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Fusion Overview

What is "Real-time User Interface"?

It is the UI displaying always up-to-date content, which gets updated even if user doesn't take actions.

Let's look at seemingly unrelated problem first: caching with real-time entry invalidation. A pseudo-code solving this problem for a specific computation would look as follows:

var key = (nameof(ComputeValueFor), arg1, arg2, arg3, ...);
for (;;) {
    var observableValue = await ComputeAsync(arg1, arg2, arg2, ...);
    await cache.SetAsync(key, observableValue.Value);
    await observableValue.ChangedAsync();
    await cache.Evict(key);

Now, think observableValue is either HTML or some other markup defining either a whole UI or its fragment. If it is similarly capable of signaling when it gets changed (or when it likely gets changed), your real-time UI update logic could look as follows:

for (;;) {
    var observableMarkup = await ComputeMarkupAsync(arg1, arg2, arg2, ...);
    await observableValue.ChangedAsync();

There is a broad range of problems which could be solved nicely with an abstraction allowing you to write functions, which, like async functions, return a wrapper over their true output that later signals when the output (for the same set of arguments) is going to change.

So if we compare this with async functions, the difference is:

  • Async function returns Task<T>, which allows to asynchronously await for the completion of a computation - in other words, subscribe for ~ Completed event. Once you've got this event, you can access task's Result and Exception properties.
  • Our new functions should return IComputed<T>, which similarly allows to access Value and Error (and you don't have to await to get these), but also allows to asynchronously await for the moment when call to the same function would produce IComputed<T>, which (Value, Error) pair would differ from the ones you have.

Ultimately, this is exactly what Fusion brings - an abstraction for IComputed<T> and a way to write functions returning these [Computed Values].

Surprisingly, Fusion doesn't require you to both "wrap" and "unwrap" these IComputed<T> "boxes" everywhere - soon you'll learn that methods of Compute Services are implicitly "backed" by IComputed<T> boxes behind the scenes, even though their return type stays the same. It looks like a violation of "explicit is better than implicit" principle, but hopefully you'll recognize is exactly the case when an exception just proves the rule is right, because it's all about the readability:

  • Nearly all Compute Service methods are supposed to be asynchronous, and seeing Task<IComputed<Whatever>> instead of Task<Whatever> everywhere is already painful.
  • But unwrapping such outputs with var value = (await GetSomethingAsync(...).ConfigureAwait(false)).Value is even more painful, assuming you usually have more than one call site for every method you write.

And even more importantly, Fusion also automatically tracks dependencies between [Computed Values] produced by Compute Services, so once any of them gets invalidated, it ensures all of the values dependent on it are invalidated too. This feature saves a tremendous amount of time, because in fact, Fusion requires you to manually invalidate just the values produced from external (non Fusion-based) data sources; the rest gets invalidated automatically.

But before we dig deeper, let's learn how all of this is related to eventual consistency - more precisely, how this approach dramatically improves the most important property of any eventually consistent system.

Caching, Invalidation, and Eventual Consistency

Quick recap of what consistency and caching is:

  1. "Consistency" is the state when the values observed satisfy the relation rules defined for them. Relations are defined as a set of predicates (or assertions) about the values, but the most common relation is x == fn(a, b), i.e. it says x is always an output of some function fn applied to (a, b). In other words, it's a functional relation.

  2. Consistency can be partial - e.g. you can say that triplet (x, a, b) is in consistent state for all the relations defined for it, but it's not true for some other values and/or relations. In short, "consistency" always implies some scope of it, and this scope can be as narrow as a single value or a consistency rule.

  3. Consistency can be eventual - this is a fancy way of saying that if you'll leave the system "untouched" (i.e. won't introduce new changes), eventually (i.e. at some point in future) you will find it in a consistent state.

  4. Any non-malfunctioning system is at least eventually consistent. Being worse than eventually consistent is almost exactly the same as "being prone to a failure you won't recover from - ever".

  5. "Caching" is just a fancy way of saying "we store the results of computations somewhere and reuse them without running the actual computation again".

