\r\n Diese Open Source Software wurde im Januar 2010 veroeffentlicht.\r\n In diesem kurzen Zeitraum haben sich bereits Tausende von Webmastern gefunden, die diese Software nutzen um Ihre Webseiten zu optimieren.\r\n Beginne noch heute, das SEO Panel zu nutzen und geniesse die Vorteile, alles SEO-technische in einer einzigen Platform wiederzufinden.\r\n
Willkommen im SEO Panel - Das weltweit erste SEO Kontrollzentrum fuer mehrere Webseiten
\r\n Ein komplettes Open Source SEO Kontrollzentrum zur Suchmaschinenoptimierung deiner Webseiten.\r\n Das SEO Panel ist ein SEO Werkzeugkasten mit den wichtigsten Funktionen um die Suchmaschinenoptimierung deiner Webseiten zu beobachten und verbessern.\r\n Es handelt sich um kostenlose Software erschienen unter der GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.\r\n Die Hauptfunktion vom SEO Panel ist die Erweiterungsfaehigkeit durch das Nutzen von \"\r\ntarget=\"_blank\">SEO Erweiterungen.\r\n Jeder kann ganz einfach weitere Erweiterungen fuer das SEO Panel entwickeln und installieren. \r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n Diese Open Source Software wurde im Januar 2010 veroeffentlicht.\r\n In diesem kurzen Zeitraum haben sich bereits Tausende von Webmastern gefunden, die diese Software nutzen um Ihre Webseiten zu optimieren.\r\n Beginne noch heute, das SEO Panel zu nutzen und geniesse die Vorteile, alles SEO-technische in einer einzigen Platform wiederzufinden.\r\n
Welkom bij Seo Panel - \\\'s Werelds eerste Seo bedieningspaneel voor meerdere Websites
\r\n Een compleet Open Source Seo bedieningspaneel voor zoekmachine optimalisering van uw websites.\r\n Seo Panel is in feite een Seo Tool Kit met de belangrijkste functies om de zoekmachine optimalisering van uw websites te\r\nobserveren en te verbeteren.\r\n Dit is Gratis Software vrijgegeven onder de GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.\r\n De kracht van Seo Panel ligt in de uitbreidingsmogelijkheden; door gebruik te maken van de \\\"\r\ntarget=\\\"_blank\\\">Seo Plugins.\r\n Iedereen kan eenvoudig nieuwe plugins ontwikkelen en installeren voor Seo Panel.\r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n Deze Open Source software werd januari 2010 uitgegeven.\r\n In een korte periode zijn er duizenden webmasters die deze software gebruiken om hun websites te optimaliseren. \r\n Probeer Seo Panel zelf en maak kennis met het platform en alle seo gerelateerde functionaliteit.\r\n
Welkom bij Seo Panel - \\\'s Werelds eerste Seo bedieningspaneel voor meerdere Websites
\r\n Een compleet Open Source Seo bedieningspaneel voor zoekmachine optimalisering van uw websites.\r\n Seo Panel is in feite een Seo Tool Kit met de belangrijkste functies om de zoekmachine optimalisering van uw websites te\r\nobserveren en te verbeteren.\r\n Dit is Gratis Software vrijgegeven onder de GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.\r\n De kracht van Seo Panel ligt in de uitbreidingsmogelijkheden; door gebruik te maken van de \\\"\r\ntarget=\\\"_blank\\\">Seo Plugins.\r\n Iedereen kan eenvoudig nieuwe plugins ontwikkelen en installeren voor Seo Panel.\r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n Deze Open Source software werd januari 2010 uitgegeven.\r\n In een korte periode zijn er duizenden webmasters die deze software gebruiken om hun websites te optimaliseren. \r\n Probeer Seo Panel zelf en maak kennis met het platform en alle seo gerelateerde functionaliteit.\r\n
Bem-vindo ao Seo Painel - ao primeiro painel de controle seo para vários sites do mundo
\r\nUm completo Seo Panel de controle, software livre para gerenciar a optimização do motor de busca dos seus sites.\r\nSeo Panel é um kit de ferramentas que inclui as mais recentes ferramentas de SEO para aumentar e controlar \r\n performace dos seus sites.\r\nÉ um software livre lançado em GNU LICENÇA PÚBLICA GERAL .\r\nA principal característica do painel de seo é a sua extensibilidade usando \\\" target = \\\"_blank\\\"> seo plugins .\r\nQualquer um pode facilmente desenvolver e instalar plugins necessários para seu painel de seo.\r\n
\r\nEste software de código aberto foi lançado em janeiro de 2010 .\r\nCom neste curto período de tempo milhares de webmasters estão usando este software para optimização dos seus sites.\r\nUtilize o painel de SEO hoje e desfrute tudo relacionado ao seo sob uma única plataforma .\r\n
\r\nMeta tag é um gerador de painel seo plugin para criar personalizado meta tags para o nosso\r\nsite.\r\nIsso nos ajudará a dar mais informações sobre o nosso site para motor de busca robôs \r\nenquanto que rastejam nosso site.\r\n
\r\n\r\n ', '2011-07-10 09:41:24'),
(3148, 'pt', 'home', 'home_cont3', ' ', '2011-07-10 09:41:24'),
@@ -3322,8 +3325,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(3298, 'ro', 'label', 'Translators', 'Traducatori', '2012-05-18 21:00:22'),
(3299, 'ro', 'label', 'Upgrade', 'Upgrade', '2012-05-18 21:00:22'),
(3300, 'ro', 'label', 'Version', 'Versiune', '2012-05-18 21:00:22'),
-(3301, 'ro', 'label', 'wantproceed', 'Chiar vrei sa continui?', '2012-05-18 21:00:22');
-INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(3301, 'ro', 'label', 'wantproceed', 'Chiar vrei sa continui?', '2012-05-18 21:00:22'),
(3302, 'hu', 'support', 'support_cont1', '', '2010-11-06 02:21:42'),
(3303, 'hu', 'support', 'support_cont2', '', '2010-11-06 02:21:42'),
(3304, 'hu', 'support', 'support_cont3', '', '2010-11-06 02:21:42'),
@@ -3337,7 +3339,8 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(3312, 'bg', 'sitemap', 'Exclude Url', 'Изключи Url', '2011-07-13 01:14:41'),
(3313, 'bg', 'sitemap', 'processtaketime', 'Продължителността на процеса зависи от броя линкове в сайта Ви. Моля, изчакайте за да изтеглите картата на сайта ', '2011-07-13 01:14:41'),
(3314, 'bg', 'sitemap', 'Sitemap Type', 'Тип на картата', '2011-07-13 01:14:41'),
-(3315, 'bg', 'label', 'already exist', 'вече съществува', '2018-08-21 07:09:26'),
+(3315, 'bg', 'label', 'already exist', 'вече съществува', '2018-08-21 07:09:26');
+INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
(3316, 'bg', 'label', 'Authentication', 'Проверка', '2018-08-21 07:09:26'),
(3317, 'bg', 'label', 'Author', 'Автор', '2018-08-21 07:09:26'),
(3318, 'bg', 'label', 'Click Here', 'Кликнете тук', '2018-08-21 07:09:26'),
@@ -3516,7 +3519,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(3491, 'pt', 'support', 'support_cont2', ' ', '2010-11-18 02:21:31'),
(3492, 'pt', 'support', 'support_cont3', ' ', '2010-11-18 02:21:31'),
(3493, 'en', 'settings', 'SP_USER_AGENT', 'User agent', '2018-01-22 19:59:29'),
-(3494, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_USER_AGENT', 'User-Agent', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
+(3494, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_USER_AGENT', 'User-Agent', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
(3495, 'bg', 'settings', 'SP_USER_AGENT', 'Потребителски агент', '2018-08-21 07:24:42'),
(3496, 'zh', 'settings', 'SP_USER_AGENT', '用户代理', '2014-05-15 17:56:30'),
(3497, 'nl', 'settings', 'SP_USER_AGENT', 'User agent', '2014-01-07 21:51:05'),
@@ -3540,8 +3543,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(3515, 'tr', 'sitemap', 'Exclude Url', 'URL çıkar', '2010-11-23 10:10:28'),
(3516, 'tr', 'sitemap', 'processtaketime', 'Bu süreçte sitenize link sayısına göre zaman alacaktır. site haritası dosyaları almak için bekleyin', '2010-11-23 10:10:28'),
(3517, 'tr', 'sitemap', 'Sitemap Type', 'Site Haritası Tipi', '2010-11-23 10:10:28'),
-(3518, 'tr', 'settings', 'Click here to become a sponsor for Seo Panel', '$100 Bağış yap ve sponsor ol Seo Panel\'e', '2017-02-04 13:45:16');
-INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(3518, 'tr', 'settings', 'Click here to become a sponsor for Seo Panel', '$100 Bağış yap ve sponsor ol Seo Panel\'e', '2017-02-04 13:45:16'),
(3519, 'tr', 'settings', 'seopanel_description', 'web sitelerinin arama motoru optimizasyonu yönetmek için tam bir ücretsiz kontrol paneli. O gelişmiş seo araçları içeren verimliliği arttırmak için web sitelerini izleyebilir. Onun açık kaynak yazılım ve ayrıca seo panel için kendi seo eklentileri gelişebilir.', '2017-02-04 13:45:16'),
(3520, 'tr', 'settings', 'seopanel_title', 'Seo Panel:birden çok web sitelerini yönetmek için dünyanın ilk açık kaynak seo kontrol paneli', '2017-02-04 13:45:16'),
(3521, 'tr', 'settings', 'SP_CRAWL_DELAY', 'Gecikme her tarama (saniye) arasında', '2017-02-04 13:45:16'),
@@ -3636,7 +3638,8 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(3610, 'tr', 'common', 'No Keywords Found', 'Anahtar Kelimeler Bulunamadı', '2019-05-25 18:52:20'),
(3611, 'tr', 'common', 'No Records Found', 'Kayıt Bulunamadı', '2019-05-25 18:52:20'),
(3612, 'tr', 'common', 'noactivetools', 'Aktif Seo Araçları Bulunamadı!', '2019-05-25 18:52:20'),
-(3613, 'tr', 'common', 'nowebsites', 'Web Site Bulunamadı', '2019-05-25 18:52:20'),
+(3613, 'tr', 'common', 'nowebsites', 'Web Site Bulunamadı', '2019-05-25 18:52:20');
+INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
(3614, 'tr', 'common', 'password632', 'Şifreniz 6 - 32 arasında bir uzunlukta olmalıdır', '2019-05-25 18:52:20'),
(3615, 'tr', 'common', 'passwordnotmatch', 'Şifreler eşleşmiyor', '2019-05-25 18:52:20'),
(3616, 'tr', 'common', 'Period', 'Dönem', '2019-05-25 18:52:20'),
@@ -4029,8 +4032,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(4003, 'fa', 'saturation', 'Quick Search Engine Saturation Checker', 'جستجوی سریع موتور جستجوگر اشباع', '2011-01-25 10:45:36'),
(4004, 'fa', 'saturation', 'Saved Search Engine Saturation results of', 'ذخیره نتایج اشباع موتور جست و جو ', '2011-01-25 10:45:36'),
(4005, 'fa', 'saturation', 'Search Engine Saturation Reports', 'گزارشات اشباع موتور های جست و جو ', '2011-01-25 10:45:36'),
-(4006, 'fa', 'button', 'Cancel', 'انصراف ', '2014-01-08 19:25:49');
-INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(4006, 'fa', 'button', 'Cancel', 'انصراف ', '2014-01-08 19:25:49'),
(4007, 'fa', 'button', 'Check Status', 'بررسی وضیعت ', '2014-01-08 19:25:49'),
(4008, 'fa', 'button', 'Proceed', 'ادامه ', '2014-01-08 19:25:49'),
(4009, 'fa', 'button', 'Reload', 'بار گذاری دوباره ', '2014-01-08 19:25:49'),
@@ -4090,7 +4092,8 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(4063, 'el', 'common', 'Donate', 'Ενίσχυση', '2019-08-28 05:40:52'),
(4064, 'el', 'common', 'Edit', 'Επεξεργασία', '2019-08-28 05:40:52'),
(4065, 'el', 'common', 'Entry cannot be blank', 'Η καταχώριση δεν μπορεί να είναι κενή', '2019-08-28 05:40:52'),
-(4066, 'el', 'common', 'entrynotvalid', 'Η καταχώριση που εισάγατε δεν δείχνει να είναι σωστή', '2019-08-28 05:40:52'),
+(4066, 'el', 'common', 'entrynotvalid', 'Η καταχώριση που εισάγατε δεν δείχνει να είναι σωστή', '2019-08-28 05:40:52');
+INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
(4067, 'el', 'common', 'failed', 'Απέτυχε', '2019-08-28 05:40:52'),
(4068, 'el', 'common', 'forum', 'Συζητήστε', '2019-08-28 05:40:52'),
(4069, 'el', 'common', 'Found', 'Βρέθηκε', '2019-08-28 05:40:52'),
