch!
- babashka.json: JSON abstraction library
- martian is now babashka compatible!
- panas.reload: a hot reload for babashka serving html+css (or htmx)
- cljs-exif-reader: Extract information from TIFF and JPEG images (works in babashka, despite the name)
- Write babashka at Cognician!
1.1.173: mostly bugfixes
- A technique for live coding simple web pages with babashka
- debux is now babaskha-compatible
- lines-of-code-bb: Babashka script to count lines of Clojure code, docs, comments, and more
- deps-try: a babashka-script to try out Clojure libraries in rebel-readline
- bb-dialog adds support for
- A duckduck go CLI with babashka and (bbl)gum
- babashka http-client now supports multipart uploads
- sublime-pretty-edn: Format, Validate, Minify EDN files in Sublime Text
- Play console tetris in babashka!
- kaocha test runner became babashka compatible!
New releases in the past month: 1.0.170 - 1.1.173 Release highlights:
- Support for
- Include http-client as built-in library
- Compatibility with
- Compatibility with (and other libraries which rely on
) - Compatibility with eftest test runner (see demo)
- Compatibility with cljfmt
- Support for
- Support
on vars (which adds compatibility withpotemkin.namespaces
) - BREAKING: make printing of script results explicit with
- Babashka Workshop at ClojureStream with Rahul De
- Blambda! The sound of Babashka and Lambda colliding: sthlm.clj (Stockholm, Sweden)
- Babooka: write command line Clojure by Daniel Higginbotham
- Blambda analyses sites by Josh Glover
- Babashka: How GraalVM Helped Create a Fast-Starting Scripting Environment for Clojure in Japanese
- The wizard of HOP - How we built the web based HOP CLI Settings Editor using Babashka and Scittle by Bingen Galartza
- Simple TUIs with Babashka and Gum by
- Babashka And Dialog Part Ii: Announcing The Bb-Dialog Library by A.C. Danvers
- Re-Writing a GlobalProtect OpenConnect VPN Connect script in Babashka by Tory Anderson
Projects that were new, had updates or were made compatible with babashka:
- asdf-babashka: babashka plugin for the asdf version manager
- babashka-htmx-todoapp: Quick example of a todo list SPA using Babashka and HTMX
- bblgum: An extremely tiny and simple wrapper around charmbracelet/gum
- bb-dialog: A simple wrapper library for working with dialog from Babashka
- carve: Remove unused Clojure vars
- chr: native commands history report for the default terminal users
- clj-kondo-bb: Invoke clj-kondo from babashka scripts!
- cljfmt: A tool for formatting Clojure code
- drepl: Node JS dependency-repl. The node repl you already know with easy library installations
- instaparse-bb: Wrapper library aroud pod-babashka-instaparse
- lein2deps: Lein project.clj to deps.edn converter
- neil: A CLI to add common aliases and features to deps.edn-based projects
- obsidian-babashka: Run Obsidian Clojure(Script) codeblocks in Babashka
- pod-babashka-buddy: A pod around buddy core (Cryptographic Api for Clojure)
- quickblog: Light-weight static blog engine for Clojure and babashka
- solenoid: A small clojure tool for making little control UIs while using the REPL!
- tools.bbuild: babashka version of
- weather: command line util for grabbing current weather for a city using OpenWeather API
- Releases: 1.0.168.
- How GraalVM Helped Create a Fast-Starting Scripting Environment for Clojure
- http-client: a new HTTP client library for babashka
- How to Do Things With Babashka by Paulus Esterhazy (2022-12)
- Using Babashka to Get Electricity Prices by Kari Marttila
- Adding prompts to your babashka scripts with dialog by A.C. Danvers
- Scraping an HTML dictionary with Babashka and Bootleg by exupero
- quickblog v0.1.0: Light-weight static blog engine for Clojure and babashka
- bb-excel: Read Excel Files in babashka scripts
- Get paginated list of issues from gitlab with clojure/babashka by Steffen Glückselig
- Install development builds:
bash <(curl --dev-build --dir /tmp
- JVM interop improvements in bb
- A little trick to have conditional code for babashka in a .clj file without resorting to .cljc reader conditionals
- Get Advent of Code input in babashka by Jan Seeger
- Grabbing current weather for a city using OpenWeather API by Dmitri Sotnikov
- Releases: 1.0.165 - 1.0.167.
