All endpoints speak JSON. A Content-Type
header with value application/json
is expected to always be present.
The base url is<version>/
for all REST endpoints, where the currently supported versions are v2
and v3
. v1
has been fully deprecated. Note that not all APIs are common between v2
and v3
Note: The user deletion API is the only exception to the versioned endpoints rule. It stands on its own as DELETE /users/:user_id
For details on how to authenticate requests, have a look at the Authentication and Authorization page.
{% hint style="danger" %} For other environments, please ask your sales representative or [email protected] for the custom endpoint linked to your environment. {% endhint %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v2/segment_definitions" method="get" summary="Segment Definitions" %} {% swagger-description %} Fetches all Segment Definitions available on the platform.
Does not require authentication. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"type": "SegmentDefinition",
"id": "lifestyle.culture_buff",
"display_name": "Culture buff",
"description": "Person who like to visit musea, operas, arts centres, etc."
"type": "SegmentDefinition",
"id": "lifestyle.resto_lover",
"display_name": "Resto-lover",
"description": "Someone who likes eating out"
"type": "SegmentDefinition",
"id": "lifestyle.sportive",
"display_name": "Sportive",
"description": "Someone who sports regularly."
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v2/moment_definitions" method="get" summary="Moment Definitions" %} {% swagger-description %} Fetches all Moment Definitions available on the platform.
Does not require authentication. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"type": "MomentDefinition",
"id": "commute_from_work",
"display_name": "Commute to home",
"description": "This moment will be active when the user leaves his work and the prediction is that he is going home."
"type": "MomentDefinition",
"id": "commute_from_home",
"display_name": "Commute to work",
"description": "This moment will be active when the user leaves his home and the prediction is that he is going to work."
"type": "MomentDefinition",
"id": "working_at_work",
"display_name": "Working at work",
"description": "This moment will be active when the user is working at his work location. If the prediction is that he is working and he goes away for a short time the moment will stay active."
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v2/users/me" method="get" summary="User's Own Profile" %} {% swagger-description %} When called with a User Token, returns the user's own data. It fails if an API Key is used. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %}
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"type": "ControlUser",
"id": "5c9417700000000000000000",
"can_login": true,
"created_at": "2016-11-29T23:00:49.621+00:00",
"sdk": {
"type": "UserSdkSettings",
"flavor": "offline_driving",
"killswitch_action": "enable_sdk",
"debug_logging": null
"application_id": "5c9417700000000000000000",
"email": "[email protected]",
"account_roles": [
"type": "UserAccountRole",
"user_id": "5c9417700000000000000000",
"account_id": "5c9417700000000000000000",
"role": "basic",
"account": {
"id": "5c9417700000000000000000",
"display_name": "Example",
"created_at": "2015-04-02T14:22:24.936+00:00"
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v2/users/:user_id" method="get" summary="Profile by User ID" %} {% swagger-description %} Can be used with both User Token and API Key to retrieve profile data of a user identified by their ID.
If a User Token is used, the calling user must have permission to view the called user's data.
If an API Key is used, the user whose data is being fetched must belong to the App to which the API Key belongs to. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="user_id" type="string" %} ID of the user whose profile is being retrieved. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %}
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"type": "ControlUser",
"id": "5c9417700000000000000000",
"can_login": true,
"created_at": "2016-11-29T23:00:49.621+00:00",
"sdk": {
"type": "UserSdkSettings",
"flavor": "offline_driving",
"killswitch_action": "enable_sdk",
"debug_logging": null
"application_id": "5c9417700000000000000000",
"email": "[email protected]",
"account_roles": [
"type": "UserAccountRole",
"user_id": "5c9417700000000000000000",
"account_id": "5c9417700000000000000000",
"role": "basic",
"account": {
"id": "5c9417700000000000000000",
"display_name": "Example",
"created_at": "2015-04-02T14:22:24.936+00:00"
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v2/users/:user_id/events?from=:from&to=:to" method="get" summary="Timeline Events" %} {% swagger-description %} Returns all events on the timeline for a user from a specified start date to a specified end date. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="user_id" type="string" %} ID of the user whose timeline is being retrieved. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %}
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="query" name="from" type="string" %} Include results from this date.
: 2019-01-01 {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="query" name="to" type="string" %} Include results up to this date.
: 2019-01-02 {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"type": "Transport",
"start": "2019-03-22T08:37:45.000+01:00",
"end": "2019-03-22T09:39:00.000+01:00",
"analysis_type": "indepth",
"event_id": "b699235f9e1e0b140b3d531466f0b79811044bb22925ed0e4d420e3fa44d65d6",
"mode": "car",
"distance": 51918,
"behavior_features": {
"phone_handling": 396000,
"distance_during_annotations": 46426
"type": "Stationary",
"start": "2019-03-21T20:08:00.000+01:00",
"end": "2019-03-22T08:37:45.000+01:00",
"analysis_type": "indepth",
"event_id": "37954206-7468-407f-bfa6-33c9ddaab785",
"latitude": 51.78561,
"longitude": 41.49692,
"duration": 44985000,
"location": {
"type": "StationaryLocation",
"significance": "home",
"place": {
"type": "LocationPlaceCandidate",
"name": "Wonder Palace",
"categories": [
"address": {
"type": "Address",
"country": "België / Belgique / Belgien",
"city": "Ostend",
"city_type": "TOWN"
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v2/users/:user_id/events/:start" method="get" summary="Timeline Event by Start Time" %} {% swagger-description %} Note: This has been deprecated in favour of EventID based retrieval.