@@ -4456,8 +4459,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(4428, 'ja', 'common', 'No Keywords Found', 'キーワードはありません', '2019-05-25 18:40:02'),
(4429, 'ja', 'common', 'No Records Found', '履歴はありません', '2019-05-25 18:40:02'),
(4430, 'ja', 'common', 'noactivetools', 'アクティブなSeoツールはありません!', '2019-05-25 18:40:02'),
-(4431, 'ja', 'common', 'nowebsites', 'ウェブサイトはありません', '2019-05-25 18:40:02');
-INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(4431, 'ja', 'common', 'nowebsites', 'ウェブサイトはありません', '2019-05-25 18:40:02'),
(4432, 'ja', 'common', 'password632', 'パスワードは6~32文字です', '2019-05-25 18:40:02'),
(4433, 'ja', 'common', 'passwordnotmatch', 'パスワードが一致しません', '2019-05-25 18:40:02'),
(4434, 'ja', 'common', 'Period', '期間', '2019-05-25 18:40:02'),
@@ -4515,7 +4517,8 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(4486, 'ja', 'home', 'Backlinks', 'バックリンク', '2019-04-01 09:45:19'),
(4487, 'ja', 'home', 'Directory Submission', 'ディレクトリサブミッション', '2019-04-01 09:45:19'),
(4488, 'ja', 'home', 'home_cont1', '
ようこそSeo Panelへ - 世界初の\r\n複数ウェブサイト対応SEOコントロールパネル
\r\n ウェブサイトの検索エンジン最適化を管理するための完全なオープンソースSEOコントロールパネル。 \r\n Seo Panelは、ウェブサイトパフォーマンスの向上および追跡に特化した魅力的な最新SEOツールを備えたSEOツールキットです。\r\n GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSEに基づいてリリースされるフリーソフトウェアです。\r\n seo panelの主な特徴は、その拡張性にあり、\"\r\ntarget=\"_blank\">seoプラグインを使って実現されます。\r\n 誰でも簡単に、それぞれのseo panelに必要なプラグインを開発しインストールすることができます。 \r\n
', '2011-07-06 06:47:27'),
-(4865, 'cn', 'home', 'home_cont2', '', '2011-07-06 06:47:27'),
+(4865, 'cn', 'home', 'home_cont2', '', '2011-07-06 06:47:27');
+INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
(4866, 'cn', 'home', 'home_cont3', '\r\n', '2011-07-06 06:47:27'),
(4867, 'cn', 'home', 'Pages Indexed', '頁面檢索', '2011-07-06 06:47:27'),
(4868, 'cn', 'home', 'Ranks', '排名', '2011-07-06 06:47:27'),
@@ -5296,8 +5299,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(5274, 'ru', 'siteauditor', 'Store all links found in a page', 'Сохранять все ссылки, найденные на страницах', '2017-07-13 16:51:34'),
(5275, 'ru', 'siteauditor', 'The page description length is not between', 'Длина описания страниц не в пределах', '2017-07-13 16:51:34'),
(5276, 'ru', 'siteauditor', 'The page is brocken', 'Битые страницы', '2017-07-13 16:51:34'),
-(5277, 'ru', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having exellent number of backlinks in', 'Страница с хорошим количеством обратных ссылок в', '2017-07-13 16:51:34');
-INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(5277, 'ru', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having exellent number of backlinks in', 'Страница с хорошим количеством обратных ссылок в', '2017-07-13 16:51:34'),
(5278, 'ru', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having exellent pagerank', 'Страницы с хорошим PageRank', '2017-07-13 16:51:34'),
(5279, 'ru', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having good number of backlinks in', 'Страницы, имеющие большое количество обратных ссылок на', '2017-07-13 16:51:34'),
(5280, 'ru', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having good pagerank', 'Страницы имеющие хороший PageRank', '2017-07-13 16:51:34'),
@@ -5370,7 +5372,8 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(5347, 'nl', 'siteauditor', 'Number of pages is greater than', 'Aantal pagina\\\'s is groter dan', '2011-07-13 09:45:04'),
(5348, 'nl', 'siteauditor', 'Number of pages should be greater than', 'Aantal pagina\\\'s dient groter te zijn dan', '2011-07-13 09:45:04'),
(5349, 'nl', 'siteauditor', 'Page Details', 'Pagina details', '2011-07-13 09:45:04'),
-(5350, 'nl', 'siteauditor', 'Page Link', 'Pagina link', '2011-07-13 09:45:04'),
+(5350, 'nl', 'siteauditor', 'Page Link', 'Pagina link', '2011-07-13 09:45:04');
+INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
(5351, 'nl', 'siteauditor', 'Page Links', 'Pagina links', '2011-07-13 09:45:04'),
(5352, 'nl', 'siteauditor', 'Pages Found', 'Gevonden pagina\\\'s', '2011-07-13 09:45:04'),
(5353, 'nl', 'siteauditor', 'pressescapetostopexecution', 'Druk op escape om de uitvoering te stoppen.', '2011-07-13 09:45:04'),
@@ -5804,8 +5807,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(5781, 'es', 'siteauditor', 'Anchor', 'Ancla (Anchor)', '2011-07-13 19:09:35'),
(5782, 'es', 'siteauditor', 'anylinkcontainabovelinks', 'Todos los enlaces ubicados por encima de los enlaces serán excluidos de los informes', '2011-07-13 19:09:35'),
(5783, 'es', 'siteauditor', 'anylinkcontainexcludesitemap', 'Todos los enlaces ubicados por encima de los enlaces serán excluidos del sitemap', '2011-07-13 19:09:35'),
-(5784, 'es', 'siteauditor', 'Check backlinks of pages', 'Comprobar los backlinks de las páginas', '2011-07-13 19:09:35');
-INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(5784, 'es', 'siteauditor', 'Check backlinks of pages', 'Comprobar los backlinks de las páginas', '2011-07-13 19:09:35'),
(5785, 'es', 'siteauditor', 'Check broken links in a page', 'Comprobar los links rotos en la página', '2011-07-13 19:09:35'),
(5786, 'es', 'siteauditor', 'Check google pagerank of pages', 'Comprobar el google page rank de las páginas', '2011-07-13 19:09:35'),
(5787, 'es', 'siteauditor', 'Check pages indexed or not', 'Comprobar las páginas indexadas', '2011-07-13 19:09:35'),
@@ -5865,95 +5867,96 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(5841, 'es', 'siteauditor', 'to view the reports', 'para ver los informes', '2011-07-13 19:09:35'),
(5842, 'es', 'siteauditor', 'Total Links', 'Links totales', '2011-07-13 19:09:35'),
(5843, 'es', 'siteauditor', 'totallinksgreaterallowed', 'El número total de links será mayor que el número máximo de links permitidos en el proyecto', '2011-07-13 19:09:35'),
-(5844, 'de', 'home', 'Indexed', 'Indiziert', '2011-07-07 19:09:22'),
+(5844, 'de', 'home', 'Indexed', 'Indiziert', '2021-01-06 10:07:18'),
(5845, 'de', 'keyword', 'Insert keywords separated with comma', 'Keywords durch Komma getrennt angeben.', '2016-01-02 23:22:50'),
-(5846, 'de', 'label', 'Brocken', 'Fehlerhaft', '2016-01-02 23:23:15'),
-(5847, 'de', 'label', 'Comments', 'Kommentare', '2016-01-02 23:23:15'),
-(5848, 'de', 'label', 'Count', 'Anzahl', '2016-01-02 23:23:15'),
-(5849, 'de', 'label', 'Exclude', 'ausschliessen', '2016-01-02 23:23:15'),
-(5850, 'de', 'label', 'Include', 'einschliessen', '2016-01-02 23:23:15'),
-(5851, 'de', 'label', 'Project', 'Projekt', '2016-01-02 23:23:15'),
-(5852, 'de', 'label', 'Report Type', 'Art des Berichtes', '2016-01-02 23:23:15'),
-(5853, 'de', 'label', 'Score', 'Wertung', '2016-01-02 23:23:15'),
-(5854, 'de', 'label', 'Total Results', 'Gesamtergebnisse', '2016-01-02 23:23:15'),
-(5855, 'de', 'label', 'Updated', 'Aktualisiert', '2016-01-02 23:23:15'),
-(5856, 'de', 'label', 'View Reports', 'Berichte einsehen', '2016-01-02 23:23:15'),
-(5857, 'de', 'panel', 'Edit Project', 'Projekt bearbeiten', '2016-01-02 23:23:58'),
-(5858, 'de', 'panel', 'New Project', 'Neues Projekt', '2016-01-02 23:23:58'),
-(5859, 'de', 'seotools', 'Auditor Projects', 'Website-Doktor Projekte', '2011-07-07 19:13:48'),
-(5860, 'de', 'seotools', 'Auditor Reports', 'Website-Doktor Berichte', '2011-07-07 19:13:48'),
-(5861, 'de', 'seotools', 'Auditor Settings', 'Website-Doktor Einstellungen', '2011-07-07 19:13:48'),
-(5862, 'de', 'seotools', 'Import Project Links', 'Projekt-Links importieren', '2011-07-07 19:13:48'),
-(5863, 'de', 'seotools', 'site-auditor', 'Website-Doktor', '2011-07-07 19:13:48'),
-(5864, 'de', 'settings', 'Check for Updates', 'Nach Updates suchen', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
-(5865, 'de', 'settings', 'SA_CRAWL_DELAY_TIME', 'Website-Doktor Pausen zwischen Seitenpruefungen', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
-(5866, 'de', 'settings', 'SA_MAX_NO_PAGES', 'Maximale Anzahl an Seiten pro Webseite', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
-(5867, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_API_KEY', 'SEO Panel API Schluessel', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
-(5868, 'de', 'settings', 'versionnotuptodatemsg', 'Ihre SEO Panel Installation ist nicht auf dem neusten Stand. Bitte updaten / Neuste Version herunterladen.', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
-(5869, 'de', 'settings', 'Your Seo Panel installation is up to date', 'Ihre SEO Panel Installation ist auf dem neusten Stand.', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
-(5870, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Anchor', 'Ankertext', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5871, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'anylinkcontainabovelinks', 'Alle oben aufgefuehrten Links werden vom Bericht ausgeschlossen', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5872, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'anylinkcontainexcludesitemap', 'Alle oben aufgefuehrten Links werden vom Sitemap ausgeschlossen', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5873, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Check backlinks of pages', 'Backlinks der Seiten ueberpruefen', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5874, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Check broken links in a page', 'Kaputte Links einer Seite ueberpruefen', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5875, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Check google pagerank of pages', 'Google Pagerank der Seiten ueberpruefen', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5876, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Check pages indexed or not', 'Ueberpruefen ob Seiten indiziert sind oder nicht.', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5877, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Check Score', 'Gesamtwertung ermitteln', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5878, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'checkborckenlinkwait', 'Das Ueberpruefen von kaputten Links wird die Ausfuehrungsdauer eines Projektes verlaengern.', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5879, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Completed project execution', 'Projekt ausgefuehrt.', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5880, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Crawled', 'Seiten geprueft', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5881, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Crawled Pages', 'Gepruefte Seiten', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5882, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'crawledsuccesssfullywaitfornext', 'Pruefung erfolgreich! Starte Pruefung der naechsten Seite fuer', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5883, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Crawling Page', 'Ueberpruefe Seite', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5884, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Duplicate Description', 'Doppelte