- Registration for a Babashka workshop with Rahul De at ClojureStream is now open!
- Tutkain, a Sublime plugin for clojure based on socket REPL now with support for babashka
- Manage git hooks in babashka by Mykhaylo Bilyanskyy
- [Messing around with babashka](Messing around with Babashka) by Ian Muge
- A babashka one liner to inspect data in portal
- Using nREPL as a system interface by Dmitri Sotnikov
- deep-diff2 is now babashka-compatible!
- A script to normalize auto-resolved keywords
- Sum up page counts of books from Calibre library with babashka by Jan Seeger
- Tiny babashka script that returns a random clojure doc by Carnun Marcus-Page
- Releases: 1.0.164.
- bb-pod-racer: Speed up development of Babashka pods by Nate Jones
- Babashka tasks VSCode plugin by Ferdinand Beyer
- A PR to get Clerk working in babashka
- lein2deps: lein to deps.edn converter
- awyeah-api by Michael Glaesemann v0.8.41 is now available! aws-api for Babashka. Aw yeah!
- bbssh by Crispin Wellington, v0.2.0 released
- safely use rsync --archive --delete to backup a directory by Stel Abrego
- Releases: 0.9.162 - 0.10.163.
- Introducing bbin: a tool to install babashka scripts on your system by Radford Smith
- bbssh: Babashka pod for SSH support by Epic Castle
- Loom virtual threads are coming to babashka
- Tiny script to cycle through pulseaudio outputs (aka sinks) by Stel Abrego
- Tetris in the console via pod-babashka-lantera
- org-mode gets support for babashka
- docs for combining babashka process with promesa exoscale/interceptor became babashka-compatible!
- Tutkain, socket REPL Sublime plugin, gets better support for babashka
- babashka tweepy: kicking the tires on using the tweepy library from a babashka task by Dav Clark
- aoc helper by Josh Comer
- Dogfooding blambda part 5 by Josh Glover
- It's babashka's third birthday on August 9th 2022!
- etaoin, Pure Clojure Webdriver protocol implementation, is now babashka-compatible!
- xforms is now babashka-compatible!
- squint and cherry are CLJS-compilers that work with babashka!
- Releases: 0.8.157 - 0.9.161.
- Recursive document transformations with Pandoc and Clojure by Teodor Heggelund
- Babashka toolbox: A categorised directory of libraries and tools for Babashka
- Quickblog: Light-weight static blog engine for Clojure and babashka
- Win a babashka t-shirt by participating in this contest!
- AWS Lambda, now with first class parentheses by Ray McDermott (about nbb)
- bb-github-app: An example Babashka Script authenticating as a Github App and interacting with the Checks API
- Ruuter is a routing library which works very well with bb
- Blambda! by Josh Glover
- Files with the
extension are now correctly highlighted as Clojure code on Github! See this tweet. - Encode and decode files as kroki url diagrams, a gist by Henry Widd
- Customized bb builds with clj-nix: tweet
- Expose Clojure functions in the CLI with babashka and nix: tweet
- Meander is now compatible with bb: tweet
- Deleting AWS Glacier vaults with babashka by Tim Zöller
- Releases: 0.8.156.
- AWS wiki page
- blambda: Blambda! is a custom runtime for AWS Lambda that lets you write functions using Babashka
- Babashka CLI: turn Clojure functions into CLIs!
- Http-server: Serve static assets
- Deps-bundler: Bundle dependencies on a computer that has access to maven and clojars (PC-A) and bring these over to a computer with limited access (PC-L).
