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ESPHome Binding for openHAB

Docs updated 2025-01-21.

This binding makes ESPHome devices available in openHAB through the ESPHome Home Assistant Native API. This is an alternative to using MQTT and/or running Home Assistant in addition to openHAB.

It does NOT provide any webpage for managing the ESP themselves. Use the ESPHome dashboard for that.

ESPHome dashboard

Benefits of using the native API over MQTT:

  • Very tight integration with openHAB, state patterns, options, icons etc fully integrated
  • Robust and reliable communication - 2 way keep-alive pings at fairly short intervals lets you know if the device has gone offline
  • No need for an MQTT broker (but that is nice to have anyway for other things :))
  • Slightly faster than messaging over MQTT (according to the ESPHome documentation)

Read more here:

Getting started for non ESPHome users

  1. Install ESPHome
  2. Create an ESPHome configuration for your device
  3. Flash the device with the ESPHome firmware
  4. Install the openHAB ESPHome binding by copying the jar file here into your addons folder, or by installing from the Marketplace
  5. Wait for discovery to find your device - or add manually in a thing file.

Note: At the current state of the binding, it is highly recommended to use file based configuration for things and items as channel types etc most likely will change.


The binding uses mDNS to automatically discover devices on the network.

Thing Configuration

device Thing Configuration

Name Type Description Default Required Advanced
hostname text Hostname or IP address of the device. Typically something like 'myboard.local' N/A yes no
port integer IP Port of the device 6053 no no
encryptionKey text Encryption key as defined in api: encryption: key: <BASE64ENCODEDKEY>. See N/A no no
password text Password to access the device if password protected. DEPRECATED. Use encryptionKey instead N/A no no
enableBluetoothProxy boolean Allow this device to proxy Bluetooth traffic. Requires ESPHome device to be configured with bluetooth_proxy false no no
pingInterval integer Seconds between sending ping requests to device to check if alive 10 no yes
maxPingTimeouts integer Number of missed ping requests before deeming device unresponsive. 4 no yes
server text Expected name of ESPHome. Used to ensure that we're communicating with the correct device. Use value from in ESPHome device configuration no yes
logPrefix text Log prefix to use for this device. hostname no yes
deviceLogLevel text ESPHome device log level to stream from the device. NONE no yes


Channels are auto-generated based on actual device configuration. Bring the device online, and the binding will interrogate the device and create channels based on the device configuration.

Full Example file example

Thing Configuration for ESPHome device

esphome:device:esp1  "ESPHome Test card 1" [ hostname="testkort1.local", encryptionKey="JVWAgubY1nCe3x/5xeyMBfaN9y68OOUMh5dACIeVmjk=", pingInterval=10, maxPingTimeouts=4, server="esphomename", logPrefix="esp1", deviceLogLevel="INFO"]

Item Configuration

Number:Temperature ESP1_Temperature "Temperature" <temperature>   {channel="esphome:device:esp1:temperature"}
Number:Dimensionless ESP1_Humidity "Humidity"     <humidity>      {channel="esphome:device:esp1:humidity"}
Switch ESP1_Switch "Relay"                        <switch>        {channel="esphome:device:esp1:relay_4"}


Why does the discovered Thing ID start with REMOVEMEWHENADDING?

This is to avoid openHAB overwriting your hostname attribute with mDNS discovery results. Remove this prefix when adding as a managed thing!

This problem does not occur if you use Thing files ("file based") configuration.

See #1 . TLDR: A "feature" in openHAB.

I cannot connect to my device

I get errors like [WARN ] [phome.internal.handler.ESPHomeHandler] - [REMOVEMEWHENADDINGbewaesserung] Error initial connection no.seime.openhab.binding.esphome.internal.comm.ProtocolAPIError: Failed to connect to 'XXXX.local.' port 6053

See previous question

openHAB looses connection to my device

with log messages like [WARN ] [home.internal.handler.ESPHomeHandler] - [esphome-devicename] Ping responses lacking. Waited 4 times 10 seconds, total of 40. Assuming connection lost and disconnecting

This can be caused by a flaky device or network connection. However, this may also be caused by openHAB is not executing the scheduled check in time. This typically happens on installations with many physical things and bindings doing blocking network I/O. You might already have noticed other things not responding immediately for unknown reasons.

In the current version the binding is using its own scheduler to avoid this.

If you for some reason cannot upgrade, adding the following to your services/runtime.cfg file might help: org.openhab.threadpool:thingHandler = 50

If you have the uptime sensor in your ESPHome configuration, you can use that to monitor the device uptime. If the device uptime is increasing while openHAB reports the device as offline, it is likely a network issue.

I get warnings like

Unit 'XXXX' unknown to openHAB, returning DecimalType for state '1234.0' on channel 'esphome:device:8dcf64d482:my_channel_name

The unit is reported by the ESPHome device, but it doesn't match anything known to openHAB.

Solution: Add a valid unit_of_measurement to your entity in the ESPHome configuration. Use unit_of_measurement: "" to remove the unit altogether from the entity.

I get warnings like

No device_class reported by sensor '<name of sensor>'. Add device_class to sensor configuration in ESPHome. Defaulting to plain Number without dimension

This is because the ESP sensor does not report a device_class. This field is used to determine item and category type in openHAB. Solution: Specify a device_class to your ESPHome configuration. Example:
See for valid device_class values (use lowercase values) Also note that you may override default device_class by specifying device_class: "" to remove any device class from the sensor.

Also see for more information.

Bluetooth proxy support

It is now possible to utilize the built-in Bluetooth proxy in ESPHome. This allows you to use ESPHome devices as proxies for other Bluetooth devices such as BTHome sensors or a range of other Bluetooth devices.