    • Typically "caching" implies use of high-performance key-value stores with some built-in invalidation policies (LRU, timer-based expiration, etc.), but...
    • If we define "caching" broadly, even storing the data in CPU register is an example of caching. Further I'll be using "caching" mostly in this sense, i.e. implying it is a "reuse of previously stored computation results w/o running a computation again".

Now, let's say we have two systems, A and B, and both are eventually consistent. Are they equally good for developers? No. The biggest differentiating factor between eventually consistent systems is the probability of finding them in consistent (or inconsistent) state. You can also define this as ~ an expected length of inconsistency period for a random transaction that follow the update - in other words, the duration of a period after a random update during which a random user of this system might get some data that captures the inconsistency.

  • If this period is tiny, such a system is quite similar to always-consistent one. Most of the reads there are consistent, so you as a developer can optimistically ignore the inconsistencies on reads and check for them only when you apply the updates.
  • On contrary, large inconsistency periods are quite painful - you have to take them into account everywhere, including the code that reads the data.

"Tiny" and "large inconsistency periods" above are a relative term – all you care about is the percent of transactions that capture the inconsistency. So if the users of your app are humans, "tiny" is ~ a millisecond or so, but if you build an API for robots (trading, etc.), "tiny" might be a sub-microsecond.

Long story short, we want tiny inconsistency periods. But wait... If we look at what most caches offer, there are just two ways of controlling this:

  • Setting entry expiration time
  • Evicting the entry manually.

The first option is easy to code, but has a huge trade-off:

  • Tiny expiration time gives you smaller inconsistency periods, but simultaneously, it decreases your cache hit rate.
  • And on contrary, large expiration time can give you a good cache hit ratio, but much longer inconsistency periods might turn into a huge pain.

So here is the solution plan:

  • Assuming we care only about x == f(...)-style consistency rules, we need something that will tell us when the output of a certain function changes – as quickly as possible.
  • If we have this piece, we can solve both problems:
    • Cache inconsistency
    • Real-time UI updates.

The Implementation

Detecting changes precisely is ~ as expensive as computing the function itself. But if we are ok with a small % of false positives, we can assume that function's output always changes once its input changes. It's ~ similar to an assumption every function is a random oracle, or a perfect hash function.

Once we agreed on this, the problem of detecting changes gets much simpler: we only need to figure out what are all the inputs of every function. Note that arguments is just one part of the input, another one is anything that's "consumed" from external state - e.g. static variables or other functions.

I'll explain how we'll use this convention shortly, but for now let's also think of the API we need to get change notifications for anything we compute.

Let's say this is the "original" function's code we have:

DateTime GetCurrentTimeWithOffset(TimeSpan offset) {
    var time = GetCurrentTime()
    return time + offset;

As you see, this function uses both the argument and the external state (GetCurrentTime()) to produce the output. So first, we want to make it return something that allows us to get a notification once its output is invalidated:

IComputed<DateTime> GetCurrentTimeWithOffset(TimeSpan offset) {
    var time = GetCurrentTime()
    return Computed.New(time + offset); // Notice we return a different type now!

IComputed<T> we return here is defined as:

interface IComputed<T> {
    ConsistencyState ConsistencyState { get; } // Computing -> Consistent -> Invalidated
    T Value { get; }
    Action Invalidated; // Event, triggered just once on invalidation

    void Invalidate();

Nice. Now, as you see, this method returns a different (in fact, a new) instance of IComputed<T> for different arguments, so this part of the function's input is always constant relatively to its output. The only thing that may change the output (for a given set of arguments) is the output of GetCurrentTime().

But what if we assume this function also supports our API, i.e. it has the following signature:

IComputed<DateTime> GetCurrentTime();

If that's the case, the working version of GetCurrentTimeWithOffset() could be:

IComputed<DateTime> GetCurrentTimeWithOffset(TimeSpan offset) {
    var cTime = GetCurrentTime()
    var result = Computed.New(cTime.Value + offset);
    cTime.Invalidated += () => result.Invalidate();
    return result;

If you ever used Knockout.js or MobX, this is almost exactly the code you write there when you want to create a computed observable that uses some other observable – except the fact you don't have to manually subscribe on dependency's invalidation (this happens automatically).

