roger-bamboo is a service discovery and distributed load balancing system for Roger, Moz's ClusterOS. It is based on Bamboo. Roger-bamboo adds several features to Bamboo including, flexible TCP and HTTP port specification.
First, get the code from github (if necessary). This requires a valid go environment on the machine.
go get
Build and run the genconfig tool to ensure that the HAProxy template renders correctly against the live marathon data.
cd $GOPATH/src/
go build genconfig.go
./genconfig --config config.json
This will get data from the live marathon instance and render the template. Change the config.json file in the utils directory to control which Marathon instance to read data from and the path to the HAProxy config template.
The recommended way to install roger-bamboo is with the deb or rpm package and the deb package build script. Read comments in the script to customize your build distribution workflow.
In short, install fpm and run the following command from the root of the roger-bamboo directory:
go build bamboo.go
A deb package will be generated in ./builder
directory. You can copy to a server or publish to your own apt repository.
Moreover, there is
- a Docker build container which will generate the deb package in the volume mounted output directory.
- and a vagrant vm where you could call docker build and docker run and build an ubuntu 14.04 binary.
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
sudo docker build -f Dockerfile-deb -t bamboo-build .
sudo docker run -it -v $(pwd)/output:/output -e "_BAMBOO_VERSION=1.0.3" bamboo-build
Independently of how you build the deb package, you can copy it to a server or publish to your own apt repository.
The example deb package deploys:
- Upstart job
, e.g. upstart assumes/var/bamboo/production.json
is configured correctly. - Application directory is under
- Configuration and logs is under
- Log file is rotated automatically
In case you're not using upstart, a template init.d service is provided in init.d-bamboo-server
. Install it with
sudo cp builder/init.d-bamboo-server /etc/init.d/bamboo-server
sudo chown root:root /etc/init.d/bamboo-server
sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/bamboo-server
sudo update-rc.d "bamboo-server" defaults
You can then start the server with sudo service bamboo-server start
. Other commands: status, restart, stop
For each deployed app, an arbitrary number of TCP
ports and a single HTTP port can be specified. The specification of
the TCP and HTTP ports is controlled by the TCP_PORTS
environment variables in the Marathon app config.
TCP ports are specified using the TCP_PORTS
environment variable. The value of TCP_PORTS
is expected to be a
JSON object/map with each entry within the object having the format
externalPort: port_specifier
is a port number which is the external port on HAProxy which is opened.
is a string which is either of the for PORTXX or a number.
If port_description
is a number then its returned as is. If
is for the form PORTXX where XX is a number, then
is mapped to Ports[xx]
where Ports
is the set of
ports defined in the Marathon config.
"container": {
"type": "DOCKER",
"docker": {
"image": "docker-registry-machine:5000/ncat-v1",
"network": "BRIDGE",
"portMappings": [
"containerPort": 7777,
"hostPort": 0,
"servicePort": 0,
"protocol": "tcp"
"containerPort": 7778,
"hostPort": 0
"ports": [ 0, 0 ]
"id": "ncat",
"instances": 2,
"cpus": 1,
"mem": 128,
"uris": [],
"env": {
"TCP_PORTS": "{ \"3300\": \"PORT0\", \"3301\": \"PORT1\", \"3303\": \"21222\"}",
Note that the backslashes in the specification string of TCP_PORTS is
necessary as the value of TCP_PORTS
must be a well formed JSON
Here, three TCP and one HTTP port will be defined.
Port 3300 on HAProxy will map to the first port defined in the ports array.
Port 3301 on HAProxy will map to the second port defined in the ports array.
Port 3303 on HAProxy will map to port 21222 on each machine where the ncat task is running.
The url path /ncat will map to the first port defined in the ports array.