- Introduction to MongoDB
- Getting Started MongoDB
- BSON Types
- How to integrate MongoDB with C#
- MongoDb Architecture
- ASP.NET Core - MongoDB Repository Pattern & Unit Of Work
- MongoDB Transactions in .NET Applications
- Dealing with Eventual Consistency and Idempotency in MongoDB projections
- MongoDB Shell or Compass query with a GUID
- Introducing the MongoDB Analyzer for .NET
- Getting Started MongoDB in .NET Core with Examples
- MongoDB – Add/Update field to document using BulkWriteAsync
- MongoDB – Add/Update new field to document using UpdateOne – II
- MongoDB – Add new field to document using UpdateMany -I
- NoSQL – MongoDB Repository Implementation in .NET Core with Unit Testing example
- MongoDB Naming Conventions and Standards
- MongoDB Query for records where the field is null or not set
- MongoDB create a collection inside a Transaction – Guidelines
- MongoDB Distributed Transactions Guidelines
- Create MongoDB indexes in C# driver
- Create MongoDB indexes in C#.NET – II
- MongoDB Indexing Best Practices
- MongoDB Create Indexing using Mongo Compass
- MongoDB Distributed Transaction with C# .NET – Guidelines
- MongoDB using _id Field – Guidelines
- MongoDB Driver Writing
- MongoDB Driver Reading
- MongoDB Driver Linq
- MongoDB Driver Session and Transaction
- MongoDB Bulk operations with the C# driver
- MongoDB In 30 Minutes
- More Flexibility?! Sharding Gets Even Easier with MongoDB 4.4
- Exploring the replication and #sharding in #MongoDB - #Database Tutorial
- Sharding a MongoDB Collection
- Learn MongoDB Playlist - Just me and Opensource
- MongoDB with C# Beginner's Tutorial Playlist - Coding Droplets
- Data Modeling with MongoDB
- A Complete Methodology of Data Modeling for MongoDB
- What's New in MongoDB 6.0
- Moving from RDBMS to MongoDB - Unlearn your biggest learnings!
- What's new in MongoDB
- Replay Episode 3: Live migration and benefits of moving from a relational database to MongoDB
- Replay Episode 2: How to migrate from a relational database to MongoDB?
- Replay Episode 1: Why migrate from a relational database to MongoDB?
- The future of E-commerce: Modernisation with MongoDB
- Modernisation Webinar: Moving Workloads from Relational Databases to MongoDB's Document Model
- Data Modeling with MongoDB
- Query Optimization with MongoDB
- Let’S Explain Aggregations
- How MongoDB uses MongoDB at Scale
- Best Practices for Migrating from RDBMS to MongoDB Webinar
- Advanced Schema Design Patterns
- MongoDB Basics
- MongoDB for SQL Pros
- The MongoDB Aggregation Framework
- MongoDB Performance
- MongoDB for .NET Developers
- Data Modeling
- dj-nitehawk/MongoWebApiStarter - A full-featured starter template for
dotnet new
to quickly scaffold an Asp.Net 6 Web-Api project with MongoDB as the data store.
- TurnerSoftware/MongoFramework - An "Entity Framework"-like interface for MongoDB
- Mongo2Go/Mongo2Go - MongoDB for integration tests (.NET Core 3.0 and .NET 5.0)
- dj-nitehawk/MongoDB.Entities - A data access library for MongoDB with an elegant api, LINQ support and built-in entity relationship management
- dj-nitehawk/MongoDB-Entities-Repository-Pattern - Example project showcasing how to use the repository pattern with the MongoDB.Entities data access library
- alexandre-spieser/mongodb-generic-repository - An example of generic repository implementation using the MongoDB C# Sharp 2.0 driver (async)
- alexandre-spieser/AspNetCore.Identity.MongoDbCore - A MongoDb UserStore and RoleStore adapter for Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity 2.2. Allows you to use MongoDb instead of SQL server with Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity 2.2. (not Identity 3.0)