As you see, now any output of GetCurrentTimeWithOffset() is automatically invalidated once the output of GetCurrentTime() gets invalidated, so we fully solved the invalidation problem for GetCurrentTimeWithOffset()!

But what's going to invalidate the output of GetCurrentTime()? Actually, there are just two options:

  1. Either this function's output is invalidated the same way GetCurrentTimeWithOffset() output is invalidated - i.e. it similarly subscribes to the invalidation events of all of its dependencies and invalidates itself once any of them signals.
  2. Or there is some other code that invalidates it "manually". This is always the case when one of values it consumes don't support IComputed<T>.

Let's ignore functions from the second category for now. Can we turn every regular function from the first category to a function that returns IComputed without even changing its code? Yes:

// The original code in TimeService class
virtual DateTime GetCurrentTimeWithOffset(TimeSpan offset) {
    var time = GetCurrentTime()
    return time + offset;

// ...

// The "decorated" version of this function generated in a 
// descendant of TimeService class:                     
override DateTime GetCurrentTimeWithOffset(TimeSpan offset) {
    // Below is a GROSS SIMPLIFICATION of what really happens, I
    // provide it here mainly to explain all the high-level actions
    var dependant = Computed.GetCurrent(); // Relies on AsyncLocal<T>
    try {
        // 1. Trying to pull cached value w/o locking;
        //    the real cacheKey is, of course, more complex.
        var cacheKey = (object) (this, nameof(GetCurrentTimeWithOffset), offset);
        if (ComputedRegistry.TryGet(cacheKey, out var result))
            return result;
        // 2. Retrying the same with async lock to make sure 
        //    we never recompute the same result twice
        using var _ = await LockAsync(cacheKey);
        if (ComputedRegistry.TryGet(cacheKey, out result))
            return result;

        // 3. Nothing is cached, so we have to compute the result
        result = Computed.New();
        using var _ = Computed.SetCurrent(result);
        try {
        catch (Exception e) {
        ComputedRegistry.Set(cacheKey, result);
        return result.Value; // Re-throws an error if SetError was called 
    finally {
        // Let's setup a dependent-dependency link; again,
        // the real logic is very different from this.
        if (dependant != null)
            result.Invalidated += () => dependant.Invalidate();

As you see, the only change I've made to the original was "virtual" keyword to allow proxy type to override this method and implement the desirable behavior without changing the base method's body.

For the sake of clarity: the real Fusion proxy code is way more complex due to the following factors:

  • The caching logic (esp. related to key computation & comparison) is more complex
  • It uses a different invalidation subscription model. The one shown above isn't GC-friendly: dependency.Invalidated handler references a closure that references dependent instance, so while some low-level dependency is alive (reachable from GC roots), its whole subtree of dependants stays in heap too, which is obviously quite bad.
  • There are a few other pieces needed for a complete solution to work - e.g. manual invalidation, faster and customizable equality comparison for method arguments (they have to be compared with what's in cache), CancellationToken handling, ...

But overall, it's a very similar code on conceptual level.

Let's get back to the second part now - the methods that don't call other methods returning IComputed<T> and thus getting no invalidation automatically. How do we invalidate them?

Well, we'll have to do this manually. On a positive side, think about the logic in a real-life app:

  • 80% of it is high-level logic - in particular, anything you have on the client-side and most of the server-side calls something else in the same app to get the data. In particular, most of controller and service layer is such a logic.
  • Maybe just 20% of logic pulls the data by invoking some third-party code or API (e.g. queries SQL data providers). This is the code that has to support manual invalidation.

Shortly you'll learn it's not that hard to cover these 20% of cases. But first, let's look at some...

