Releases: seime/openhab2-addons
More fixes
- Fetch 2 days worth of data from Sense in case it has not reported values lately
- Improved refresh token handling
- Should hopefully calculate consumption since midnight correctly (be aware of tz)
- Minor
- Water consumption now Volume:Litres
Note: If not all things come online right away, wait at least 15 minutes. Stringent rate limiting in place.
Fixes and improvements
A few more fixes
Did not notice the classpath issue since I had the old version deployed as well
- Attempt at fixing lacking updates
- Now returning latest reported values, not last midnight values
- Added new channel waterconsumption_since_midnight on the sense guard
Attempted fix for dynamic channels disappearing
2.5.9-SNAPSHOT Update dynamic channels whenever thing is coming online as it appears…
Maintenance release
Fix for measurements being in celcius despite Fahrenheit being chosen
Fix for independent heater control
Fix for setting temp on fully independent devices
New test release
Updated readme
New test release
Adapted to openHAB 2.5 milestone 5
New functionality: Vacation mode support
Be sure to re-read info on
New bugfix release
- Fixed handling of dynamic channels (thanks Marco)
- Discovery now works with multiple accounts defined
- When AC is in a state where not all ac properties are set, set channel value to UNDEF
- Do not update Thing status unless changed (noisy)
New test release
New test release.
Built on Openhab 2.5 Milestone 3.
Note that gson
dependency must be manually updated in case of running on Openhab 2.4.
- Should fix some issues regarding startup in different states (not all ac modes have all parameters)
- Added validation of values before sending to API
- Added support for reading and setting timer
Be sure to check the file.