Returns a single Event corresponding to the start time of the event. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="user_id" type="string" %} ID of the user whose event is being retrieved. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %}
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="query" name="start" type="string" %} ISO Formatted Date String. Event fetched is the one that matches this timestamp.
: 2019-03-21T20:08:00.000+01:00 {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"type": "Stationary",
"start": "2019-03-21T20:08:00.000+01:00",
"end": "2019-03-22T08:37:45.000+01:00",
"analysis_type": "indepth",
"event_id": "37954206-7468-407f-bfa6-33c9ddaab785",
"latitude": 51.78561,
"longitude": 41.49692,
"duration": 44985000,
"location": {
"type": "StationaryLocation",
"significance": "home",
"place": {
"type": "LocationPlaceCandidate",
"name": "Wonder Palace",
"categories": [
"address": {
"type": "Address",
"country": "België / Belgique / Belgien",
"city": "Ostend",
"city_type": "TOWN"
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v2/users/:user_id/events/:start/trajectory" method="get" summary="Trajectories by Start Time" %} {% swagger-description %} Note: This has been deprecated in favour of EventID based retrieval. Check below. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="user_id" type="string" %} ID of the user whose data is being retrieved. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="start" type="string" %} ISO Formatted Date String. Transport whose Trajectories are fetched is the one that matches this timestamp.
: 2019-02-22T08:37:45.000+01:00 {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %}
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"waypoints": [
"type": "TrajectoryWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78568,
"longitude": 4.49673,
"timestamp": "2019-03-22T08:37:45.000+01:00",
"road_type": "residential",
"speed": 23,
"distance": 65.5,
"speed_limit": 50
"type": "TrajectoryWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78618,
"longitude": 4.49722,
"timestamp": "2019-03-22T08:37:54.714+01:00",
"road_type": "residential",
"speed": 21.2,
"distance": 9.2,
"speed_limit": 50
"type": "TrajectoryWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78624,
"longitude": 4.49731,
"timestamp": "2019-03-22T08:37:56.080+01:00",
"road_type": "residential",
"speed": 20.8,
"distance": 7.9,
"speed_limit": 50
"encoded": "oa~tHqgmZcBaBKQIOCOAO@_Bc@C{@EYGAFGPs@zB{BnHy@|BUr@Qh@Y|@Wz@oA|DsAhEEJCLcBhFs@zBs@xBKZk@fBy@fCELEJk@jBa@nAu@zBq@zBCDUr@uBvGY`AITIX?BI`@]tBMt@GXIRMRa@`AOPk@|A]`AITk@fBkCrIYbAUv@yAzE_CtFi@fAKRkBhE?@Ul@wAfEsAfEiCdIs@zBOf@m@`AQZUv@]bAkAxDu@~Ba@jAa@lAi@~@g@bAQROHM?KAGAWMMIsAs@}A{@]QmDmBs@a@s@_@kAo@OEo@Q}DwByI}EwBiA}CeBgH{D{CaBwMgHWMmJgFkBcAaOgIeBaAmKiGgCkAoAe@eBq@eCg@gAImCKeEMeAGkAMu@QYK]MmAg@_C{A{YoPk@[aFuBoE{@_EOqF@uKVcBDsO\\}CVuCf@cBf@uChAiBbAGB}A~@cHxEeJrGcDxB{CvB}AfAq@b@q@d@kAv@kE|Ba@RkBt@eA\\s@VgE~@cBX}ARsAJaABy@DuAD{BF}@F_AFwAN{@Lg@JoCx@mAb@{Ap@kAl@mEfC}AbA}A`AwCdBoAt@mAr@YR_I|EoFhDiDvBaDpBiCbBsAx@eDjBeAj@WTe@Vc@V_FzCeHdEc@VkCzAqBnAwA|@{CjBcAn@mDtBqHnEcC|@{B^S@wAJoBFqBBsBLsCl@}BhA_CbByDrDgBbBeB`BaB|A_BpA_FtE}I|HQNaElEcDtE{BfE_AtBoAlDaBvEiGpQsBhG{BrGcChHeApB{@zB}@hBu@fAk@l@_@Xm@d@w@Xq@PcAHy@?A?g@Gi@Mc@Ms@]o@c@e@a@e@m@m@k@e@iAy@oCw@{C}@oDo@mC[gAsDyNoAmEiB{FEO}BuGmBeEcA{BwE{I[g@eAkBiE{FsCgDoCiC}A}A}@w@c@_@aBsAwAgAmCoBgBqAUQqByAcCgBwFaEAA}@s@cBmAkDeCyG}EaMaJwAcAqAaA_[_UuMqJ{DyCuBsAmBwAiBqAqAaA{BeBkGkEcTwOcAu@wImGcAq@yGaFiLeIiBoAsQqJ{LsEyAi@uPwFaPoFeEuAaPcF}GgByDm@kFy@qDc@qDOiFSoF@uEPkAFwALiFh@mB\\qDt@kIrBgJlDE@wEvBsEfCaAp@[R}DnCiBtAuCdCsCjC}B`CgBlBmGtHmFvHS\\_@h@uExHkEhIcDlGaCzEuFfJmCtDsDzEwB|BiBtBgG`HwHzIoB~BuDdEoAtAcEpEuEdFyArAyH~GeC|BkB|AsC~BoBbB{@p@wDvCQLWPqBtAyAbAwJrF_CpAcCtA}BpAk@ZOH}BpAcExBaAh@aBv@kCzAk@Ze@VoAp@uAr@mCrAeBz@]NmHzCaF|AYH_GtAcHjAk@J}N~@gFEW?eCEyEWaKcAYIsEcAkBa@c@Kk@SkAa@wDqAyEsBk@WsG_DmCsAeAk@aDcBa@S_@SsAq@}EcCYQmAk@kAg@e@S}@_@eAc@wAg@s@UkCs@gDi@gAGwCOkDCeADoAB}C^k@Jw@NwAXaAXUFiA\\_Bj@eBj@cDtAsAl@c@TwKzEaQxHyIzDoEnBaBt@_FhBeKxDwA`@yCz@sA`@y@VcE~@uBd@qIvAaC^yFp@yF`@G?oG\\aCF_EDyDD}PIK?qDAg@SaAGeAA}EA[AmD?aLCSGICEAKEA?ICMw@UuAIs@Is@KkAImBMwE?]Ao@EqAE{AQ\\KFU`@BpANN@@RNBbA?pAFdCJfCPhB?BBLBZBLVfBA^?V?b@GZQ^_@LwBv@qCbAwGjDD\\kBr@wHtCsBx@_C`AyM~EkC`AgFlBgJlDeXdKq@ViG|BwTlIwAh@iGtBaEdAiFvAuEx@oCf@gFx@eCVcFp@uHf@O@}DBwCDqBBeCBkCD}CBU?Y?qA@aZLeA@s@DI?M?gA@oNH{FD{@@_ADoGDcBBsDFkHDuCHoCHoA@yA@eCLsCVsBZSD{Bp@eA^eAb@iBz@iDnBiBdAeAp@_Al@sJzFy@d@aKjGsNpI}FnDsLhHeIbFmAv@kHhEq@`@}NbJsElCmCzAoB`AgDpAC@uBj@yA^UDeCZ}ALuCCS?cCKeAGkBOcAIwD_@gGm@}@KuEc@kHmAcGyByHsFwFmDs@]k@Ww@UoAWcCU}CCiDT_Dn@aC|@_IxCaHrCU\\]NkDpAoEbB}HtCkAb@{ElBqCdAc@PmAf@IBKFQHk@RMDy@XAr@BbBDVLl@Lf@Rr@Nb@HZJl@D^Jx@?bBIhBAVEXKt@Ql@a@KGAyB_AQImCcAQGWKgBi@OUIEOEWMQZELAJMf@Mb@WFw@Z_@RKLc@R??"