Real Fusion Code

That's how real Fusion-based code of GetTimeWithOffsetAsync looks like:

public class TimeService

    public virtual async Task<DateTime> GetTimeWithOffsetAsync(TimeSpan offset)
        var time = await GetTimeAsync(); // Yes, it supports async calls too
        return time + offset;

As you see, it's almost exactly the code you saw, but with a single difference:

  • The method is decorated with [ComputeMethod] - the attribute is required mainly to enable some safety checks, though it also allows to configure the options for IComputed<T> instances backing this method.

In any other sense it works nearly as it was described earlier.

Let's get back to manual invalidation. The code below is taken from ChatService.cs in Fusion samples; everything related to CancellationToken and all .ConfigureAwait(false) calls are removed for readability (that's ~ the same boilerplate code as in any other .NET async logic), but the rest is untouched.

// Notice this is a regular method, not a compute service method
public async Task<ChatUser> CreateUserAsync(string name)
    // The real-life code should do this a bit differently
    using var dbContext = CreateDbContext();

    // That's the code you'd see normally here
    var userEntry = dbContext.Users.Add(new ChatUser() {
        Name = name
    await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
    var user = userEntry.Entity;

    // And that's the extra logic performing invalidations
    Computed.Invalidate(() => GetUserAsync(user.Id));
    Computed.Invalidate(() => GetUserCountAsync());
    return user;

As you see, it's fairly simple - you use Computed.Invalidate(...) to capture and invalidate the result of another compute service method.

I guess you anticipate there are some cases when it's hard to precisely pinpoint what to invalidate. Yes, there are, and here is a bit trickier example:

// The code from ChatService.cs from Stl.Samples.Blazor.Server.
public virtual async Task<ChatPage> GetChatTailAsync(int length)
    using var dbContext = GetDbContext();

    // The same code as usual
    var messages = dbContext.Messages.OrderByDescending(m => m.Id).Take(length).ToList();
    // Notice we fetch users in parallel by calling GetUserAsync(...) 
    // instead of using a single query with left outer join in SQL? 
    // Seems sub-optiomal, right?
    var users = await Task.WhenAll(messages
        .DistinctBy(m => m.UserId)
        .Select(m => GetUserAsync(m.UserId, cancellationToken)));
    var userById = users.ToDictionary(u => u.Id);

    await EveryChatTail(); // <- Notice this line
    return new ChatPage(messages, userById);

protected virtual async Task<Unit> EveryChatTail() => default;

Q: What's the problem here?

A: GetChatTailAsync(...) has length argument, so let's say we write AddMessageAsync method - how it supposed to find every chat tail to invalidate, assuming different clients were calling this method with different length values?

Q: Why fetching users in parallel is ok here?

A: GetUserAsync() is also a compute service method, which means its results are cached. So in a real-life chat app these calls aren't expected to be resolved via DB - most of these users should be already cached, which means these calls won't hit the DB and will complete synchronously.

The second reason to call GetUserAsync() is to make the resulting chat page dependent on all the users listed there. This is the reason you instantly see the change of any user name in chat sample: when the name changes, it invalidates corresponding GetUserAsync() call result, which in turn invalidates every chat page where this user was used.

Q: Why do you call EveryChatTail(), which clearly does nothing?

A: This call is made solely to make any chat tail page dependent on it. If you look for usages of EveryChatTail(), you'll find another one:

public async Task<ChatMessage> AddMessageAsync(long userId, string text)
    using var dbContext = CreateDbContext();
    // Again, this absolutely usual code
    await GetUserAsync(userId, cancellationToken); // Let's make sure the user exists
    var messageEntry = dbContext.Messages.Add(new ChatMessage() {
        CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow,
        UserId = userId,
        Text = text,
    await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);
    var message = messageEntry.Entity;

    // And that's the extra invalidation logic:
    Computed.Invalidate(EveryChatTail); // <-- Pay attention to this line
    return message;

So as you see, we create a dependency on fake data source here – EveryChatTail(), and invalidate this fake data source to invalidate every chat tail independently on its length.

You can use the same trick to invalidate data in much more complex cases – note that you can introduce parameters to such methods too, call many of them, make them call themselves recursively with more "broad" scope, etc.