Beschreibung', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5885, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Duplicate Keywords', 'Doppelte Keywords', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5886, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Duplicate Title', 'Doppelte Titel', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5887, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Exclude links', 'Links ausschliessen', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5888, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Execute with cron', 'Als Cronjob ausfuehren', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5889, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'External', 'Extern', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5890, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'External Links', 'Externe Links', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5891, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Import Project Links', 'Projektlinks importieren', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5892, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Insert links separated with comma', 'Links kommagetrennt angeben.', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5893, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'insertlinkssepcoma', 'Links kommagetrennt angeben um unendliche Links aus Berichten auszuschliessen', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5894, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Link Reports', 'Link Bericht', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5895, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Link Title', 'Link Titel', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5896, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Maximum number of pages to be checked', 'Maximale Anzahl der zu ueberpruefenden Seiten', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5897, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Maximum Pages', 'Maximale Seiten', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5898, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'No active projects found', 'Keine aktiven Projekte gefunden', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5899, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Nofollow', 'NoFollow', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5900, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Number of pages is greater than', 'Anzahl der Seiten ist hoeher als', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5901, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Number of pages should be greater than', 'Anzahl der Seiten sollte hoeher sein als', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5902, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Page Details', 'Seiten Details', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5903, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Page Link', 'Seiten Link', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5904, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Page Links', 'Seiten Links', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5905, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Pages Found', 'Seiten gefunden', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5906, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'pressescapetostopexecution', 'ESC druecken um abzubrechen', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5907, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Project Summary', 'Projekt Zusammenfassung', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5908, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Project Url', 'Projekt URL', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5909, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'projectalreadyexist', 'Projekt fuer diese Webseite ist bereits vorhanden', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5910, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Recheck Pages', 'Seiten nochmals ueberpruefen', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5911, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Report Summary', 'Bericht Zusammenfassung', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5912, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Run Project', 'Projekt ausfuehren', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5913, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'should start with', 'sollte beginnen mit', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5914, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Site Auditor Settings', 'Website-Doktor Einstellungen', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5915, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Store all links found in a page', 'Alle gefundenen Links speichern', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5916, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page description length is not between', 'Die Laenge der Seiten-Beschreibung ist nicht zwischen', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5917, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page is brocken', 'Die Seite ist fehlerhaft', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5918, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having exellent number of backlinks in', 'Die Seite hat eine exzellente Anzahl an Links in', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5919, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having exellent pagerank', 'Die Seite hat einen exzellenten Pagerank', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5920, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having good number of backlinks in', 'Die Seite hat eine gute Anzahl an Backlinks in', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5921, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having good pagerank', 'Die Seite hat einen guten Pagerank', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5922, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having poor pagerank', 'Die Seite hat einen sehr niedrigen Pagerank', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5923, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having very good pagerank', 'Die Seite hat einen sehr guten Pagerank', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5924, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page is not having backlinks in', 'Die Seite hat keine Backlinks in', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5925, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page is not indexed in', 'Die Seite ist nicht indiziert in', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5926, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page keywords length is not between', 'Die Laenge der Keywords ist nicht zwischen', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5927, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page title length is not between', 'Die Laenge des Seiten-Titels ist nicht zwischen', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5928, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The total number of links in page is greater than', 'Die Gesamtanzahl an Links ist hoeher als', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5929, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'to run project again if you stopped execution', 'um ein Projekt neu zu starten nach einem Abbruch', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5930, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'to view the reports', 'um die Berichte zu betrachten', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5931, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Total Links', 'Links gesamt', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
-(5932, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'totallinksgreaterallowed', 'Die Gesamtanzahl der Links ist hoeher als das erlaubte Maximum pro Projekt', '2011-07-07 19:27:48'),
+(5846, 'de', 'label', 'Brocken', 'Fehlerhaft', '2021-01-06 10:13:08'),
+(5847, 'de', 'label', 'Comments', 'Kommentare', '2021-01-06 10:13:08'),
+(5848, 'de', 'label', 'Count', 'Anzahl', '2021-01-06 10:13:08'),
+(5849, 'de', 'label', 'Exclude', 'ausschliessen', '2021-01-06 10:13:08'),
+(5850, 'de', 'label', 'Include', 'einschliessen', '2021-01-06 10:13:08'),
+(5851, 'de', 'label', 'Project', 'Projekt', '2021-01-06 10:13:08'),
+(5852, 'de', 'label', 'Report Type', 'Art des Berichtes', '2021-01-06 10:13:08'),
+(5853, 'de', 'label', 'Score', 'Wertung', '2021-01-06 10:13:08'),
+(5854, 'de', 'label', 'Total Results', 'Gesamtergebnisse', '2021-01-06 10:13:08'),
+(5855, 'de', 'label', 'Updated', 'Aktualisiert', '2021-01-06 10:13:08');
+INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(5856, 'de', 'label', 'View Reports', 'Berichte einsehen', '2021-01-06 10:13:08'),
+(5857, 'de', 'panel', 'Edit Project', 'Projekt bearbeiten', '2021-01-06 10:19:47'),
+(5858, 'de', 'panel', 'New Project', 'Neues Projekt', '2021-01-06 10:19:47'),
+(5859, 'de', 'seotools', 'Auditor Projects', 'Website-Doktor Projekte', '2021-01-07 08:40:24'),
+(5860, 'de', 'seotools', 'Auditor Reports', 'Website-Doktor Berichte', '2021-01-07 08:40:24'),
+(5861, 'de', 'seotools', 'Auditor Settings', 'Website-Doktor Einstellungen', '2021-01-07 08:40:24'),
+(5862, 'de', 'seotools', 'Import Project Links', 'Projekt-Links importieren', '2021-01-07 08:40:24'),
+(5863, 'de', 'seotools', 'site-auditor', 'Website-Doktor', '2021-01-07 08:40:24'),
+(5864, 'de', 'settings', 'Check for Updates', 'Nach Updates suchen', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
+(5865, 'de', 'settings', 'SA_CRAWL_DELAY_TIME', 'Website-Auditor Pause zwischen Seitenpruefungen', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
+(5866, 'de', 'settings', 'SA_MAX_NO_PAGES', 'Maximale Anzahl an Seiten pro Webseite', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
+(5867, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_API_KEY', 'SEO Panel API Schluessel', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
+(5868, 'de', 'settings', 'versionnotuptodatemsg', 'Ihre SEO Panel Installation ist nicht auf dem neusten Stand. Bitte updaten / Neuste Version herunterladen.', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
+(5869, 'de', 'settings', 'Your Seo Panel installation is up to date', 'Ihre SEO Panel Installation ist auf dem neusten Stand.', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