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v2/users/:user_id/events/:start/behavior_scores" method="get" summary="Behavior Scores by Start Time" %} {% swagger-description %} Note: This has been deprecated in favour of EventID based retrieval. Check below. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="user_id" type="string" %} ID of the user whose data is being retrieved. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="start" type="string" %} ISO Formatted Date String. Transport whose Behavior Scores are fetched is the one that matches this timestamp.
2019-02-22T08:37:45.000+01:00 {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %}
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"type": "CarBehaviorScores",
"overall": 0.79,
"smooth": 0.79,
"legal": 0.72,
"anticipative": 0.86,
"hard_accel": 0.9,
"hard_brake": 0.65,
"hard_events": 0.85,
"hard_turn": 0.95,
"legal_v2": 0.79,
"smooth_v2": 0.78,
"anticipative_v2": 0.85
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v2/users/:user_id/events/:start/behavior_annotations" method="get" summary="Behavior Annotations by Start Time" %} {% swagger-description %} Note: This has been deprecated in favor of EventID based retrieval. Check below. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="user_id" type="string" %} ID of the user whose data is being retrieved. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="start" type="string" %} ISO Formatted Date String. Transport whose Behavior Annotations are fetched is the one that matches this timestamp.
: 2019-02-22T08:37:45.000+01:00 {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %}
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"type": "BoundaryBehaviorAnnotation",
"start": "2019-03-22T08:37:48.303000+01:00",
"end": "2019-03-22T08:40:35.303000+01:00",
"quality": "valid"
"type": "AccelerationBehaviorAnnotation",
"start": "2019-03-22T08:38:10.781456+01:00",
"end": "2019-03-22T08:38:16.102097+01:00",
"acceleration": "accelerate",
"duration": 5321,
"magnitude": 0.189,
"path": [
"type": "BehaviorAnnotationPathWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78664,
"longitude": 4.49807
"type": "BehaviorAnnotationPathWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78679,
"longitude": 4.49808
"type": "BehaviorAnnotationPathWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78685,
"longitude": 4.4981
"type": "TurnBehaviorAnnotation",
"start": "2019-03-22T08:38:16.866289+01:00",
"end": "2019-03-22T08:38:21.479824+01:00",
"duration": 4614,
"maneuver": "left_turn",
"magnitude": 0.467,
"path": [
"type": "BehaviorAnnotationPathWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78688,
"longitude": 4.49811
"type": "BehaviorAnnotationPathWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78692,
"longitude": 4.49812
"type": "BehaviorAnnotationPathWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78693,
"longitude": 4.49808
"type": "BehaviorAnnotationPathWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78697,
"longitude": 4.49799
"type": "BehaviorAnnotationPathWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78703,
"longitude": 4.49785
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v2/users/:user_id/segments" method="get" summary="User's Segments" %} {% swagger-description %}
{% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="user_id" type="string" %} ID of the user whose data is being retrieved. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %}
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"type": "GenericSegment",
"segment_definition_id": "lifestyle.brand_loyalty.supermarket",
"explanation_you": "Because you usually shop at colruyt overijse"
"type": "GenericSegment",
"segment_definition_id": "mobility.long_commuter",
"explanation_you": "Because your commute distance from Overijse to Antwerpen is about 52.0 km"
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v2/users/:user_id/moments?from=:from&to=:to" method="get" summary="Moment History" %} {% swagger-description %}
{% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="user_id" type="string" %} ID of the user whose data is being retrieved. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %}
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="query" name="from" type="string" %} Include results from this date.