Ok, now you know that manual invalidation typically requires ~ 1...3 extra lines of code per every method modifying the data, and zero (typically) extra lines of code per every method reading the data. Not a lot, but still, do you want to pay this price to have a real-time UI?

Of course the answer is "it depends", but the extra cost clearly doesn't look prohibitively high. If you need a real-time UI anyway, or a robust caching tier with real-time invalidation, the approach shown here might be the best option.

If we switch to Fusion terms, you've just learned about:

  • Compute Services - services allowed to have Compute Methods. Such methods are decorated with [ComputeMethod] attribute and are provided with ...
  • [`IComputed] AKA [Computed Values] behind the scenes.

There are a few more interesting concepts though, and Replica Services is the next important one:

Distributed Compute Services

First, notice that nothing prevents us from crafting this "kind" of IComputed<T>:

public class ReplicaComputed<T> : IComputed<T> {
    ConsistencyState ConsistencyState { get; } // Computing -> Consistent -> Invalidated
    T Value { get; }
    Action Invalidated;
    public ReplicaComputed<T>(IComputed<T> source) {
        Value = source.Value;
        ConsistencyState = source.ConsistencyState;
        source.Invalidated += () => Invalidate();

    public void Invalidate() { ... }

As you see, it does nothing but "replicates" the source's behavior. Doesn't seem quite useful, right? But what about remote replicas? What if we implement something allowing to publish a computed instance on server side, which will let clients to create its remote replicas, and these remote replicas will support all the same operations - e.g. you could subscribe to their invalidation events or request an update?

Long story short, such type really exists in Fusion, and it works nearly as I described. Speaking about the updates - let's add one more useful method to our IComputed<T>:

interface IComputed<T> {
    ConsistencyState ConsistencyState { get; }
    T Value { get; }
    Action Invalidated; 
    void Invalidate();
    Task<IComputed<T>> UpdateAsync(); // THIS ONE

UpdateAsync allows us to get the most up-to-date IComputed<T> that corresponds to the same computation. If the current IComputed is still consistent, it will simply return itself, otherwise it will trigger the computation again and produce the new IComputed<T> storing its most current output - or maybe will just fetch it from cache, if it was already produced by the time we call UpdateAsync.

If remote replicas support UpdateAsync too, remote clients are free to update any currently inconsistent value they consume at any time!

Now, can we make it work so that you don't even see the process boundary, and don't bother about whether you consume a replica or a real computed instance? Can we make client-side code to look identical to server-side code?

As you might guess, YES again!

Fusion provides a fancy base type for your ASP.NET Core API controllers: FusionController. This controller currently provides a single extra method, and here its complete source code:

protected virtual Task<T> PublishAsync<T>(Func<CancellationToken, Task<T>> producer)
    var cancellationToken = HttpContext.RequestAborted;
    var headers = HttpContext.Request.Headers;
    var mustPublish = headers.TryGetValue(FusionHeaders.RequestPublication, out var _);
    if (!mustPublish)
        return producer.Invoke(cancellationToken);
    return Publisher
        .PublishAsync(producer, cancellationToken)
        .ContinueWith(task => {
            var publication = task.Result;
            return publication.State.Computed.Value;
        }, cancellationToken);

This is how you use it:

public class TimeController : FusionController, ITimeService
    TimeService Time { get; }

    public Task<DateTime> GetTimeAsync() 
        => PublishAsync(ct => Time.GetTimeAsync(ct)); // LOOK AT THIS LINE

That's all you need to get an IComputed<T> created by Time.GetTimeAsync() published!

If you look at PublishAsync code above, you'll notice it checks if the request has RequestPublication header (it's actual value is "X-Fusion-Publish"), and:

  • If this header presents, it runs a producer and does some extra to publish its output
  • Otherwise it simply returns the value produced.

All of this means that if you write your controllers like this, you get both a "normal" server-side API, and an API that supports Fusion publication mechanism almost for free!

The proof: if you open Fusion samples and go to http://localhost:5005/swagger/ page, you'll see this:

You can launch any of these methods right there, of course.

