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File metadata and controls

92 lines (73 loc) · 3.12 KB


A text-based timesheet parser
...because who has time to open Excel?

This application is intended for use by contractors to track their hours in the simplest, most programmer-friendly way possible; a human-friendly, computer-parseable text file format, one file per contract.

A typical week's entry might look like this:

client_name: SuperCoolStartup LLC
2015-11-30  .25 # kickoff email
2015-12-01  10:45a-4:45p # began work on the website
---- # first week, woo!
2015-12-02  8:50a-10a, 12:15p-5:45p, 7:45p-9:30p # built testing fraamework
2015-12-03  10:09p-10:50p # respond to analysis document
2015-12-04  .50, 1:30p-2p, 3:20p-5:20p, 9:40-10:30

Some things to note:

  • All timesheets begin with Jekyll-style "front matter" to configure invoice-specific settings.
  • ---- tells the parser you want to summarize hours at this point.
  • ==== tells the parser you want to invoice at this point, chronologically.
  • Anything after a # is simply kept as a comment.

ts will parse and canonicalize this into:

client_name: SuperCoolStartup LLC

2015-11-30    .25 # kickoff email
2015-12-01      6 10:45a-4:45p(6) # began work on the website
----------   6.25 (6.25 uninvoiced) # first week, woo!
2015-12-02   8.42 8:50a-10a(1.17), 12:15p-5:45p(5.50), 7:45p-9:30p(1.75) # built testing fraamework
2015-12-03    .68 10:09p-10:50p(.68) # respond to analysis document
2015-12-04   3.83 .50, 1:30p-2p(.50), 3:20p-5:20p(2), 9:40p-10:30p(.83) 
==========  19.18 (26.68 since invoice)

Global Configuration

User default configuration settings can go in ~/.tsconfig.yml (%USERPROFILE%.tsconfig.yml on Windows).

For instance:

  - 'Scott Stafford'
  - '1212 Mockingbird Lane'
  - 'Washington, DC  20016'
  - ''
  - 'Email: [email protected]'
  - 'Please pay via bank transfer or check. All payments should be made in USD.'
  - 'Bank information for wire/direct deposit: My Bank, ABA/Routing: xxx, Acct#: yyy'
  - 'Make checks payable to XXX YYY'
invoice_filename_template: invoice-myname-{invoice_code}.pdf

# Here are some more.  These are the defaults, below, but uncomment if you want to change them.
# invoice_marker: ====
# invoice_on: marker
# invoice_template: ==========       {hours_this_week} ({hours_since_invoice} since invoice)
# prefix: ''
# summary_marker: '----'
# summary_on: marker
# verbose: 0
# weekly_summary_template: '----------       {hours_this_week} ({hours_since_invoice} uninvoiced)'

Generating Invoices

To generate a PDF invoice, include an invoice marker in the file where you want it and then use the -i/--invoice option. It will write one PDF for every invoice_marker (==== by default) it finds, and include the comment in the invoice. For example:

====  # MYCLIENT001, This invoice covers everything through Jan 31, 2016.

A file (using the invoice_filename_template setting) will be generated. The template supports {invoice_code}, which comes from the ==== comment before the first comma.
