An interactive music theory dashboard for guitarists.
The aim is to provide a graphical representation of music theory elements (scales, modes, chords etc) mapped to a guitar fretboard.
Guitar Dashboard is written in Typescript using VS Code. Make all code changes in the src/*.ts files. Compilation outputs to the docs folder, do not edit the *.js or * files in this directory. They are included in the source repository because the website is hosted in GitHub pages which does not support Typescript compilation.
- Clone or fork-and-clone this repository.
- File -> Open folder at the root directory of the cloned repository.
- To develop locally using lite-server:
- npm install
- npm start
- Browse to http://localhost:10001/
- Edit the src/*.ts, index.html and gtr-cof.css files.
- Commit, push to GitHub and create a pull request :)