And if you check out what happens on networking tab, here is what you'll see for Chat sample:

Notice that:

  • Every get* API method is called just once (for a given set of arguments) - one API call is enough to create a client-side replica of server-side computed instance that was created behind the scenes for this call.
  • The updates to this replica are coming via WebSocket connection shown first.

And here are the headers of such API requests:

You might be curious, how client-side code consuming Fusion API looks like. Here is nearly all client-side code (except view) that powers "Server Screen" sample:

  1. This interface is literally all you need to "consume" the API endpoint providing computed replicas behind the scenes! Fusion uses RestEase to generate the actual HTTP client implementing this interface in runtime and "wraps" it once more to intercept everything related to its replicas.

    // typeof(ITimeService) on the next line tells the type Fusion exposes it as
    public interface ITimeClient : IRestEaseReplicaClient
        Task<DateTime> GetTimeAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
  2. And this is auto-updating UI component using this service:

    @page "/serverTime"
    @using System.Threading
    @inherits LiveComponentBase<DateTime>
    @inject ITimeService TimeService
        var time = State.LastValue.Format();
        var error = State.Error;
    <h1>Server Time</h1>
    <p>Server Time: @time</p>
    @if (error != null) {
        <div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
            Update error: @error.Message
    <button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="() => State.Invalidate(true)">Refresh</button>
    @code {
        protected override Task<DateTime> ComputeStateAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            => TimeService.GetTimeAsync(cancellationToken);

This component inherits from LiveComponentBase<T>, which ensures it has State property (a Live State) and all the logic needed to recompute it once it changes; here you can read more about this.

The feature allowing to replicate Compute Service on the client is called Replica Services. Do such services differ from compute services? Yes and no:

  • Yes, because they are implemented automatically
  • No, because they behave almost exactly as a Compute Service they mimic, so in particular, you can "consume" the values they produce in other Compute Services, and all the invalidation chains will just work.

"Composition" sample (shown in a bottom-right window) proves exactly this. It "composes" its own model by two different ways:

  • First panel's UI model is composed on the server-side; its client-side replica is bound to the component displaying the panel
  • The second panel uses an UI model composed completely on the client by combining server-side replicas of all the values used there.
  • The surprising part: two above files are almost identical!

That's why Fusion is a nearly...

Transparent Abstraction

Likely, you already spotted that you almost never have to deal with IComputed<T> directly:

  • You never see it as a part of the API
  • You never see it in a remote client
  • And even the web API based on Fusion looks like a regular one!
  • Nevertheless, it's there and it works!

In this sense, Fusion is quite similar to Garbage Collection - a much more famous transparent abstraction all of us love.

Stay focused, that's the last topic here :)

Fusion And Other Technologies

SignalR, Pusher, etc.

Technically, you don't need SignalR or anything similar with Fusion:

  • Yes, they are capable to push messages to the clients
  • And although Fusion currently "pushes" just one type of message - "the original computed instance for your replica is invalidated", this is more than enough to have the rest, since the subsequent update (or even another API call) can bring all the data needed.

You may think of this as follows:

  • Usually the messages we send combine two pieces of information: "the state has changed" + "that's how exactly it changed".
  • Fusion is an abstraction designed to track state changes; and although it sends just the first kind of message ("state changed"), getting the actual change once you get this notification is a cheap operation, because Fusion also ensures everything is computed just once after the change.

Here is an example of API endpoints that could be used to implement messaging:

Task<int> GetLastMessageIndexAsync(string userId);
Task<Message[]> GetLastMessagesAsync(string userId, int count);

Notice that such a solution is even better than something like a server-side broadcast in SignalR (Clients.All.* calls), because if you persist these messages, they'll be still reliably delivered after a temporary disconnection of a client and even a server restart – Fusion reconnects automatically and transparently for replicas, and once this happens, all the client-side replicas query its most current state.

Besides that, you don't have to think of concepts like "topics" or "subscriptions" - whatever you consume from a client automatically gets the updates, and if it's something shared among multiple clients, you may thing of this as a "topic".

