Kfir is a program which compare a set of reads with a reference genome and yields the subset belonging to it. Kfir takes in account complexity of kmer word. The complexity could be dust or shannon entropy.
#Running Kfir Usage : kfir -g -r -o {Options}
#Option the script needs the argument with '*' the other are optionnal.
* -g <str> : reference genome/chromosome/scaffold
* -r <str> : first file of reads - or list of files (.fq or .fq.gz)
-p <str> : second file of reads if paired-end files - or list of files (.fq or .fq.gz)
-k <int> : word size for the dictionary, default is 19"
-n <int> : number of words in common to validate a read as belonging to the genome, default is 1
-o <str> : prefix of the output files
LOW COMPLEXITY TEST : choose one of the following options, default no complexity test
-d : add a dust complexity mask on the read files
-t<float> : if missing, no Shannon entropy comparison, if -t default threshold is 1.59
-h : this help
#Output The script will output a fastq file with the selected reads #Dependencies The script is written in c++, it uses the library boost (http://www.boost.org/)
#License Kfir is distributed open-source under CeCILL FREE SOFTWARE LICENSE. Check out http://www.cecill.info/ for more information about the contents of this license.
#Installation Download the git repository
kfir -h
or run kfir : kfir -g <genome file> -r <reads file> -o <output prefix> {Options}
#Contact kfir [a] genoscope [.] cns [.] fr
#Acknowledgments This work was financially supported by the Genoscope, Institut de Genomique, CEA and Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), and France Génomique (ANR-10-INBS-09-08).