(NOTE: If you don't plan on using the SeleniumBase MySQL DB feature, then you can skip this section.)
sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start
mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS test_db;' -uroot -proot
sudo mysql -h -uroot -proot test_db < create_db_tables.sql
sudo mysql -e 'ALTER USER "root"@"localhost" IDENTIFIED BY "test";' -uroot -proot
sudo service mysql restart
Have SeleniumBase tests write to the MySQL DB:
pytest --with-db_reporting
Query MySQL DB Results:
mysql -e 'select test_address,browser,state,start_time,runtime from test_db.test_run_data;' -uroot -ptest
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mysql-server
sudo mysql_secure_installation
sudo mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS test_db;'
sudo mysql -h -u root test_db < seleniumbase/core/create_db_tables.sql
sudo service mysql restart
To change the password from root
to test
mysqladmin -u root -p'root' password 'test'
sudo service mysql restart
brew install mysql
Then start the MySQL service:
brew services start mysql
(Continue with additional steps below to set up your DB.)
Download MySQL here Follow the steps from the MySQL Downloads page.
(Continue with additional steps below to set up your DB.)
If you want a visual tool to help make your MySQL life easier, try MySQL Workbench.
Use the create_db_tables.sql file to create the necessary tables for storing test data.
Update your file with your MySQL DB credentials so that tests can write to the database when they run.
Add the --with-db_reporting
argument on the command-line when you want tests to write to your MySQL database. Example:
pytest --with-db_reporting