The slack-cloudflare-workers library is a Slack app development framework designed specifically for Cloudflare Workers. This framework draws significant inspiration from Slack's Bolt framework, but its design does not strictly follow the bolt-js blueprint.
Key differences include:
- TypeScript focused: Enhances type safety and clarifies typings for developers
- Lazy listener enabled: bolt-python's lazy listener feature is provided out of the box
- Zero additional dependencies: No other dependencies required beyond TypeScript types
Let's begin by using a Cloudflare Workers project template to kickstart our project:
npm install -g wrangler@latest
npx wrangler generate my-slack-app
You will see the following outputs displayed in your terminal window:
$ npx wrangler generate my-slack-app
⛅️ wrangler 2.13.0
Using npm as package manager.
✨ Created my-slack-app/wrangler.toml
✔ Would you like to use git to manage this Worker? … yes
✨ Initialized git repository at my-slack-app
✔ No package.json found. Would you like to create one? … yes
✨ Created my-slack-app/package.json
✔ Would you like to use TypeScript? … yes
✨ Created my-slack-app/tsconfig.json
✔ Would you like to create a Worker at my-slack-app/src/index.ts? › Fetch handler
✨ Created my-slack-app/src/index.ts
✔ Would you like us to write your first test with Vitest? … yes
✨ Created my-slack-app/src/index.test.ts
To start developing your Worker, run `cd my-slack-app && npm start`
To start testing your Worker, run `npm test`
To publish your Worker to the Internet, run `npm run deploy`
Next, you can integrate the slack-cloudflare-workers library to your project by following these steps:
cd my-slack-app
npm i slack-cloudflare-workers@latest
When you build a Slack app, there are two types. The next steps can be different depending on which type of app you want to build:
- Simple app, which runs for a single Slack workspace
- OAuth enabled app, which can be installed into multiple workspaces
If you're new to Slack app development, we recommend starting with a simple app!