+(5870, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Anchor', 'Ankertext', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5871, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'anylinkcontainabovelinks', 'Alle oben aufgefuehrten Links werden vom Bericht ausgeschlossen', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5872, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'anylinkcontainexcludesitemap', 'Alle oben aufgefuehrten Links werden vom Sitemap ausgeschlossen', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5873, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Check backlinks of pages', 'Backlinks der Seiten ueberpruefen', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5874, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Check broken links in a page', 'Kaputte Links einer Seite ueberpruefen', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5875, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Check google pagerank of pages', 'Google Pagerank der Seiten ueberpruefen', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5876, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Check pages indexed or not', 'Ueberpruefen ob Seiten indiziert sind oder nicht.', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5877, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Check Score', 'Gesamtwertung ermitteln', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5878, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'checkborckenlinkwait', 'Das Ueberpruefen von kaputten Links wird die Ausfuehrungsdauer eines Projektes verlaengern.', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5879, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Completed project execution', 'Projekt ausgefuehrt.', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5880, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Crawled', 'Seiten geprueft', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5881, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Crawled Pages', 'Gepruefte Seiten', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5882, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'crawledsuccesssfullywaitfornext', 'Pruefung erfolgreich! Starte Pruefung der naechsten Seite fuer', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5883, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Crawling Page', 'Ueberpruefe Seite', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5884, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Duplicate Description', 'Doppelte Beschreibung', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5885, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Duplicate Keywords', 'Doppelte Keywords', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5886, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Duplicate Title', 'Doppelte Titel', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5887, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Exclude links', 'Links ausschliessen', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5888, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Execute with cron', 'Als Cronjob ausfuehren', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5889, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'External', 'Extern', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5890, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'External Links', 'Externe Links', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5891, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Import Project Links', 'Projektlinks importieren', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5892, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Insert links separated with comma', 'Links kommagetrennt angeben.', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5893, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'insertlinkssepcoma', 'Links kommagetrennt angeben um unendliche Links aus Berichten auszuschliessen', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5894, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Link Reports', 'Link Bericht', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5895, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Link Title', 'Link Titel', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5896, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Maximum number of pages to be checked', 'Maximale Anzahl der zu ueberpruefenden Seiten', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5897, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Maximum Pages', 'Maximale Seiten', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5898, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'No active projects found', 'Keine aktiven Projekte gefunden', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5899, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Nofollow', 'NoFollow', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5900, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Number of pages is greater than', 'Anzahl der Seiten ist hoeher als', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5901, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Number of pages should be greater than', 'Anzahl der Seiten sollte hoeher sein als', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5902, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Page Details', 'Seiten Details', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5903, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Page Link', 'Seiten Link', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5904, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Page Links', 'Seiten Links', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5905, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Pages Found', 'Seiten gefunden', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5906, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'pressescapetostopexecution', 'ESC druecken um abzubrechen', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5907, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Project Summary', 'Projekt Zusammenfassung', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5908, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Project Url', 'Projekt URL', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5909, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'projectalreadyexist', 'Projekt fuer diese Webseite ist bereits vorhanden', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5910, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Recheck Pages', 'Seiten nochmals ueberpruefen', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5911, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Report Summary', 'Bericht Zusammenfassung', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5912, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Run Project', 'Projekt ausfuehren', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5913, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'should start with', 'sollte beginnen mit', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5914, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Site Auditor Settings', 'Website-Doktor Einstellungen', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5915, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Store all links found in a page', 'Alle gefundenen Links speichern', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5916, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page description length is not between', 'Die Laenge der Seiten-Beschreibung ist nicht zwischen', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5917, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page is brocken', 'Die Seite ist fehlerhaft', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5918, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having exellent number of backlinks in', 'Die Seite hat eine exzellente Anzahl an Links in', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5919, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having exellent pagerank', 'Die Seite hat einen exzellenten Pagerank', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5920, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having good number of backlinks in', 'Die Seite hat eine gute Anzahl an Backlinks in', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5921, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having good pagerank', 'Die Seite hat einen guten Pagerank', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5922, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having poor pagerank', 'Die Seite hat einen sehr niedrigen Pagerank', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5923, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having very good pagerank', 'Die Seite hat einen sehr guten Pagerank', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5924, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page is not having backlinks in', 'Die Seite hat keine Backlinks in', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5925, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page is not indexed in', 'Die Seite ist nicht indiziert in', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5926, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page keywords length is not between', 'Die Laenge der Keywords ist nicht zwischen', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5927, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The page title length is not between', 'Die Laenge des Seiten-Titels ist nicht zwischen', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5928, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'The total number of links in page is greater than', 'Die Gesamtanzahl an Links ist hoeher als', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5929, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'to run project again if you stopped execution', 'um ein Projekt neu zu starten nach einem Abbruch', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5930, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'to view the reports', 'um die Berichte zu betrachten', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5931, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'Total Links', 'Links gesamt', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
+(5932, 'de', 'siteauditor', 'totallinksgreaterallowed', 'Die Gesamtanzahl der Links ist hoeher als das erlaubte Maximum pro Projekt', '2021-01-06 10:26:09'),
(5933, 'el', 'home', 'Indexed', 'Καταχωρήθηκαν', '2019-11-28 18:25:11'),
(5934, 'el', 'keyword', 'Insert keywords separated with comma', 'Εισάγετε τις λέξεις κλειδιά, διαχωρισμένες με κόμμα.', '2016-01-27 08:02:49'),
(5935, 'el', 'label', 'Brocken', 'Σπασμένο', '2019-11-28 18:22:10'),
@@ -6280,8 +6283,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(6256, 'it', 'siteauditor', 'Total Links', 'Totale link', '2018-08-21 07:14:08'),
(6257, 'it', 'siteauditor', 'totallinksgreaterallowed', 'Il totale dei link diventerà più grande del massimo numero di link consentiti per il progetto', '2018-08-21 07:14:08'),
(6258, 'hu', 'home', 'Indexed', 'Indexelt', '2011-07-11 06:51:07'),
-(6259, 'hu', 'directory', 'Reciprocal Link', 'Visszamutató link', '2013-02-05 19:23:52');
-INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(6259, 'hu', 'directory', 'Reciprocal Link', 'Visszamutató link', '2013-02-05 19:23:52'),