- Prismatic/schema and babashka are now compatible
- Logseq bb tasks: Reusable babashka tasks used by logseq team
- [Breakneck Babashka on K8s](Breakneck Babashka on K8s) by Heow Goodman
- Releases: 0.8.2.
- Etaoin moved to clj-commons and now works with babashka as well.
- Nix docs for babashka
- docs for babashka
- Babashka survey results
- Quickdoc: (Quick and minimal API doc generation for Clojure
- Awyeah-api - Cognitect's aws-api for babashka
- Releases: 0.8.0 - 0.8.1.
- Babashka and Clojure by Rahul Dé at North Virginia Linux Users Group
- Setup-Clojure Github action is now able to install babashka!
- Control Chrome via devtools using clj-chrome-devtools which runs with bb!
- Use pods directly in
: tweet
- Releases: 0.7.7 - 0.7.8.
- Create a password manager with Clojure using Babashka, sqlite, honeysql and stash by Daniel Amber
- Detecting inconsistent aliases in a clojure codebase by Oxalorg
- Clj-konmari by Oxalorg
- Logseq-query by Gabriel Horner (announcement tweet with video)
- The loom library is now compatible (tweet)
- The at-at library is now compatible
- Releases: 0.7.5 - 0.7.6.
- Spire is available as a babashka pod
- Babashka Clojure template on by Eccentric J
- Create a self-contained executable with caxa
- Cli-matic is now compatible due to this PR
- I, too, Wrote Myself a Static Site Generator by Daw-Ran Liou
- Staplegun: Single file clipboard-manager
- Bbb: make executable CLI tools from bb scripts
- Apptemplate: Application project template for Clojure featuring bb tasks
- Releases: 0.7.4.
- Babashka dev builds
- Writing Clojure-living-cookbooks by Cyprien Pannier
- HTMX Todo App
- Better linting for
- Unwordle: solver for wordle puzzles
- Using babashka with PHP by Michiel Borkent
- Releases: 0.6.8 - 0.7.3.
- Scripting with Babashka on Alfred by Wilker Lucio
- babashka/spec.alpha: a fork of spec.alpha that works with babashka.
- Several people are doing Advent of Code puzzles with babashka
- Compatibility with a fork of tools.namespace. This allows running the Cognitect test-runner (Cognitest) from source.
- bb-components: A script to find all the components that you should deploy your code to.
- Babashka workshop at JavaLand
- Install babashka dev builds
- Combine babashka and PHP
- System wide babashka tasks
- Run an http file server as a babashka task
- Releases: 0.6.5 - 0.6.7.
- Contajners: An idiomatic, data-driven, REPL friendly clojure client for OCI container engines.
- deps-modules: a clojure "tool" that attempts to solve one of the "multi module" project problems with tools.deps in a minimalistic way.
- Moldable Emacs: a Clojure Playground with Babashka
- aws pod 0.1.0
- tools.bbuild: a fork of that runs with babashka and tools-deps-native
- Making markdown-clj babashka compatible by Michiel Borkent
- radiale: radiale: home automation project written using #babashka and Python
- Writing a Clojure shell script with Babashka, a video by Max Weber
- makejack: A clojure CLI build tool, and build library which can run with babashka.
- I wrote myself a static site generator (in babashka) by Dominic Freeston.
- bipe: vipe for babashka
- Releases: 0.6.2-0.6.4.
- Babashka on the Thoughtworks Technology Radar
- ruuter is a routing library compatible with babashka.
- A list of companies using babashka
- Ilshat Sultanov shares his babashka tasks
- Slack the music, a babashka script to update your slack status with your current Apple Music track by Tim Zöller.
- Finding my inner Wes Anderson by Tim Zöller.