: 2019-03-21 {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="query" name="to" type="string" %} Include results up to this date.
: 2019-03-22 {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"type": "GenericMoment",
"start": "2019-03-22T14:26:00.000+01:00",
"end": null,
"moment_definition_id": "afternoon",
"analysis_type": "preliminary"
"type": "GenericMoment",
"start": "2019-03-22T12:31:00.000+01:00",
"end": "2019-03-22T14:26:00.000+01:00",
"moment_definition_id": "lunch",
"analysis_type": "preliminary"
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v2/users/:user_id/active_moments" method="get" summary="Active Moments" %} {% swagger-description %}
{% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="user_id" type="string" %} ID of the user whose data is being retrieved. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %}
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"type": "GenericMoment",
"start": "2019-03-22T14:26:00.000+01:00",
"end": null,
"analysis_type": "preliminary",
"moment_definition_id": "afternoon"
"type": "GenericMoment",
"start": "2019-03-22T09:39:00.000+01:00",
"end": null,
"analysis_type": "preliminary",
"moment_definition_id": "working_at_work"
"type": "CityMoment",
"start": "2019-03-22T09:39:00.000+01:00",
"end": null,
"analysis_type": "preliminary",
"moment_definition_id": "city_name",
"city_name": "Antwerpen"
"type": "CountryMoment",
"start": "2019-03-18T20:08:00.000+01:00",
"end": null,
"analysis_type": "preliminary",
"moment_definition_id": "country",
"country_name": "België / Belgique / Belgien"
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v2/users/:user_id/location_clusters" method="get" summary="Location Clusters" %} {% swagger-description %}
{% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="user_id" type="string" %} ID of the user whose data is being retrieved. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %}
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"type": "LocationCluster",
"last_visit": "2019-03-21T08:51:00+01:00",
"latitude": 50.78561,
"longitude": 4.49692,
"radius": 39,
"is_poi": true,
"significance": "home",
"address": {
"type": "Address",
"country": "België / Belgique / Belgien",
"city": "Overijse",
"city_type": null
"place": {
"type": "LocationPlaceCandidate",
"name": null,
"categories": [
"type": "LocationCluster",
"last_visit": "2019-03-21T12:59:00+01:00",
"latitude": 51.19655,
"longitude": 4.40808,
"radius": 98,
"is_poi": true,
"significance": "work",
"address": {
"type": "Address",
"country": "België / Belgique / Belgien",
"city": "Antwerpen",
"city_type": null
"place": {
"type": "LocationPlaceCandidate",
"name": "Sentiance HQ",
"categories": [
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v2/users/:user_id/location" method="get" summary="Location" %} {% swagger-description %}
{% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="user_id" type="string" %} ID of the user whose data is being retrieved. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %}
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"type": "Waypoint",
"latitude": 51.19766,
"longitude": 4.41042,
"timestamp": "2019-03-22T14:04:31.929+01:00"
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v2/users/:user_id/car_behavior" method="get" summary="Aggregated Behavior Scores" %} {% swagger-description %}
{% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="user_id" type="string" %} ID of the user whose data is being retrieved. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %}
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"type": "UserCarBehavior",
"scores": {
"l7d": {
"type": "ZoneCarBehaviorScores",
"all": {
"type": "CarBehaviorScores",
"overall": 0.743,
"smooth": 0.75,
"legal": 0.68,
"anticipative": 0.8,
"focus": 0.95,
"mounted": 0.05,
"hard_accel": 0.85,
"hard_brake": 0.84,
"hard_events": 0.74,
"hard_turn": 0.89,
"legal_v2": 0.67,
"smooth_v2": 0.74,
"anticipative_v2": 0.77
"motorway": {
"type": "CarBehaviorScores",
"overall": 0.44,
"smooth": -1,
"legal": 0.44,
"anticipative": -1,
"hard_accel": 0.93,
"hard_brake": 0.9,
"hard_events": 0.79,
"hard_turn": 0.95,
"legal_v2": 0.31,
"smooth_v2": 0.84,
"anticipative_v2": 0.92
"city": {
"type": "CarBehaviorScores",
"overall": 0.97,
"smooth": -1,
"legal": 0.97,
"anticipative": -1,
"hard_accel": 0.93,
"hard_brake": 0.99,
"hard_events": 0.68,
"hard_turn": 0.97,
"legal_v2": 0.98,
"smooth_v2": 0.59,
"anticipative_v2": 0.71
"non_city": {
"type": "CarBehaviorScores",
"overall": 0.99,
"smooth": -1,
"legal": 0.99,
"anticipative": -1,
"hard_accel": 0.91,
"hard_brake": 0.89,
"hard_events": 0.65,
"hard_turn": 0.93,
"legal_v2": 0.98,
"smooth_v2": 0.58,
"anticipative_v2": 0.74