(6260, 'hu', 'keyword', 'Insert keywords separated with comma', 'Add meg a kulcsszavakat vesszővel elválasztva', '2011-07-11 06:53:54'),
(6261, 'hu', 'label', 'Brocken', 'Törött', '2013-02-05 19:24:43'),
(6262, 'hu', 'label', 'Comments', 'Hozzászólások', '2013-02-05 19:24:43'),
@@ -6359,7 +6361,8 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(6334, 'hu', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having exellent pagerank', 'Az oldalnak magas a pagerankja', '2011-07-11 08:52:14'),
(6335, 'hu', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having good number of backlinks in', 'Az oldalnak sok backlinkje van', '2011-07-11 08:52:14'),
(6336, 'hu', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having good pagerank', 'Az oldalnak magas a pagerankja', '2011-07-11 08:52:14'),
-(6337, 'hu', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having poor pagerank', 'Az oldalnak alacsony a pagerankja', '2011-07-11 08:52:14'),
+(6337, 'hu', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having poor pagerank', 'Az oldalnak alacsony a pagerankja', '2011-07-11 08:52:14');
+INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
(6338, 'hu', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having very good pagerank', 'Az oldalnak magas a pagerankja', '2011-07-11 08:52:14'),
(6339, 'hu', 'siteauditor', 'The page is not having backlinks in', 'Az oldalnak nincs backlinkje', '2011-07-11 08:52:14'),
(6340, 'hu', 'siteauditor', 'The page is not indexed in', 'Az oldal nincs indexelve', '2011-07-11 08:52:14'),
@@ -6685,8 +6688,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(6661, 'cs', 'sitemap', 'Download sitemap file from', 'Stáhnout soubor sitemapy z', '2011-07-14 11:38:47'),
(6662, 'cs', 'sitemap', 'Exclude Url', 'Vyjmout URL', '2011-07-14 11:38:47'),
(6663, 'cs', 'sitemap', 'processtaketime', 'Tento proces může podle počtu odkazů na vašem webu zabrat nějaký čas. Prosím počkejte, dokud neobdržíte soubory sitemapy', '2011-07-14 11:38:47'),
-(6664, 'cs', 'sitemap', 'Sitemap Type', 'Typ sitemapy', '2011-07-14 11:38:47');
-INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(6664, 'cs', 'sitemap', 'Sitemap Type', 'Typ sitemapy', '2011-07-14 11:38:47'),
(6665, 'tr', 'support', 'support_cont1', '', '2011-07-15 15:03:36'),
(6666, 'tr', 'support', 'support_cont2', '', '2011-07-15 15:03:36'),
(6667, 'tr', 'support', 'support_cont3', '', '2011-07-15 15:03:36'),
@@ -6720,7 +6722,8 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(6695, 'ar', 'common', 'Entry cannot be blank', 'المدخلات لايمكن ان تكون خاليه', '2019-05-25 17:59:04'),
(6696, 'ar', 'common', 'entrynotvalid', 'المدخلات لايمكن ان تكون صحيحة', '2019-05-25 17:59:04'),
(6697, 'ar', 'common', 'failed', 'فشل', '2019-05-25 17:59:04'),
-(6698, 'ar', 'common', 'forum', 'المنتدى', '2019-05-25 17:59:04'),
+(6698, 'ar', 'common', 'forum', 'المنتدى', '2019-05-25 17:59:04');
+INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
(6699, 'ar', 'common', 'Found', 'تم العثور عليه', '2019-05-25 17:59:04'),
(6700, 'ar', 'common', 'Google Pagerank', 'ترتيب بموقع جوجل', '2019-05-25 17:59:04'),
(6701, 'ar', 'common', 'help', 'مساعدة', '2019-05-25 17:59:04'),
@@ -7100,8 +7103,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(7075, 'he', 'common', 'Alexa Rank', 'ניקוד Alaxa', '2019-05-25 18:14:01'),
(7076, 'he', 'common', 'All', 'הכל', '2019-05-25 18:14:01'),
(7077, 'he', 'common', 'Category', 'קטגוריה', '2019-05-25 18:14:01'),
-(7078, 'he', 'common', 'contact', 'צור קשר', '2019-05-25 18:14:01');
-INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(7078, 'he', 'common', 'contact', 'צור קשר', '2019-05-25 18:14:01'),
(7079, 'he', 'common', 'copyright', 'כל הזכויות שמורות [year] www.seopanel.in ', '2019-05-25 18:14:01'),
(7080, 'he', 'common', 'Country', 'ארץ', '2019-05-25 18:14:01'),
(7081, 'he', 'common', 'Crawl Meta Data', 'ייבא מידע מתגיות מטה', '2019-05-25 18:14:01'),
@@ -7220,7 +7222,8 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(7194, 'he', 'label', 'Download', 'הורדה', '2011-09-06 08:47:21'),
(7195, 'he', 'label', 'Exclude', 'מנע', '2011-09-06 08:47:21'),
(7196, 'he', 'label', 'Include', 'כלול', '2011-09-06 08:47:21'),
-(7197, 'he', 'label', 'Installation', 'התקנה', '2011-09-06 08:47:21'),
+(7197, 'he', 'label', 'Installation', 'התקנה', '2011-09-06 08:47:21');
+INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
(7198, 'he', 'label', 'Keywords', 'מילות מפתח', '2011-09-06 08:47:21'),
(7199, 'he', 'label', 'noactiveplugins', 'לא קיימים תוספים פעילים לקידום אתרים!', '2011-09-06 08:47:21'),
(7200, 'he', 'label', 'Plugin', 'תוספים', '2011-09-06 08:47:21'),
@@ -7531,8 +7534,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(7505, 'sl', 'directory', 'Reciprocal Link', 'Recipročna povezava', '2012-05-12 17:57:22'),
(7506, 'sl', 'directory', 'selectwebsiteproceed', 'Izverite spletno stran za nadaljevanje vpisovanja v direktorije. Preverite Direktorije brez Capcha preverjanja za pošiljanje v direktorije brez preverjanja ', '2012-05-12 17:57:22'),
(7507, 'sl', 'directory', 'selectwebsiteschecksub', 'Izberite Spletno stran za Nadaljevanje preverjanje vpisov v direktorije.', '2012-05-12 17:57:22'),
-(7508, 'sl', 'directory', 'Semi Automatic Directory Submission Tool', 'Orodje za polavtomatsko vpisovanje v direktorije', '2012-05-12 17:57:22');
-INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(7508, 'sl', 'directory', 'Semi Automatic Directory Submission Tool', 'Orodje za polavtomatsko vpisovanje v direktorije', '2012-05-12 17:57:22'),
(7509, 'sl', 'directory', 'spamemailnote', 'Nekateri direktoriji lahko pošiljajo SPAM, priporočamo da ne uporabite vašega glavnega E-poštnega naslova.', '2012-05-12 17:57:22'),
(7510, 'sl', 'directory', 'Submission Details', 'Podrobnosti vpisovanja', '2012-05-12 17:57:22'),
(7511, 'sl', 'directory', 'Submit Description', 'Vnesite opis', '2012-05-12 17:57:22'),
@@ -7565,7 +7567,8 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(7538, 'sl', 'keyword', 'Quick Keyword Position Checker', 'Hitro preverjanje uvrstitev', '2012-01-28 09:21:41'),
(7539, 'sl', 'keyword', 'results from ', 'rezultati iz', '2012-01-28 09:21:41'),
(7540, 'sl', 'keyword', 'Show All results', 'Prikaži vse rezultate', '2012-01-28 09:21:41'),
-(7541, 'sl', 'keyword', 'Successfully crawled keyword', 'Uspešen pregled ključne besede', '2012-01-28 09:21:41'),
+(7541, 'sl', 'keyword', 'Successfully crawled keyword', 'Uspešen pregled ključne besede', '2012-01-28 09:21:41');
+INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
(7542, 'sl', 'keyword', 'to create new keywords', 'za ustvarjanje novih ključnih besed', '2012-01-28 09:21:41'),
(7543, 'sl', 'label', 'already exist', 'že obstaja', '2012-05-12 17:57:43'),
(7544, 'sl', 'label', 'Authentication', 'Avtentikacija', '2012-05-12 17:57:43'),
@@ -7933,8 +7936,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(7906, 'vn', 'siteauditor', 'to view the reports', 'xem các báo cáo', '2012-02-02 21:04:10'),
(7907, 'vn', 'siteauditor', 'Total Links', 'tổng số liên kết', '2012-02-02 21:04:10'),
(7908, 'vn', 'siteauditor', 'totallinksgreaterallowed', 'Tổng số liên kết sẽ trở nên lớn hơn so với các liên kết tối đa cho phép cho dự án', '2012-02-02 21:04:10'),
-(7909, 'vn', 'support', 'support_cont1', '', '2012-02-02 21:57:48');
-INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(7909, 'vn', 'support', 'support_cont1', '', '2012-02-02 21:57:48'),
(7910, 'vn', 'support', 'support_cont2', '', '2012-02-02 21:57:48'),
(7911, 'vn', 'support', 'support_cont3', '', '2012-02-02 21:57:48'),
(7912, 'sl', 'settings', 'Check for Updates', 'Preveri posodobitve', '2012-05-12 18:09:34'),
@@ -8004,7 +8006,8 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(7976, 'sl', 'siteauditor', 'should start with', 'naj se začne z', '2012-02-03 19:57:02'),
(7977, 'sl', 'siteauditor', 'Site Auditor Settings', 'nastavitve Site Auditorja', '2012-02-03 19:57:02'),
(7978, 'sl', 'siteauditor', 'Store all links found in a page', 'shrani vse povezave najdene na strani', '2012-02-03 19:57:02'),
-(7979, 'sl', 'siteauditor', 'The page description length is not between', 'Dolžina opisa strani ni med', '2012-02-03 19:57:02'),
+(7979, 'sl', 'siteauditor', 'The page description length is not between', 'Dolžina opisa strani ni med', '2012-02-03 19:57:02');
+INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
(7980, 'sl', 'siteauditor', 'The page is brocken', 'Nekaj je narobe s stranjo', '2012-02-03 19:57:02'),
(7981, 'sl', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having exellent number of backlinks in', 'Stran ima odlično število povratnih povezav v ', '2012-02-03 19:57:02'),
(7982, 'sl', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having exellent pagerank', 'Stran ima super PR', '2012-02-03 19:57:02'),
@@ -8377,8 +8380,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(8349, 'sk', 'seotools', 'Featured Submission', 'Odporúčame vložiť', '2012-02-25 10:56:20'),
(8350, 'sk', 'seotools', 'Generate Backlinks Reports', 'Vygenerovať výpis spätných odkazov', '2012-02-25 10:56:20'),
(8351, 'sk', 'seotools', 'Generate Keyword Reports', 'Zistiť pozície kľúčových slov', '2012-02-25 10:56:20'),
-(8352, 'sk', 'seotools', 'Generate Rank Reports', 'Vygenerovať výpis rankov', '2012-02-25 10:56:20');
-INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(8352, 'sk', 'seotools', 'Generate Rank Reports', 'Vygenerovať výpis rankov', '2012-02-25 10:56:20'),
(8353, 'sk', 'seotools', 'Generate Saturation Reports', 'Vygenerovať výpis naplnenia', '2012-02-25 10:56:20'),
(8354, 'sk', 'seotools', 'Google Sitemap Generator', 'Generátor google sitemapy', '2012-02-25 10:56:20'),
(8355, 'sk', 'seotools', 'Graphical Position Reports', 'Grafický výpis pozícií', '2012-02-25 10:56:20'),
@@ -8470,7 +8472,8 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(8441, 'sk', 'siteauditor', 'The page description length is not between', 'Dĺžka popisu stránky nie je medzi', '2012-02-25 08:05:27'),
(8442, 'sk', 'siteauditor', 'The page is brocken', 'Stránka je nefunkčná', '2012-02-25 08:05:27'),
(8443, 'sk', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having exellent number of backlinks in', 'Na stránku vedie vynikajúci počet spätných odkazov', '2012-02-25 08:05:27'),
-(8444, 'sk', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having exellent pagerank', 'Stránka má vynikajúci pagerank', '2012-02-25 08:05:27'),
+(8444, 'sk', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having exellent pagerank', 'Stránka má vynikajúci pagerank', '2012-02-25 08:05:27');
+INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
(8445, 'sk', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having good number of backlinks in', 'Na stránku vedie dobrý počet spätných odkazov', '2012-02-25 08:05:27'),
(8446, 'sk', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having good pagerank', 'Stránka má dobrý pagerank', '2012-02-25 08:05:27'),