NOTE: Only beacons / devices broadcasting data are supported at the moment. Connectable devices will be supported in a future release.

The feature is still experimental and may not work as expected.

  1. Configure the ESPHome device with the bluetooth_proxy component. See
  active: true
  1. Configure the ESPHome device in openHAB with enableBluetoothProxy = true
esphome:device:esp1  "ESPHome Test card 1" [ ... enableBluetoothProxy=true ]
  1. Configure a Bluetooth Proxy bridge of type esphome

This is the standard configuration for any type of Bluetooth adapter in openHAB (not documented elsewhere)

Name Type Description Default Required Advanced
backgroundDiscovery boolean Add discovered device automatically to tihe inbox in the background false no no
inactiveDeviceCleanupInterval integer Number of seconds of Bluetooth device inactivity before removing from inbox 60 no no
inactiveDeviceCleanupThreshold integer 300 no no
Bridge bluetooth:esphome:proxy "ESPHome BLE Advertisement listener" [backgroundDiscovery = false] {
    bthome parasite1 "b-Parasite #4354" [address="XX:XX:XX:XX:18:91", expectedReportingIntervalSeconds = 600]

NOTE: Set backgroundDiscovery to true if you want to automatically add discovered devices to the inbox. If not use manual scanning from the inbox.

Streaming logs from ESPHome device to openHAB

As an alternative to manually streaming device logs via ESPHome dashboard, you can have openHAB stream the device logs directly to openHAB - which will write them using the standard log system.

  1. Make sure your ESPHome yaml is configured with a log level that produces the logs you want to see. See
  2. Configure the deviceLogLevel parameter on the thing configuration. Valid values:
  3. The default log level in openHAB is WARN, so you need to add a logger named ESPHOMEDEVICEwith level INFO to see actual log statements. Either add this to your log4j.xml file or use the Karaf console:


    <Logger level="DEBUG" name="ESPHOMEDEVICE"/>

This will produce logs on level INFO in the openHAB logs like this:

[2024-04-04 15:06:25.822] [boiler] [D][dallas.sensor:143]: 'VV Temp bottom': Got Temperature=21.0°C
[2024-04-04 15:06:25.834] [boiler] [D][sensor:094]: 'VV Temp bottom': Sending state 21.00000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[2024-04-04 15:06:25.850] [boiler] [D][dallas.sensor:143]: 'VV Temp middle': Got Temperature=71.7°C 
[2024-04-04 15:06:25.863] [boiler] [D][sensor:094]: 'VV Temp middle': Sending state 71.68750 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy

To redirect device logs to a separate log file, edit your log4j.xml file and add the following in the <Appenders> section:

<RollingFile fileName="${sys:openhab.logdir}/esphomedevice.log"
             filePattern="${sys:openhab.logdir}/esphomedevice.log.%i" name="ESPHOMEDEVICE">
    <PatternLayout pattern="[%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS}] %m%n"/>
        <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="32 MB"/>

And add the following in the Loggers section:

<Logger additivity="false" level="INFO" name="ESPHOMEDEVICE">
    <AppenderRef ref="ESPHOMEDEVICE"/>

Sending state from openHAB to ESPHome

You can send state to the ESPHome device using the homeassistant sensor type. Only entity_id field is used.

You can listen for several types of OpenHAB events, default is ItemStateChangedEvent. The following are supported:

entity_id OH Event listened for Item/Thing
<whatever>.ItemName ItemStateChangedEvent ItemName
ItemStateChangedEvent.ItemName ItemStateChangedEvent ItemName
ItemStateEvent.ItemName ItemStateEvent ItemName
ItemStateUpdatedEvent.ItemName ItemStateUpdatedEvent ItemName
ItemStatePredictedEvent.ItemName ItemStatePredictedEvent ItemName
GroupItemStateChangedEvent.ItemName GroupItemStateChangedEvent ItemName
GroupStateUpdatedEvent.ItemName GroupStateUpdatedEvent ItemName
ThingStatusInfoEvent.my_thing_uid ThingStatusInfoEvent my:thing:uid
ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent.my_thing_uid ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent my:thing:uid

NOTE: EntityID in HA is case-insensitive - meaning only lowercase is used. Whatever you add in entity_id in the ESPHome yaml will be converted to lowercase. In OH item names are case-sensitive, so you can have 2 items like MYITEM and MyItem, and we cannot distinguish between the 2. Avoid this setup.

NOTE2: In Thing UIDs, the : is replaced with _

NOTE3: For Group events, it is the group state that is sent, not the individual item states.


Making state changes to OH temperature sensor available in ESPHome:

  - platform: homeassistant
    name: "Outside temperature"
    entity_id: ItemStateChangedEvent.MyTemperatureItem
    device_class: temperature

Listening for commands sent from OH to some OH item and making it available in ESPHome:

  - platform: homeassistant
    name: "Flower watering activating"
    entity_id: ItemCommandEvent.WaterValve_Switch

Making ESPHome device react when a Thing changes status, ie goes offline/online:

  - platform: homeassistant
    name: "ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent"
    entity_id: ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent.astro_moon_local

Time sync from openHAB

Time sync from your openHAB server is supported using the HomeAssistant time source component.

  - platform: homeassistant
    id: openhab_time

Iconify support

If you have the Iconify icon provider bundle installed, try configuring the icon field in the ESPHome yaml file. The binding will then use the icon from Iconify instead of openHAB classic icons .

- platform: uptime
  name: Uptime
  icon: "mdi:counter"


Most entity types and functions are now supported. However, there are some limitations:

The following entity types are not yet supported (please submit a PR of file a feature request!)

  • camera
  • voice
  • valve

In addition, the Bluetooth proxy isn't fully ready yet.