"total": {
"type": "CarBehaviorScores",
"overall": 0.783,
"smooth": 0.75,
"legal": 0.8,
"anticipative": 0.8,
"hard_accel": 0.92,
"hard_brake": 0.93,
"hard_events": 0.71,
"hard_turn": 0.95,
"legal_v2": 0.76,
"smooth_v2": 0.67,
"anticipative_v2": 0.79
"past": {
"type": "ZoneCarBehaviorScores",
"all": {
"type": "CarBehaviorScores",
"overall": 0.747,
"smooth": 0.8,
"legal": 0.65,
"anticipative": 0.79,
"focus": 0.96,
"mounted": 0.33,
"hard_accel": 0.87,
"hard_brake": 0.88,
"hard_events": 0.78,
"hard_turn": 0.91,
"legal_v2": 0.57,
"smooth_v2": 0.79,
"anticipative_v2": 0.78
"motorway": {
"type": "CarBehaviorScores",
"overall": 0.38,
"smooth": -1,
"legal": 0.38,
"anticipative": -1,
"hard_accel": 0.95,
"hard_brake": 0.9,
"hard_events": 0.83,
"hard_turn": 0.96,
"legal_v2": 0.28,
"smooth_v2": 0.85,
"anticipative_v2": 0.91
"city": {
"type": "CarBehaviorScores",
"overall": 0.93,
"smooth": -1,
"legal": 0.93,
"anticipative": -1,
"hard_accel": 0.94,
"hard_brake": 0.97,
"hard_events": 0.62,
"hard_turn": 0.97,
"legal_v2": 0.98,
"smooth_v2": 0.61,
"anticipative_v2": 0.7
"non_city": {
"type": "CarBehaviorScores",
"overall": 0.96,
"smooth": -1,
"legal": 0.96,
"anticipative": -1,
"hard_accel": 0.92,
"hard_brake": 0.95,
"hard_events": 0.69,
"hard_turn": 0.93,
"legal_v2": 0.97,
"smooth_v2": 0.67,
"anticipative_v2": 0.73
"total": {
"type": "CarBehaviorScores",
"overall": 0.783,
"smooth": 0.8,
"legal": 0.76,
"anticipative": 0.79,
"hard_accel": 0.94,
"hard_brake": 0.94,
"hard_events": 0.71,
"hard_turn": 0.95,
"legal_v2": 0.74,
"smooth_v2": 0.71,
"anticipative_v2": 0.78
"features": {
"type": "UserCarBehaviorFeatures",
"l7d": {
"type": "TimeWindowUserCarBehaviorFeatures",
"phone_handling": 181200,
"distance": 557301
"past": {
"type": "TimeWindowUserCarBehaviorFeatures",
"phone_handling": 137400,
"distance": 5079771
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v2/users/:user_id/anomalies?from=:from&to=:to" method="get" summary="Anomaly History" %} {% swagger-description %}
{% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="user_id" type="string" %} ID of the user whose data is being retrieved. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %}
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="query" name="from" type="string" %} Include results from this date.
: 2019-03-21 {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="query" name="to" type="string" %} Include results up to this date.
: 2019-03-21 {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"type": "AggregatedDurationAnomaly",
"start": "2019-03-21T00:00:00+00:00",
"end": "2019-03-21T23:59:59.999999+00:00",
"analysis_type": "processed",
"sigma": 597.098,
"probability": 1,
"anomaly": "stationary_location_significance_day_part_duration",
"observed_duration": null,
"expected_duration": 7675,
"period": "day",
"day_part": "evening",
"place_category": null,
"location_significance": "work",
"transport_mode": null,
"transport_mode_category": null,
"moment_definition_id": null
"type": "AggregatedDurationAnomaly",
"start": "2019-03-21T00:00:00+00:00",
"end": "2019-03-21T23:59:59.999999+00:00",
"analysis_type": "processed",
"sigma": null,
"probability": 1,
"anomaly": "stationary_location_significance_day_part_duration",
"observed_duration": null,
"expected_duration": 14340,
"period": "day",
"day_part": "noon",
"place_category": null,
"location_significance": "work",
"transport_mode": null,
"transport_mode_category": null,
"moment_definition_id": null
"type": "AggregatedDurationAnomaly",
"start": "2019-03-21T00:00:00+00:00",
"end": "2019-03-21T23:59:59.999999+00:00",
"analysis_type": "processed",
"sigma": 1224.012,
"probability": 1,
"anomaly": "stationary_location_significance_duration",
"observed_duration": null,
"expected_duration": 34446,
"period": "day",
"day_part": null,
"place_category": null,
"location_significance": "work",
"transport_mode": null,
"transport_mode_category": null,
"moment_definition_id": null
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v2/users/:install_id/link" method="post" summary="User Link" %} {% swagger-description %} Used to link an Install ID to your system's UserID. The JSON body should contain a single parameter as described below.
Check out the guide for further details on how User Linking work and how it can benefit you. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="install_id" type="string" %} The ID of the user returned by the SDK into the Linker's callback function. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %}
Unlike other endpoints, which can be called with both a user token and an API Key, this endpoint can ONLY be called with an API Key with
scope. User tokens will be rejected.