(8447, 'sk', 'siteauditor', 'The page is having poor pagerank', 'Stránka má slabý pagerank', '2012-02-25 08:05:27'),
@@ -8814,8 +8817,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(8785, 'id', 'directory', 'nosuccessnote', 'Tidak mendapatkan pesan sukses, silakan cek email Anda untuk mencari pesan konfirmasi ', '2018-05-24 13:18:24'),
(8786, 'id', 'directory', 'optionalnote', 'Judul dan deskripsi pilihan untuk dikirimkan ke direktori agar hasil pengiriman lebih baik.', '2018-05-24 13:18:24'),
(8787, 'id', 'directory', 'Owner Email', 'Email Pemilik', '2018-05-24 13:18:24'),
-(8788, 'id', 'directory', 'Owner Name', 'Nama Pemilik', '2018-05-24 13:18:24');
-INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(8788, 'id', 'directory', 'Owner Name', 'Nama Pemilik', '2018-05-24 13:18:24'),
(8789, 'id', 'directory', 'Pending', 'Tertunda', '2018-05-24 13:18:24'),
(8790, 'id', 'directory', 'Please select a website to proceed', 'Silakan pilih satu situs untuk melanjutkan', '2018-05-24 13:18:24'),
(8791, 'id', 'directory', 'Reciprocal Link', 'Link Timbal Balik', '2018-05-24 13:18:24'),
@@ -8918,7 +8920,8 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(8888, 'pt-br', 'common', 'Website', 'Site', '2019-07-29 20:26:27'),
(8889, 'pt-br', 'common', 'Yes', 'Sim', '2019-07-29 20:26:27'),
(8890, 'pt-br', 'directory', 'Add back to directory list', 'Adicionar novamente à lista de diretórios', '2014-02-12 12:25:20'),
-(8891, 'pt-br', 'directory', 'Approved', 'Aprovado', '2014-02-12 12:25:20'),
+(8891, 'pt-br', 'directory', 'Approved', 'Aprovado', '2014-02-12 12:25:20');
+INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
(8892, 'pt-br', 'directory', 'Captcha', 'Captcha', '2014-02-12 12:25:20'),
(8893, 'pt-br', 'directory', 'categorynote', 'Categorias, separe-as com uma vírgula de acordo com a prioridade. Inicie com a categoria de maior prioridade.', '2014-02-12 12:25:20'),
(8894, 'pt-br', 'directory', 'Check Directory Status', 'Checar Status do Diretório', '2014-02-12 12:25:20'),
@@ -9293,8 +9296,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(9263, 'pt-br', 'settings', 'SP_ENABLE_PROXY', 'Ativar Proxy', '2018-06-02 13:47:27'),
(9264, 'pt-br', 'settings', 'SP_HOTLINKING', 'Proteção ativada para imagem do hotlink', '2018-06-02 13:47:27'),
(9265, 'pt-br', 'settings', 'SP_KEYWORDS', 'Palavras-chave do SEO Panel', '2018-06-02 13:47:27'),
-(9266, 'pt-br', 'settings', 'SP_NUMBER_KEYWORDS_CRON', 'Número de palavras-chave necessárias para checar em cada execução da Cron', '2018-06-02 13:47:27');
-INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(9266, 'pt-br', 'settings', 'SP_NUMBER_KEYWORDS_CRON', 'Número de palavras-chave necessárias para checar em cada execução da Cron', '2018-06-02 13:47:27'),
(9267, 'pt-br', 'settings', 'SP_PAGINGNO', 'Número de entradas por página', '2018-06-02 13:47:27'),
(9268, 'pt-br', 'settings', 'SP_REPORT_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION', 'Ativar notificação por e-mail dos relatórios', '2018-06-02 13:47:27'),
(9269, 'pt-br', 'settings', 'SP_SMTP_HOST', 'Servidor SMTP', '2018-06-02 13:47:27'),
@@ -9332,7 +9334,8 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(9301, 'it', 'panel', 'Search Engine Manager', 'Gestione di ricerca', '2018-08-21 07:09:46'),
(9302, 'it', 'plugin', 'Download Seo Panel Plugins', 'Scarica il plugin seo', '2012-05-12 10:38:03'),
(9303, 'it', 'report', '2 Days', '2 giorni', '2012-05-12 10:39:27'),
-(9304, 'it', 'report', 'Email notification', 'Notifica email', '2012-05-12 10:39:27'),
+(9304, 'it', 'report', 'Email notification', 'Notifica email', '2012-05-12 10:39:27');
+INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
(9305, 'it', 'report', 'keywordnumbercheckedcronnote', 'Nota: Di default il valore 0 significa che tutte le keyword saranno selezionate', '2012-05-12 10:39:27'),
(9306, 'it', 'report', 'Next report generation time', 'Prossima generazione del report', '2012-05-12 10:39:27'),
(9307, 'it', 'report', 'Reports generation interval', 'Intervallo di generazione report', '2012-05-12 10:39:27'),
@@ -9458,16 +9461,16 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(9427, 'ru', 'settings', 'SP_SMTP_PASSWORD', 'Пароль SMTP', '2019-08-28 09:08:45'),
(9428, 'ru', 'settings', 'SP_SMTP_USERNAME', 'Пользователь SMTP', '2019-08-28 09:08:45'),
(9429, 'ru', 'settings', 'SP_SYSTEM_REPORT_INTERVAL', 'Интервал генерации системных отчетов', '2019-08-28 09:08:45'),
-(9430, 'de', 'common', 'Hello', 'Hallo', '2019-05-25 18:10:05'),
+(9430, 'de', 'common', 'Hello', 'Hallo', '2021-01-06 07:42:04'),
(9431, 'de', 'directory', 'Coupon Code', 'Gutschein-Code', '2014-01-19 11:37:36'),
(9432, 'de', 'directory', 'couponcodenote', 'Mit diesem Gutscheincode erhalten Sie [REDUCTION_PER] auf Premium Eintragungen!', '2014-01-19 11:37:36'),
-(9433, 'de', 'label', 'Daily', 'täglich', '2016-01-02 23:23:15'),
-(9434, 'de', 'label', 'Monthly', 'monatlich', '2016-01-02 23:23:15'),
-(9435, 'de', 'label', 'Weekly', 'wöchentlich', '2016-01-02 23:23:15'),
-(9436, 'de', 'panel', 'Archived Reports', 'Archivierte Berichte', '2016-01-02 23:23:58'),
-(9437, 'de', 'panel', 'Report Settings', 'Bericht-Einstellungen', '2016-01-02 23:23:58'),
-(9438, 'de', 'panel', 'Schedule Reports', 'Berichte zeitlich voreinstellen', '2016-01-02 23:23:58'),
-(9439, 'de', 'panel', 'Search Engine Manager', 'Suchmaschinen-Verwaltung', '2016-01-02 23:23:58'),
+(9433, 'de', 'label', 'Daily', 'täglich', '2021-01-06 10:13:08'),
+(9434, 'de', 'label', 'Monthly', 'monatlich', '2021-01-06 10:13:08'),
+(9435, 'de', 'label', 'Weekly', 'wöchentlich', '2021-01-06 10:13:08'),
+(9436, 'de', 'panel', 'Archived Reports', 'Archivierte Berichte', '2021-01-06 10:19:47'),
+(9437, 'de', 'panel', 'Report Settings', 'Berichte Einstellungen', '2021-01-06 10:19:47'),
+(9438, 'de', 'panel', 'Schedule Reports', 'Berichte zeitlich voreinstellen', '2021-01-06 10:19:47'),
+(9439, 'de', 'panel', 'Search Engine Manager', 'Suchmaschinen-Verwaltung', '2021-01-06 10:19:47'),
(9440, 'de', 'plugin', 'Download Seo Panel Plugins', 'SEO Panel Plugins herunterladen', '2012-05-13 20:53:14'),
(9441, 'de', 'report', '2 Days', '2 Tage', '2012-05-13 20:55:46'),
(9442, 'de', 'report', 'Email notification', 'Email Benachrichtigung', '2012-05-13 20:55:50'),
@@ -9476,21 +9479,21 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(9445, 'de', 'report', 'Reports generation interval', 'Intervall zwischen Generierung von Berichten', '2012-05-13 20:55:52'),
(9446, 'de', 'report', 'reportsettingssaved', 'Bericht-Einstellungen erfolgreich gespeichert!', '2012-05-13 20:55:53'),
(9447, 'de', 'report', 'sheduledsuccessfully', 'Zeitlich voreingestellter Bericht wurde erfolgreich erstellt!', '2012-05-13 20:55:54'),
-(9448, 'de', 'reports', 'report_email_body_text1', 'Berichte wurden im SEOPanel erfolgreich erstellt. Bitte Anhang überprüfen.', '2012-05-13 20:58:32'),
-(9449, 'de', 'reports', 'report_email_body_text2', 'Falls die angehängten Berichte nicht funktionieren, bitte im SEOPanel einloggen: [LOGIN_LINK] ', '2012-05-13 20:58:33'),
-(9450, 'de', 'reports', 'report_email_subject', 'SEO Berichte wurden erfolgreich generiert.', '2012-05-13 20:58:33'),
+(9448, 'de', 'reports', 'report_email_body_text1', 'Berichte wurden im SEOPanel erfolgreich erstellt. Bitte Anhang überprüfen.', '2021-01-06 10:23:32'),
+(9449, 'de', 'reports', 'report_email_body_text2', 'Falls die angehängten Berichte nicht funktionieren, bitte im SEOPanel einloggen: [LOGIN_LINK] ', '2021-01-06 10:23:32'),
+(9450, 'de', 'reports', 'report_email_subject', 'SEO Berichte wurden erfolgreich generiert.', '2021-01-06 10:23:32'),
(9451, 'de', 'searchengine', 'max_results', 'Maxmimale Anzahl Ergebnisse', '2012-05-13 21:01:23'),
(9452, 'de', 'searchengine', 'no_of_results_page', 'Anzahl Ergebnisse pro Seite', '2012-05-13 21:01:24'),
-(9453, 'de', 'settings', 'entersmtpdetails', 'Bitte Email-Einstellungen angeben (SMTP)', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
-(9454, 'de', 'settings', 'getallpluginfree', 'Erhalte alle Plugins die wir entwickeln Gratis!', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
-(9455, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_ALLOW_USER_SCHEDULE_REPORT', 'Benutzern erlauben Berichte zeitlich voreinzustellen', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
-(9456, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_NUMBER_KEYWORDS_CRON', 'Anzahl der Keywords, welche pro Cron-job überprüft werden sollen.', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
-(9457, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_REPORT_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION', 'Email-Benachrichtigung für Berichte erlauben', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
-(9458, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_SMTP_HOST', 'SMTP Host', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
-(9459, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_SMTP_MAIL', 'SMTP aktivieren', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
-(9460, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_SMTP_PASSWORD', 'SMTP Passwort', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
-(9461, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_SMTP_USERNAME', 'SMTP Benutzername', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
-(9462, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_SYSTEM_REPORT_INTERVAL', 'Intervall zwischen Generierungen von System-Berichten', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
+(9453, 'de', 'settings', 'entersmtpdetails', 'Bitte Email-Einstellungen angeben (SMTP)', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
+(9454, 'de', 'settings', 'getallpluginfree', 'Erhalte ausserdem alle Plugins die wir entwickeln Gratis!', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
+(9455, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_ALLOW_USER_SCHEDULE_REPORT', 'Benutzern erlauben Berichte zeitlich voreinzustellen', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
+(9456, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_NUMBER_KEYWORDS_CRON', 'Anzahl der Keywords, welche pro Cron-job überprüft werden sollen.', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
+(9457, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_REPORT_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION', 'Email-Benachrichtigung für Berichte erlauben', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
+(9458, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_SMTP_HOST', 'SMTP Host', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
+(9459, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_SMTP_MAIL', 'SMTP aktivieren', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
+(9460, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_SMTP_PASSWORD', 'SMTP Passwort', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
+(9461, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_SMTP_USERNAME', 'SMTP Benutzername', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