- Run a local babashka script in a remote server
- Replacing my Octopress blog with 200 lines of Babashka by Michiel Borkent
- The babashka wiki now has a GNU Emacs section
- Invoke babashka tasks in a monorepo
- Speeding up builds with fs/modified-since by Michiel Borkent
- New babashka 0.6.0 released. Highlight: support for
which enables running java-http-clj from source. The raw interop is the first part of a multi-stage plan to move all http related scripting
in favor of the other two solutions currently available inbb
. - rss-saver: Simple Clojure (Babashka) script that saves articles from RSS feeds.
- babashka-docker-action-example
- script to upgrade zig lang to the latest dev release
- Cursive adds support for babashka in 1.11.0
- How to filter tail output with babashka on StackOverflow
- Awesome Babashka: Parse & produce HTML and SQLite by Jakub Holy
- Neil: an installable babashka script to add common aliases and features to deps.edn-based projects.
- New babashka 0.5.1 released. Highlight: new
command for printing adeps.edn
map and classpath which includes all built-in deps. This can be used for editor tooling like Cursive and clojure-lsp, but also for migrating a babashka project to a Graal native-image project. - Babashka receives long term funding from Clojurists Together. Thanks!
- Babashka is 2 years old this month: the first commit was on 9 August 2019!
- nbb: babashka's Node.js cousin
- Cursive adds support for babashka in the latest EAP
- clojure-lsp adds support for babashka scripts
- bb guestbook by Scot Brown.
- bb htmx todo app by Michael Sahili.
- bb aws lambda runtime by Tatu Tarvainen.
- New babashka 0.5.0 released. Highlights:
added, source compatibility
. - Babashka tasks, talk by Michiel Borkent
- Rewriting a clojure file with rewrite-clj and babashka, video by Oxalorg
- Babashka tasks for PostgreSQL by Stel Abrego
- String interpolation with Selmer in bb
- Jirazzz: a babashka JIRA client by Randy Stauner
- Babashka + scittle guestbook by Kloimhardt
- Paillier cryptosystem by litteli
- csv-to-yaml.clj by Cora
- New babashka 0.4.4 - 0.4.5 released.
- Share your babashka creations on the Show and tell forum on Github.
- Integrating Babashka into Bazel by Tim Jäger
- Babashka + scittle guestbook example
- Slingshot works with babashka
- Spire gets a babashka pod
- Text to speech AWS example with scittle and babashka.
- Game of Life
- ob-babashka: Emacs org-babel functions for babashka.
- Normalize auto-resolved keywords
- Create PostgreSQL backups using babashka.
- Change flutter SDK using babashka.
- Babashka 0.3.7 - 0.4.3 released. Highlights:
- New task runner feature.
- Add Selmer to built-in libraries.
- Add compatibility with jasentaa.
- New website.
- Talk: Babashka: a native Clojure interpreter for scripting — The 2021 Graal Workshop at CGO
- Blog: Playing New Music On Old Car Stereo With Clojure And Babashka
- Homoiconicity and feature flags by Martin Klepsch.
- Manage your macOS setup using babashka.
- Localizing a Ghost theme by Martin Klepsch.
- Babashka SQL pods 0.0.8 including a MySQL pod
- Babashka 0.3.2 - 0.3.6 released. See Highlights:
- Add rewrite-clj.
- Support for the binf library.
- Sort requires and imports using rewrite-clj
- Babashka tasks proposal, available in babashka 0.3.5
- A new useful function in
: modified-since - Using babashka for animations
- rewrite-edn is now compatible with babashka
- Babashka 0.3.0 - 0.3.1 released. See Highlights: Raspberry Pi support, bb.edn, more flexible main invocation.
- Babashka shebang for Windows .bat files
- Datalevin now works as a babashka pod
- Babashka sql pods update
- JPoint is going to have a talk on babashka
- A
python -m http.server
replacement in babashka - A PR to make
compatible with babashka - The stuartsierra/component library seems to work with babashka
- pathom3 works with babashka!
