Live theme preview available at
This is a theme for Octopress. Inspired by Medium and FoxSlide and leveraging the latest Bootstrap, and is a very clean, focused, and unique theme.
$ cd yourOctopress
$ git submodule add .themes/MediumFox
$ git submodule update --init
$ rake install['MediumFox'] # for zsh, use: rake install\['MediumFox'\]
$ rake generate
$ cd yourOctopress
$ git submodule update
$ rake generate
# regenerate, make changes, etc...
$ cd yourOctopress
$ git clone .themes/MediumFox
$ rake install['MediumFox'] # for zsh, use: rake install\['MediumFox'\]
$ rake generate
You can change the main intro hero, the following landing row, and footer in the following locations;
hero: source/_includes/custom/hero.html
landing row: source/_includes/custom/home_landing_row.html
footer: source/_includes/custom/footer.html
You can change the background image used behind the hero by replacing the image in source/images/background.jpg
I highly recommend using excerpts of your posts, this will allow your short excerpt to be used on your index page instead of including the entire post (unless that's what you want).
To create an excerpt for your posts add <!--more-->
in the actual markup for your posts. Anything before this tag will be used as the excerpt for said post.
This is a first draft and can definitely be improved on. Pull requests are very much welcomed and desired!
This is the theme currently powering the site at