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="external_id" type="string" %} This is the unique ID of the user in your system. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="The returned person_id
is linked to all installs for the same user, going forward and should be used thenceforth." %}
"id": "5a18fc4b0962209e0000000d"
{% endswagger-response %}
{% swagger-response status="403" description="" %}
"message": "Install does not belong to this application.",
"ref": "403b03b1-35ea-4ae4-af0a-7ebb65211543"
"message": "Install is disabled.",
"errorCode": "INSTALL_DISABLED",
"ref": "403b03b1-35ea-4ae4-af0a-7ebb65211543"
"message": "Install is deleted.",
"errorCode": "INSTALL_DELETED",
"ref": "403b03b1-35ea-4ae4-af0a-7ebb65211543"
"message": "This install is already in use, linking to another install is not possible.",
"ref": "403b03b1-35ea-4ae4-af0a-7ebb65211543"
"message": "Install linked to another user.",
"ref": "403b03b1-35ea-4ae4-af0a-7ebb65211543"
{% endswagger-response %}
{% swagger-response status="404" description="" %}
"message": "Install was not found by the install ID provided.",
"errorCode": "INSTALL_NOT_FOUND",
"ref": "403b03b1-35ea-4ae4-af0a-7ebb65211543"
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v3/users/:user_id/events/:event_id" method="get" summary="Timeline Event by EventId" %} {% swagger-description %} Returns a single Event based on the type and ID provided. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="user_id" type="string" %} ID of the user whose event is being retrieved. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="event_id" type="string" %} ID of the event being retrieved. This will be present in the
field of the {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %}
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"type": "Stationary",
"start": "2019-03-21T20:08:00.000+01:00",
"end": "2019-03-22T08:37:45.000+01:00",
"analysis_type": "indepth",
"event_id": "37954206-7468-407f-bfa6-33c9ddaab785",
"latitude": 51.78561,
"longitude": 41.49692,
"duration": 44985000,
"location": {
"type": "StationaryLocation",
"significance": "home",
"place": {
"type": "LocationPlaceCandidate",
"name": "Wonder Palace",
"categories": [
"address": {
"type": "Address",
"country": "België / Belgique / Belgien",
"city": "Ostend",
"city_type": "TOWN"
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v3/users/:user_id/events/:event_id/trajectory" method="get" summary="Trajectories by EventID" %} {% swagger-description %} Retrieve Trajectories of a Transport by its EventID. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="user_id" type="string" %} ID of the user whose data is being retrieved. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="event_id" type="string" %} ID of the Transport whose Trajectories are being retrieved. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %}
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"waypoints": [
"type": "TrajectoryWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78568,
"longitude": 4.49673,
"timestamp": "2019-03-22T08:37:45.000+01:00",
"road_type": "residential",
"speed": 23,
"distance": 65.5,
"speed_limit": 50
"type": "TrajectoryWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78618,
"longitude": 4.49722,
"timestamp": "2019-03-22T08:37:54.714+01:00",
"road_type": "residential",
"speed": 21.2,
"distance": 9.2,
"speed_limit": 50
"type": "TrajectoryWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78624,
"longitude": 4.49731,
"timestamp": "2019-03-22T08:37:56.080+01:00",
"road_type": "residential",
"speed": 20.8,
"distance": 7.9,
"speed_limit": 50
"encoded": "oa~tHqgmZcBaBKQIOCOAO@_Bc@C{@EYGAFGPs@zB{BnHy@|BUr@Qh@Y|@Wz@oA|DsAhEEJCLcBhFs@zBs@xBKZk@fBy@fCELEJk@jBa@nAu@zBq@zBCDUr@uBvGY`AITIX?BI`@]tBMt@GXIRMRa@`AOPk@|A]`AITk@fBkCrIYbAUv@yAzE_CtFi@fAKRkBhE?@Ul@wAfEsAfEiCdIs@zBOf@m@`AQZUv@]bAkAxDu@~Ba@jAa@lAi@~@g@bAQROHM?KAGAWMMIsAs@}A{@]QmDmBs@a@s@_@kAo@OEo@Q}DwByI}EwBiA}CeBgH{D{CaBwMgHWMmJgFkBcAaOgIeBaAmKiGgCkAoAe@eBq@eCg@gAImCKeEMeAGkAMu@QYK]MmAg@_C{A{YoPk@[aFuBoE{@_EOqF@uKVcBDsO\\}CVuCf@cBf@uChAiBbAGB}A~@cHxEeJrGcDxB{CvB}AfAq@b@q@d@kAv@kE|Ba@RkBt@eA\\s@VgE~@cBX}ARsAJaABy@DuAD{BF}@F_AFwAN{@Lg@JoCx@mAb@{Ap@kAl@mEfC}AbA}A`AwCdBoAt@mAr@YR_I|EoFhDiDvBaDpBiCbBsAx@eDjBeAj@WTe@Vc@V_FzCeHdEc@VkCzAqBnAwA|@{CjBcAn@mDtBqHnEcC|@{B^S@wAJoBFqBBsBLsCl@}BhA_CbByDrDgBbBeB`BaB|A_BpA_FtE}I|HQNaElEcDtE{BfE_AtBoAlDaBvEiGpQsBhG{BrGcChHeApB{@zB}@hBu@fAk@l@_@Xm@d@w@Xq@PcAHy@?A?g@Gi@Mc@Ms@]o@c@e@a@e@m@m@k@e@iAy@oCw@{C}@oDo@mC[gAsDyNoAmEiB{FEO}BuGmBeEcA{BwE{I[g@eAkBiE{FsCgDoCiC}A}A}@w@c@_@aBsAwAgAmCoBgBqAUQqByAcCgBwFaEAA}@s@cBmAkDeCyG}EaMaJwAcAqAaA_[_UuMqJ{DyCuBsAmBwAiBqAqAaA{BeBkGkEcTwOcAu@wImGcAq@yGaFiLeIiBoAsQqJ{LsEyAi@uPwFaPoFeEuAaPcF}GgByDm@kFy@qDc@qDOiFSoF@uEPkAFwALiFh@mB\\qDt@kIrBgJlDE@wEvBsEfCaAp@[R}DnCiBtAuCdCsCjC}B`CgBlBmGtHmFvHS\\_@h@uExHkEhIcDlGaCzEuFfJmCtDsDzEwB|BiBtBgG`HwHzIoB~BuDdEoAtAcEpEuEdFyArAyH~GeC|BkB|AsC~BoBbB{@p@wDvCQLWPqBtAyAbAwJrF_CpAcCtA}BpAk@ZOH}BpAcExBaAh@aBv@kCzAk@Ze@VoAp@uAr@mCrAeBz@]NmHzCaF|AYH_GtAcHjAk@J}N~@gFEW?eCEyEWaKcAYIsEcAkBa@c@Kk@SkAa@wDqAyEsBk@WsG_DmCsAeAk@aDcBa@S_@SsAq@}EcCYQmAk@kAg@e@S}@_@eAc@wAg@s@UkCs@gDi@gAGwCOkDCeADoAB}C^k@Jw@NwAXaAXUFiA\\_Bj@eBj@cDtAsAl@c@TwKzEaQxHyIzDoEnBaBt@_FhBeKxDwA`@yCz@sA`@y@VcE~@uBd@qIvAaC^yFp@yF`@G?oG\\aCF_EDyDD}PIK?qDAg@SaAGeAA}EA[AmD?aLCSGICEAKEA?ICMw@UuAIs@Is@KkAImBMwE?]Ao@EqAE{AQ\\KFU`@BpANN@@RNBbA?pAFdCJfCPhB?BBLBZBLVfBA^?V?b@GZQ^_@LwBv@qCbAwGjDD\\kBr@wHtCsBx@_C`AyM~EkC`AgFlBgJlDeXdKq@ViG|BwTlIwAh@iGtBaEdAiFvAuEx@oCf@gFx@eCVcFp@uHf@O@}DBwCDqBBeCBkCD}CBU?Y?qA@aZLeA@s@DI?M?gA@oNH{FD{@@_ADoGDcBBsDFkHDuCHoCHoA@yA@eCLsCVsBZSD{Bp@eA^eAb@iBz@iDnBiBdAeAp@_Al@sJzFy@d@aKjGsNpI}FnDsLhHeIbFmAv@kHhEq@`@}NbJsElCmCzAoB`AgDpAC@uBj@yA^UDeCZ}ALuCCS?cCKeAGkBOcAIwD_@gGm@}@KuEc@kHmAcGyByHsFwFmDs@]k@Ww@UoAWcCU}CCiDT_Dn@aC|@_IxCaHrCU\\]NkDpAoEbB}HtCkAb@{ElBqCdAc@PmAf@IBKFQHk@RMDy@XAr@BbBDVLl@Lf@Rr@Nb@HZJl@D^Jx@?bBIhBAVEXKt@Ql@a@KGAyB_AQImCcAQGWKgBi@OUIEOEWMQZELAJMf@Mb@WFw@Z_@RKLc@R??"
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v3/users/:user_id/events/:event_id/behavior_scores" method="get" summary="Behavior Scores by EventID" %} {% swagger-description %} Retrieve Behavior Scores of a Transport by its EventID. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="user_id" type="string" %} ID of the user whose data is being retrieved. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="event_id" type="string" %} ID of the Transport whose Behavior Scores are being retrieved. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %}
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"type": "CarBehaviorScores",
"overall": 0.79,
"smooth": 0.79,
"legal": 0.72,
"anticipative": 0.86,
"hard_accel": 0.9,
"hard_brake": 0.65,
"hard_events": 0.85,
"hard_turn": 0.95,
"legal_v2": 0.79,
"smooth_v2": 0.78,
"anticipative_v2": 0.85
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v3/users/:user_id/events/:event_id/behavior_annotations" method="get" summary="Behavior Annotations by EventID" %} {% swagger-description %}
{% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="user_id" type="string" %} ID of the user whose data is being retrieved. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="event_id" type="string" %} ID of the Transport whose Behavior Annotations are being retrieved. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %}
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"type": "BoundaryBehaviorAnnotation",
"start": "2019-03-22T08:37:48.303000+01:00",
"end": "2019-03-22T08:40:35.303000+01:00",
"quality": "valid"
"type": "AccelerationBehaviorAnnotation",
"start": "2019-03-22T08:38:10.781456+01:00",
"end": "2019-03-22T08:38:16.102097+01:00",
"acceleration": "accelerate",
"duration": 5321,
"magnitude": 0.189,
"path": [
"type": "BehaviorAnnotationPathWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78664,
"longitude": 4.49807
"type": "BehaviorAnnotationPathWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78679,
"longitude": 4.49808
"type": "BehaviorAnnotationPathWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78685,
"longitude": 4.4981
"type": "TurnBehaviorAnnotation",
"start": "2019-03-22T08:38:16.866289+01:00",
"end": "2019-03-22T08:38:21.479824+01:00",
"duration": 4614,
"maneuver": "left_turn",
"magnitude": 0.467,
"path": [
"type": "BehaviorAnnotationPathWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78688,
"longitude": 4.49811
"type": "BehaviorAnnotationPathWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78692,
"longitude": 4.49812
"type": "BehaviorAnnotationPathWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78693,
"longitude": 4.49808
"type": "BehaviorAnnotationPathWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78697,
"longitude": 4.49799
"type": "BehaviorAnnotationPathWaypoint",
"latitude": 50.78703,
"longitude": 4.49785
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/v3/users/:user_id/aggregated_driving_scores" method="get" summary="Time Aggregated Driving Scores " %} {% swagger-description %} Retrieve the time aggregated scores of a user, i.e.