+(9462, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_SYSTEM_REPORT_INTERVAL', 'Intervall zwischen Generierungen von System-Berichten', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
(9463, 'fr', 'common', 'Hello', 'Bonjour', '2020-02-14 11:05:11'),
(9464, 'fr', 'directory', 'Coupon Code', 'Code de réduction', '2012-11-10 20:37:55'),
(9465, 'fr', 'directory', 'couponcodenote', 'Utilisez le code de réduction ci-dessus et gagnez [REDUCTION_PER] sur chaque envoi !', '2012-11-10 20:37:55'),
@@ -9713,8 +9716,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(9682, 'bg', 'settings', 'SP_NUMBER_KEYWORDS_CRON', 'Брой на ключови думи, които да бъдат проверявани при всяко изпълнение на Cron', '2018-08-21 07:24:42'),
(9683, 'bg', 'settings', 'SP_REPORT_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION', 'Включи известяване по имейл', '2018-08-21 07:24:42'),
(9684, 'bg', 'settings', 'SP_SMTP_HOST', 'SMTP Хост', '2018-08-21 07:24:42'),
-(9685, 'bg', 'settings', 'SP_SMTP_MAIL', 'Включи SMTP ', '2018-08-21 07:24:42');
-INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(9685, 'bg', 'settings', 'SP_SMTP_MAIL', 'Включи SMTP ', '2018-08-21 07:24:42'),
(9686, 'bg', 'settings', 'SP_SMTP_PASSWORD', 'SMTP Парола', '2018-08-21 07:24:42'),
(9687, 'bg', 'settings', 'SP_SMTP_USERNAME', 'SMTP Потр. име', '2018-08-21 07:24:42'),
(9688, 'bg', 'settings', 'SP_SYSTEM_REPORT_INTERVAL', 'Интервал за генериране на системен доклад', '2018-08-21 07:24:42'),
@@ -9810,7 +9812,8 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(9778, 'el', 'reports', 'report_email_body_text2', 'Αν οι παραπάνω αναφορές δεν είναι ξεκάθαρες, Παρακαλώ [LOGIN_LINK] για να δείτε τις αναφορές απευθείας από τον λογαριασμό σας.', '2019-08-28 05:42:55'),
(9779, 'el', 'reports', 'report_email_subject', 'Οι SEO αναφορές σας δημιουργήθηκαν με επιτυχία', '2019-08-28 05:42:55'),
(9780, 'el', 'searchengine', 'max_results', 'Μέγιστος αριθμός αποτελεσμάτων', '2012-06-02 22:29:39'),
-(9781, 'el', 'searchengine', 'no_of_results_page', 'Αριθμός αποτελεσμάτων ανά σελίδα', '2012-06-02 22:29:39'),
+(9781, 'el', 'searchengine', 'no_of_results_page', 'Αριθμός αποτελεσμάτων ανά σελίδα', '2012-06-02 22:29:39');
+INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
(9782, 'el', 'settings', 'entersmtpdetails', 'Παρακαλώ εισάγετε τις ρυθμίσεις για το SMTP mail', '2019-08-28 05:43:40'),
(9783, 'el', 'settings', 'getallpluginfree', 'Επίσης κατεβάστε όλα τα plugins που υλοποιούμε δωρεάν!', '2019-08-28 05:43:40'),
(9784, 'el', 'settings', 'SP_ALLOW_USER_SCHEDULE_REPORT', 'Επιτρέψτε στους χρήστες να προγραμματίσουν αναφορές', '2019-08-28 05:43:40'),
@@ -10090,8 +10093,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(10057, 'lt', 'panel', 'Report Settings', 'Ataskaitos nustatymai', '2014-01-12 11:51:46'),
(10058, 'lt', 'panel', 'Reports Manager', 'Ataskaitų vedlys', '2014-01-12 11:51:46'),
(10059, 'lt', 'panel', 'Schedule Reports', 'Ataskaitų tvarkaraštis ', '2014-01-12 11:51:46'),
-(10060, 'lt', 'panel', 'Search Engine Manager', 'Paieškos variklių vedlys', '2014-01-12 11:51:46');
-INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(10060, 'lt', 'panel', 'Search Engine Manager', 'Paieškos variklių vedlys', '2014-01-12 11:51:46'),
(10061, 'lt', 'panel', 'Seo Plugins Manager', 'SEO įskiepių vedlys', '2014-01-12 11:51:46'),
(10062, 'lt', 'panel', 'Seo Tools Manager', 'SEO įrankių vedlys', '2014-01-12 11:51:46'),
(10063, 'lt', 'panel', 'System Settings', 'Sistemos nustatymai', '2014-01-12 11:51:46'),
@@ -10119,7 +10121,8 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(10084, 'lt', 'seotools', 'Google Sitemap Generator', 'Google sistemos žemėlapio generatorius', '2012-11-07 18:31:49'),
(10085, 'lt', 'seotools', 'Graphical Position Reports', 'Grafiniai pranešimai apie buvimo vietą,', '2012-11-07 18:31:49'),
(10086, 'lt', 'seotools', 'Import Project Links', 'Importuoti projekto Nuorodas', '2012-11-07 18:31:49'),
-(10087, 'lt', 'seotools', 'Keyword Position Summary', 'Pozicijos raktažodžių santrauka', '2012-11-07 18:31:49'),
+(10087, 'lt', 'seotools', 'Keyword Position Summary', 'Pozicijos raktažodžių santrauka', '2012-11-07 18:31:49');
+INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
(10088, 'lt', 'seotools', 'keyword-position-checker', 'Pozicijos raktažodžių tikrintuvas', '2012-11-07 18:31:49'),
(10089, 'lt', 'seotools', 'Keywords Manager', 'Raktažodžių vadovas', '2012-11-07 18:31:49'),
(10090, 'lt', 'seotools', 'Quick Backlinks Checker', 'Greitas atgalinis tikrintuvas', '2012-11-07 18:31:49'),
@@ -10531,8 +10534,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(10512, 'ca', 'rank', 'Google and Alexa Rank Reports', 'Informes de Google i Alexa Rank', '2012-12-28 17:24:53'),
(10513, 'ca', 'rank', 'Saved rank results of', 'Resultats de rank guardats de', '2012-12-28 17:24:53'),
(10514, 'ca', 'proxy', 'Edit Proxy', 'Editar Proxy', '2014-01-16 19:36:09'),
-(10515, 'ca', 'proxy', 'Proxy Password', 'Contrasenya del Proxy', '2014-01-16 19:36:09');
-INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(10515, 'ca', 'proxy', 'Proxy Password', 'Contrasenya del Proxy', '2014-01-16 19:36:09'),
(10516, 'ca', 'proxy', 'Proxy Username', 'Usuari del Proxy', '2014-01-16 19:36:09'),
(10517, 'ca', 'proxy', 'Proxyalreadyexist', 'El Proxy ja existeix!', '2014-01-16 19:36:09'),
(10518, 'ca', 'plugin', 'Download Seo Panel Plugins', 'Descarrega Plugins Seo Panel', '2012-12-28 17:26:46'),
@@ -10627,7 +10629,8 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(10607, 'ca', 'keyword', 'Insert keywords separated with comma', 'Insertar paraules clau separades per coma (,)', '2013-01-01 09:35:45'),
(10608, 'ca', 'keyword', 'Keyword already exist', 'La paraula clau ja existeix', '2013-01-01 09:35:45'),
(10609, 'ca', 'keyword', 'Keyword Position Report', 'Informe de posició per Paraula Clau', '2013-01-01 09:35:45'),
-(10610, 'ca', 'keyword', 'New Keyword', 'Nova paraula clau', '2013-01-01 09:35:45'),
+(10610, 'ca', 'keyword', 'New Keyword', 'Nova paraula clau', '2013-01-01 09:35:45');
+INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
(10611, 'ca', 'keyword', 'not assigned to required search engines', 'no s\\\'han assignat als motors de cerca requerits', '2013-01-01 09:35:45'),
(10612, 'ca', 'keyword', 'pleaseselecttool', 'Si us plau selecciona una eina Seo Tools', '2013-01-01 09:35:45'),
(10613, 'ca', 'keyword', 'Quick Keyword Position Checker', 'Comprovar ràpid la posició d\\\'una paraula clau', '2013-01-01 09:35:45'),
@@ -10943,14 +10946,14 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(10923, 'sk', 'panel', 'Themes Manager', 'Správca tém', '2013-04-30 10:34:59'),
(10924, 'sk', 'settings', 'SP_RELATIVE_LINK_CRAWL', 'Prechádzať relatívne odkazy na stránke', '2013-04-30 10:35:42'),
(10925, 'sk', 'theme', 'Download Seo Panel Themes', 'Stiahnuť témy', '2013-04-30 10:36:10'),
-(10926, 'de', 'common', 'Dashboard', 'Dashboard', '2019-05-25 18:10:05'),
-(10927, 'de', 'common', 'Home', 'Home', '2019-05-25 18:10:05'),
-(10928, 'de', 'common', 'Powered by', 'Bereitgestellt von', '2019-05-25 18:10:05'),
-(10929, 'de', 'label', 'Clear All', 'Alles löschen', '2016-01-02 23:23:15'),
-(10930, 'de', 'label', 'Current', 'Aktuell', '2016-01-02 23:23:15'),
-(10931, 'de', 'label', 'Select All', 'Alle auswählen', '2016-01-02 23:23:15'),
-(10932, 'de', 'label', 'Theme', 'Theme', '2016-01-02 23:23:15'),
-(10933, 'de', 'panel', 'Themes Manager', 'Theme Manager', '2016-01-02 23:23:58'),
+(10926, 'de', 'common', 'Dashboard', 'Dashboard', '2021-01-06 07:42:04'),
+(10927, 'de', 'common', 'Home', 'Home', '2021-01-06 07:42:04'),
+(10928, 'de', 'common', 'Powered by', 'Bereitgestellt von', '2021-01-06 07:42:04'),
+(10929, 'de', 'label', 'Clear All', 'Alles löschen', '2021-01-06 10:13:08'),
+(10930, 'de', 'label', 'Current', 'Aktuell', '2021-01-06 10:13:08'),
+(10931, 'de', 'label', 'Select All', 'Alle auswählen', '2021-01-06 10:13:08'),
+(10932, 'de', 'label', 'Theme', 'Theme', '2021-01-06 10:13:08'),
+(10933, 'de', 'panel', 'Themes Manager', 'Theme Manager', '2021-01-06 10:19:47'),
(10934, 'de', 'theme', 'Download Seo Panel Themes', 'SEO Panel Themes herunterladen', '2013-05-27 19:04:21'),
(10935, 'en', 'login', 'Forgot password?', 'Forgot password?', '2014-01-06 18:45:28'),
(10936, 'en', 'login', 'Request Password', 'Request Password', '2014-01-06 18:45:58'),
@@ -10988,8 +10991,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(10968, 'es-ar', 'directory', 'clickaddfeatureddirectory', 'Clic aqui para agregar el directorio elegido', '2014-01-06 19:18:34'),
(10969, 'es-ar', 'directory', 'clicktoproceeddirsts', 'Clic en Proceder para controlar el Estado del Directorio.', '2014-01-06 19:18:34'),
(10970, 'es-ar', 'directory', 'Confirmation', 'Confirmacion', '2014-01-06 19:18:34'),
-(10971, 'es-ar', 'directory', 'Coupon Code', 'Codigo de Cupon', '2014-01-06 19:18:34');
-INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(10971, 'es-ar', 'directory', 'Coupon Code', 'Codigo de Cupon', '2014-01-06 19:18:34'),
(10972, 'es-ar', 'directory', 'Coupon Offer', 'Oferta de Cupon', '2014-01-06 19:18:34'),
(10973, 'es-ar', 'directory', 'couponcodenote', 'Usar el Codigo de Cupon y obtener ofertas para cada envio [REDUCTION_PER]!', '2014-01-06 19:18:34'),
(10974, 'es-ar', 'directory', 'desnote', 'Algunos directorios requieren un minimo de 150 caracteres para el campo descripcion.', '2014-01-06 19:18:34'),
@@ -11078,7 +11080,8 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(11057, 'bg', 'proxy', 'enterproxynote', 'Въведете прокси, по едно на ред в следния формат.', '2016-12-18 17:08:18'),
(11058, 'bg', 'proxy', 'proxysyntax', 'Прокси хост име, Прокси порт, Прокси потребител, Прокси парола', '2016-12-18 17:08:18'),
(11059, 'bg', 'settings', 'allsettingssaved', 'Всички настройки са запазени успешно!', '2018-08-21 07:24:42'),
-(11060, 'bg', 'settings', 'CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL_VAL', 'Активиране на HTTP Proxy тунел', '2018-08-21 07:24:42'),
+(11060, 'bg', 'settings', 'CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL_VAL', 'Активиране на HTTP Proxy тунел', '2018-08-21 07:24:42');
+INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
(11061, 'bg', 'settings', 'SP_SMTP_PORT', 'SMTP Мейл порт', '2018-08-21 07:24:42'),
(11062, 'nl', 'common', 'Checked', 'Aangevinkt', '2019-05-25 18:06:08'),
(11063, 'nl', 'common', 'Dashboard', 'Dashboard', '2019-05-25 18:06:08'),
@@ -11458,8 +11461,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(11437, 'pl', 'directory', 'clickaddfeatureddirectory', 'Kliknij tutaj aby dodać własny katalog', '2014-01-17 18:50:38'),
(11438, 'pl', 'directory', 'Coupon Code', 'Kod Kuponu', '2014-01-17 18:50:38'),
(11439, 'pl', 'directory', 'Coupon Offer', 'Oferta Kuponu', '2014-01-17 18:50:38'),
-(11440, 'pl', 'directory', 'couponcodenote', 'Użyj powyższego kodu kuponu aby dostać [REDUCTION_PER] ofertę za każdy użyty submit.', '2014-01-17 18:50:38');
-INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(11440, 'pl', 'directory', 'couponcodenote', 'Użyj powyższego kodu kuponu aby dostać [REDUCTION_PER] ofertę za każdy użyty submit.', '2014-01-17 18:50:38'),