- VPN Connect script
- Github code search script
- Babashka 0.2.9 - 0.2.12 released
- babashka.fs: utility library for dealing with files (based on java.nio). Bundled with bb 0.2.9.
- New Youtube channel with babashka related videos
- MS SQL support for the babashka sql pods
- Clojure like its PHP: run babashka scripts as CGI scripts
- Automating Video Edits with Clojure and ffmpeg by Adam James
- Gaka, a CSS-generating library that works with babashka.
- Deploy babashka script to AWS Lambda by Dainius Jocas.
- Elisp and cider commands to spawn a babashka repl and connect to it
- klein, a lein imitation script built on deps.edn
- failjure works with babashka.
- A script to solve our mono-repo problem with deps.edn at work.
- Single-script vega-lite plotter
- Find vars with the clj-kondo pod. Also see video.
- Another setup babashka Github action
- AWS Lambda + babashka + minimal container image
- football script
- ffclj: Clojure ffmpeg wrapper
- clj-lineart: Generative line art from a clojure-cgi script
- bunpack: remembers how to unpack things, so you don't have to
- A script to download deps for all
- Babashka 0.2.8 released. This includes new libraries: hiccup, core.match and clojure.test.check.
- On 27th of February, Michiel (a.k.a. @borkdude) will do a talk about babashka at the 2021 GraalVM workshop.
- First release of the aws pod.
- A script to print API breakage warnings.
- A script to lazily page through AWS results using the new aws pod.
- Environ works with babashka.
- Expound now works with spartan.spec
- A basic logger that works in babashka scripts
- A basic router based on core.match
- A minimal Github GraphQL client
- New developments around babashka on Raspberry Pi
- A new babashka talk: Babashka and sci internals. Also see slides and REPL session.
- Babashka 0.2.6 released. See release notes.
- Babashka 0.2.5 released. See release notes.
- First release of the sqlite pod
- First release of the buddy pod
- The data from the babashka survey is now available here. I have provided a summary here.
- Blog article: exporter for by Eugen Stan
- weavejester/progrock is a babashka-compatible library for printing progress bars.
- A maze animation babashka script by mmz
- Babashka survey. Feedback will be used for future development.
- Babashka 0.2.4 released. See release notes.
- are building their static HTML with babashka and bootleg.
- sha-words: A clojure program to turn a sha hash into list of nouns in a predictable jar.
- Stash: a CLI for encrypted text storage written in Haskell, accessible as pod from babashka and Python!
- NextJournal released a babashka notebook environment.
- Interdep manages interdependent dependencies using Clojure's tools.deps and babashka.
- LA Clojure Meetup presentation by Nate Jones. Recorded in April 2020.
- Github action for babashka by Nicolas Ha.
- Oracle DB feature flag by Jakub Holy added.
- Torrent viewer gist by Aleksandr Zhuravlёv.
- Clone all repositories from a Gitlab group: gist by Steffen Glückselig.
- Matchete, a pattern matching library, works with babashka. See example.
- Babashka 0.2.3 released. See release notes.
- Malcolm Sparks posted a script that sorts his photo collection.
- Image viewer example
- SQL Server pod by Isak Sky
- SSH Auth Github by NextJournal.
- pod-tzzh-mail: a pod to send mail.
- NextJournal replaces bash with a babashka script
- Babashka 0.2.1 and 0.2.2 released.
- Code Quality report for Clojure projects in Gitlab using babashka and clj-kondo. See gist. By Hans Bugge.
- pod-tzzh-aws: a pod to interact with AWS.
- spotifyd-notification by David Harrigan.
- Blake Miller published
- babashka-clojure Github action.
- testdoc works with babashka.
- babashka-test-action
- New release of tabl which also can be used as a pod from babashka.
- Babashka 0.1.3 and 0.1.2 released.
- New release of brisk, a CLI around nippy which can be used as a pod from babashka.
- passphrase.clj script by Snorre Magnus Davøen