aggregated scores. The API can be used with or without a date parameter. If no date parameter is given, the API will default to the last available (ongoing) day, week or month. The
score will aggregate all available scores (max. 9 weeks).
The date parameter accepts either the 1st day of the week (Monday) or the 1st day of the month for type: week and type: month respectively.
Note: this endpoint is available on the EU platform only. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="type" type="string" %} Type of aggregated scores you want to retrieve.
day, week, month, all. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="date" type="string" %} Optional: if you want to retrieve aggregated scores for a different period than the current one.
any day, any monday, any 1st of month. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %} A user token or an API Key with scope ''. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="Depending on the type (day, week, month or all) you have chosen, you will be returned one of the responses below." %}
"day": {
"smooth": 0.64,
"legal": 1,
"anticipative": 0.69,
"focus": 1,
"mounted": 0.17,
"hard_accel": 0.95,
"hard_brake": 0.9,
"hard_events": 0.69,
"legal_v2": 1,
"hard_turn": 1,
"smooth_v2": 0.68,
"anticipative_v2": 0.68,
"handheld_calling": 1,
"handheld_calling_duration": -1,
"handsfree_calling": 1,
"handling_without_calling": 0.95,
"handling_without_calling_duration": 10,
"attention": 0.95
"week": {
"smooth": 0.64,
"legal": 1,
"anticipative": 0.69,
"focus": 1,
"mounted": 0.17,
"hard_accel": 0.95,
"hard_brake": 0.9,
"hard_events": 0.69,
"legal_v2": 1,
"hard_turn": 1,
"smooth_v2": 0.68,
"anticipative_v2": 0.68,
"handheld_calling": 1,
"handheld_calling_duration": -1,
"handsfree_calling": 1,
"handling_without_calling": 0.95,
"handling_without_calling_duration": 10,
"attention": 0.95
"month": {
"smooth": 0.66,
"legal": 0.72,
"anticipative": 0.6,
"focus": 1,
"mounted": 0.96,
"hard_accel": 0.93,
"hard_brake": 0.9,
"hard_events": 0.68,
"legal_v2": 0.8,
"hard_turn": 0.95,
"smooth_v2": 0.61,
"anticipative_v2": 0.61,
"handheld_calling": 1,
"handheld_calling_duration": -1,
"handsfree_calling": 1,
"handling_without_calling": 0.95,
"handling_without_calling_duration": 705,
"attention": 0.95
"all": {
"smooth": 0.67,
"legal": 0.6,
"anticipative": 0.59,
"focus": 0.99,
"mounted": 0.85,
"hard_accel": 0.9,
"hard_brake": 0.92,
"hard_events": 0.7,
"legal_v2": 0.52,
"hard_turn": 0.93,
"smooth_v2": 0.63,
"anticipative_v2": 0.84,
"handheld_calling": 1,
"handheld_calling_duration": 0,
"handsfree_calling": 0.97,
"handling_without_calling": 0,
"handling_without_calling_duration": 2101,
"attention": 0
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger method="post" path="/users/auth-code" baseUrl="" summary="Authentication Code" %} {% swagger-description %} Used to request a temporary authentication code that allows the creation (or migration) of a Sentiance user that is linked to you system's UserID. The JSON body should contain a single parameter as described below. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" required="true" %}
Unlike other endpoints, which can be called with both a user token and an API Key, this endpoint can ONLY be called with an API Key with
scope. User tokens will be rejected.
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="external_id" type="string" required="true" %} This is the unique ID of the user in your system. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200: OK" description="The returned authentication code along with an expiry date. The code can be passed to the Sentiance SDK to create (or migrate) a Sentiance user that is linked to your system's user." %}
"authentication_code": "fd9c52001577fc8b2dd8af36db8550def2551e4416c44c9c448c309cc7cb4d692e10d65a9c3f93b76cd4f7c711e0d1d7750d8e46b0db0c7b980497c75631030d",
"expires_at": "2021-02-03T14:32:03.076Z"
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/users/:user_id" method="delete" summary="Delete User" %} {% swagger-description %} Deletes the user data along with the history. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="user_id" type="string" %} ID of the user whose data is to be deleted. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="string" %}
A user token or an API Key with user.delete
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}