Of course I don't mean SignalR is absolutely useless with Fusion - there are scenarios where you could still benefit from it - e.g. if you really want to deliver the update as quickly as possible, SignalR could be a better choice: currently there is no way to tell Fusion to push the update together with invalidation message, so any update requires a explicit round-trip after the invalidation. Later you will learn why this is behavior is actually quite reasonable, but nevertheless, there are cases when this could be a deal breaker. We consider addressing this particular scenario in future, but even if this is done, there always be other cases and reasons to prefer X over Fusion. It can't be a silver bullet, even though it tries really hard to be the one :)

P.S. Check out "How similar is Fusion to SignalR?" if you want to learn more about the similarities and differences.

Fusion + Blazor = ❤

Why every single piece of a client-side code shown here is supposed to run on Blazor?

Fusion is just 5 months old project (that's on Oct 1, 2020). In human terms she shouldn't even start to crawl yet :) And so far it's a one-man creation - more an MVP vs a finished product. As you might guess, 3 months for all of this + samples, documentation, and even the first real implementation (yep, we already have one!) is a very tight timeline.

Adding a fully-featured JavaScript client to this "pack" would expand the timeline by at least 1 month assuming we build it relying on MobX, i.e. don't even try to replicate the fancy "Transparent abstraction" concept we have on server.

This is the original reason I ditched the idea of even trying to implement a JavaScript client and bet on Blazor.

Though you're welcome to try doing this - and I'll be happy to help!

And that's how I learned Blazor is absolutely amazing! I am talking about the client-side Blazor, i.e. its WebAssembly part, though I am absolutely sure server-side Blazor isn't any worse, it just wasn't the right fit for what I tried to accomplish, so I didn't play with it yet.

Let me list a few things about Blazor that impressed me the most:

  • Its UI component model is a copycat of React tuned for .NET world. If you know React, you'll learn Blazor quite quickly - basically, there is 1-1 mapping for almost any concept you know.
  • React-style component model is conceptually the best option available for UIs nowadays.
  • Blazor is extremely compatible with netstandard2.1 targets. For example, I totally didn't expect that a code like this is going to run on Blazor without any modifications. For the sake of clarity, it compiles a runtime-generated lambda expression that doesn't even pass validation if constructed as usual, because it writes a private readonly field of TaskCompletionSource.
  • I started to work with it while it was still in preview. No bugs or weird issues spotted - neither before the release nor after.
  • Yes, the speed isn't on par with .NET Core - not on par at all, because currently the MSIL is interpreted there rather than JITted. But:
    • So far it even this level of performance was more than enough for me - and this is impressive, taking into account the amount of logic running on Fusion client (it's ~ exactly the same logic that is running on server, i.e. all these runtime-generated proxies, argument capturing, caching, etc.)
    • The option to use Server-Side Blazor is super valuable as well - likely, this is going to be the primary option for the next year. And do you know that Fusion allows you to target both modes with just a tiny bit of extra work? Check out its Blazor samples, the index page allows you to switch between these two modes.
    • Finally, AOT compilation for Blazor is expected somewhere in ~ 1 year timeframe, which should make Blazor WebAssembly much more attractive.

Besides that, I think Blazor is a very good long-term bet - especially for the companies running their server-side code on .NET Core (or .NET).

  • WASM is young, and it is improving pretty rapidly - e.g. recently it got threads. You won't get threads in JavaScript - ever (workers don't count - they are much more like processes rather than threads). And even this single thing can make 20x performance difference in a world where 20+ core CPUs are getting mainstream.
  • JavaScript nowadays is more a VM rather than a real language you want to use. The real language you use is either TypeScript or one of its brothers designed to address all the painful problems of JavaScript. And it becomes more and more pointless to compile something to JavaScript assuming you can also compile it to WebAssembly. So why do you even want to bet on a tech like TypeScript, if the long-term future of a codebase written on it is actually under big question? I.e. not that it won't work, but what's the point to delay switching to something else assuming its not going to be the best choice in future?

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