(11441, 'pl', 'directory', 'Directories with out Reciprocal Link', 'Katalogi bez linków wzajemnych.', '2014-01-17 18:50:38'),
(11442, 'pl', 'directory', 'Reciprocal Link', 'Link wzajemny', '2014-01-17 18:50:38'),
(11443, 'pl', 'keyword', 'Insert keywords separated with comma', 'Wpisz słowa kluczowe oddzielone przecinkiem', '2014-01-17 18:54:55'),
@@ -11555,7 +11557,8 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(11533, 'pl', 'siteauditor', 'checkborckenlinkwait', 'Sprawdznia nieprawidłowych linków wydłuży czas wykonywania projektu', '2014-01-17 19:43:17'),
(11534, 'pl', 'siteauditor', 'Completed project execution', 'Zakończono wykonywanie projektu', '2014-01-17 19:43:17'),
(11535, 'pl', 'siteauditor', 'Crawled', 'Zeskanowano', '2014-01-17 19:43:17'),
-(11536, 'pl', 'siteauditor', 'Crawled Pages', 'Zeskanowane strony', '2014-01-17 19:43:17'),
+(11536, 'pl', 'siteauditor', 'Crawled Pages', 'Zeskanowane strony', '2014-01-17 19:43:17');
+INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
(11537, 'pl', 'siteauditor', 'crawledsuccesssfullywaitfornext', 'Skanowanie zakończone poprawnie! Czekanie na skanowanie kolejnej strony', '2014-01-17 19:43:17'),
(11538, 'pl', 'siteauditor', 'Crawling Page', 'Skanowanie strony', '2014-01-17 19:43:17'),
(11539, 'pl', 'siteauditor', 'Duplicate Description', 'Duplikat meta Description', '2014-01-17 19:43:17'),
@@ -11630,33 +11633,33 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(11608, 'da', 'label', 'View Reports', 'Se rapporter', '2014-01-17 19:52:14'),
(11609, 'da', 'label', 'Weekly', 'Ugentlig', '2014-01-17 19:52:14'),
(11610, 'pl', 'home', 'Indexed', 'Zaindeksowane', '2014-01-17 19:53:11'),
-(11611, 'de', 'common', 'Checked', 'Markiert', '2019-05-25 18:10:05'),
-(11612, 'de', 'common', 'Thank you', 'Vielen Dank', '2019-05-25 18:10:05'),
+(11611, 'de', 'common', 'Checked', 'Markiert', '2021-01-06 07:42:04'),
+(11612, 'de', 'common', 'Thank you', 'Vielen Dank', '2021-01-06 07:42:04'),
(11613, 'de', 'directory', 'clickaddfeatureddirectory', 'Hier klicken um eigenes Verzeichnis hinzuzufügen', '2014-01-19 11:37:36'),
(11614, 'de', 'directory', 'Coupon Offer', 'Coupon Angebot', '2014-01-19 11:37:36'),
(11615, 'de', 'directory', 'Directories with out Reciprocal Link', 'Verzeichnisse ohne Backlink-Pflicht', '2014-01-19 11:37:36'),
-(11616, 'de', 'label', 'Syntax', 'Syntax', '2016-01-02 23:23:15'),
-(11617, 'de', 'login', 'Forgot password?', 'Passwort vergessen?', '2016-01-02 23:23:33'),
-(11618, 'de', 'login', 'internal_error_mail_send', 'Fehler beim Versenden der Email für Passwort-Wiederherstellug', '2016-01-02 23:23:33'),
-(11619, 'de', 'login', 'password_reset_success_message', 'Passwort erfolgreich zurückgesetzt. Eine Bestätigungs-Mail wurde an die hinterlegte Email-Adresse verschickt. Rufen Sie diese ab um Ihr neues Passwort zu bestätigen.', '2016-01-02 23:23:33'),
-(11620, 'de', 'login', 'Request Password', 'Passwort anfordern', '2016-01-02 23:23:33'),
-(11621, 'de', 'login', 'to login to your account', 'um in Account einzuloggen', '2016-01-02 23:23:33'),
-(11622, 'de', 'login', 'user_email_not_exist', 'Email nicht vorhanden!', '2016-01-02 23:23:33'),
-(11623, 'de', 'login', 'Your account password is resetted and new password is', 'Passwort wurde zurückgesetzt und lautet', '2016-01-02 23:23:33'),
-(11624, 'de', 'login', 'Your Password Reset Failed', 'Passwort Wiederherstellung fehlgeschlagen', '2016-01-02 23:23:33'),
-(11625, 'de', 'login', 'Your Password Reset Successfully', 'Passwort erfolreich zurückgesetzt', '2016-01-02 23:23:33'),
-(11626, 'de', 'panel', 'Existing', 'Vorhanden', '2016-01-02 23:23:58'),
-(11627, 'de', 'panel', 'Import Proxy', 'Proxy importieren', '2016-01-02 23:23:58'),
-(11628, 'de', 'panel', 'Proxy Settings', 'Proxy Einstellungen', '2016-01-02 23:23:58'),
-(11629, 'de', 'panel', 'Valid', 'Gültig', '2016-01-02 23:23:58'),
-(11630, 'de', 'proxy', 'enterproxynote', 'Proxy eintragen, eine pro Zeile, in folgendem Format.', '2014-06-22 11:45:56'),
-(11631, 'de', 'proxy', 'proxysyntax', 'Proxy Hostname, Proxy Port, Proxy Nutzername, Proxy Passwort', '2014-06-22 11:45:56'),
-(11632, 'de', 'settings', 'allsettingssaved', 'Alle Einstellungen erfolgreich gespeichert!', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
-(11633, 'de', 'settings', 'CHECK_WITH_ANOTHER_PROXY_IF_FAILED', 'Mit weiterer Proxy prüfen wenn Prüfung fehlschlägt', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
-(11634, 'de', 'settings', 'CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL_VAL', 'HTTP Proxy Tunnel aktivieren', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
-(11635, 'de', 'settings', 'PROXY_DEACTIVATE_CRAWL', 'Proxy nach fehlgeschlagener Prüfung deaktivieren', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
-(11636, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_RELATIVE_LINK_CRAWL', 'Relative Links einer Seite crawlen', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
-(11637, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_SMTP_PORT', 'SMTP Mail Port', '2015-06-16 08:32:07'),
+(11616, 'de', 'label', 'Syntax', 'Syntax', '2021-01-06 10:13:08'),
+(11617, 'de', 'login', 'Forgot password?', 'Passwort vergessen?', '2021-01-06 10:14:32'),
+(11618, 'de', 'login', 'internal_error_mail_send', 'Fehler beim Versenden der Email für Passwort-Wiederherstellug', '2021-01-06 10:14:32'),
+(11619, 'de', 'login', 'password_reset_success_message', 'Passwort erfolgreich zurückgesetzt. Eine Bestätigungs-Mail wurde an die hinterlegte Email-Adresse verschickt. Rufen Sie diese ab um Ihr neues Passwort zu bestätigen.', '2021-01-06 10:14:32'),
+(11620, 'de', 'login', 'Request Password', 'Passwort anfordern', '2021-01-06 10:14:32'),
+(11621, 'de', 'login', 'to login to your account', 'um in Account einzuloggen', '2021-01-06 10:14:32'),
+(11622, 'de', 'login', 'user_email_not_exist', 'Email nicht vorhanden!', '2021-01-06 10:14:32'),
+(11623, 'de', 'login', 'Your account password is resetted and new password is', 'Passwort wurde zurückgesetzt und lautet', '2021-01-06 10:14:32'),
+(11624, 'de', 'login', 'Your Password Reset Failed', 'Passwort Wiederherstellung fehlgeschlagen', '2021-01-06 10:14:32'),
+(11625, 'de', 'login', 'Your Password Reset Successfully', 'Passwort erfolreich zurückgesetzt', '2021-01-06 10:14:32'),
+(11626, 'de', 'panel', 'Existing', 'Vorhanden', '2021-01-06 10:19:47'),
+(11627, 'de', 'panel', 'Import Proxy', 'Proxy importieren', '2021-01-06 10:19:47'),
+(11628, 'de', 'panel', 'Proxy Settings', 'Proxy Einstellungen', '2021-01-06 10:19:47'),
+(11629, 'de', 'panel', 'Valid', 'Gültig', '2021-01-06 10:19:47'),
+(11630, 'de', 'proxy', 'enterproxynote', 'Eine Proxy pro Zeile in folgendem Format eintragen.', '2021-01-06 10:21:00'),
+(11631, 'de', 'proxy', 'proxysyntax', 'Proxy Hostname, Proxy Port, Proxy Nutzername, Proxy Passwort', '2021-01-06 10:21:00'),
+(11632, 'de', 'settings', 'allsettingssaved', 'Alle Einstellungen erfolgreich gespeichert!', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
+(11633, 'de', 'settings', 'CHECK_WITH_ANOTHER_PROXY_IF_FAILED', 'Mit weiterer Proxy prüfen wenn Prüfung fehlschlägt', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
+(11634, 'de', 'settings', 'CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL_VAL', 'HTTP Proxy Tunnel aktivieren', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
+(11635, 'de', 'settings', 'PROXY_DEACTIVATE_CRAWL', 'Proxy nach fehlgeschlagener Prüfung deaktivieren', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
+(11636, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_RELATIVE_LINK_CRAWL', 'Relative Links einer Seite crawlen', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
+(11637, 'de', 'settings', 'SP_SMTP_PORT', 'SMTP Mail Port', '2021-01-08 08:28:43'),
(11638, 'ja', 'common', 'Checked', 'チェック済', '2019-05-25 18:40:02'),
(11639, 'ja', 'common', 'Thank you', 'ありがとうございます', '2019-05-25 18:40:02'),
(11640, 'ja', 'label', 'Syntax', '構文', '2019-04-01 09:45:51'),
@@ -11987,8 +11990,7 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(11965, 'zh', 'label', 'User agent', 'User 代理', '2014-05-15 17:47:51'),
(11966, 'zh', 'log', 'Clear All Logs', '清除所有日志', '2014-05-15 17:48:23'),
(11967, 'zh', 'log', 'Crawl Log Details', '抓取登录详情', '2014-05-15 17:48:23'),
-(11968, 'zh', 'log', 'Post Fields', '发布区域', '2014-05-15 17:48:23');
-INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed`) VALUES
+(11968, 'zh', 'log', 'Post Fields', '发布区域', '2014-05-15 17:48:23'),
(11969, 'zh', 'panel', 'Crawl Log Manager', '抓取日志管理器', '2014-05-15 17:48:57'),
(11970, 'zh', 'panel', 'Log Manager', '日志管理器', '2014-05-15 17:48:57'),
(11971, 'zh', 'panel', 'Proxy Perfomance', '代理效果', '2014-05-15 17:48:57'),
@@ -12036,7 +12038,8 @@ INSERT INTO `texts` (`id`, `lang_code`, `category`, `label`, `content`, `changed
(12013, 'sv', 'home', 'Account Summary', 'Kontoöversikt', '2014-06-23 17:44:51'),
(12014, 'sv', 'home', 'Backlinks', 'Backlinks', '2014-06-23 17:44:51'),
(12015, 'sv', 'home', 'Directory Submission', 'Katalog submission', '2014-06-23 17:44:51'),
-(12016, 'sv', 'home', 'home_cont1', '
Welcome to Seo Panel - World\'s\r\nfirst seo control panel for multiple websites
\r\n A complete open source seo control panel for managing search engine optimization of\r\nyour websites. \r\n Seo Panel is a seo tool kit includes latest hot seo tools to increase and track the\r\nperformace of your websites.\r\n It is a free software released under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.\r\n The main feature of seo panel is its extendability by using \"\r\ntarget=\"_blank\">seo plugins.\r\n Any one can easily develop and install required plugins for their seo panel. \r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n This open source software was released on January 2010.\r\n With in this short period of time thousands of web masters are using this\r\nsoftware for optimizing their websites.\r\n Use seo panel today itself and enjoy everything related to seo under a single\r\nplatform.\r\n
Welcome to Seo Panel - World\'s\r\nfirst seo control panel for multiple websites
\r\n A complete open source seo control panel for managing search engine optimization of\r\nyour websites. \r\n Seo Panel is a seo tool kit includes latest hot seo tools to increase and track the\r\nperformace of your websites.\r\n It is a free software released under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.\r\n The main feature of seo panel is its extendability by using \"\r\ntarget=\"_blank\">seo plugins.\r\n Any one can easily develop and install required plugins for their seo panel. \r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n This open source software was released on January 2010.\r\n With in this short period of time thousands of web masters are using this\r\nsoftware for optimizing their websites.\r\n Use seo panel today itself and enjoy everything related to seo under a single\r\nplatform.\r\n