Read or watch:
- Working with JSON data
- The workflow of accessing the attributes of a simply-created JSON object by Jimmy Tran from Cohort 1 - San Francisco
- request module
- Modern JS
What you should learn from this project:
- Why Javascript programming is amazing (don’t forget to tweet today, with the hashtag #javascriptisamazing :))
- How to manipulate JSON data
- How to use request and fetch API
- How to read and write a file using fs module
- Write a script that reads and prints the content of a file.
- Write a script that writes a string to a file.
- Write a script that display the status code of a GET request.
- Write a script that prints the title of a Star Wars movie where the episode number matches a given integer.
- Write a script that prints the number of movies where the character “Wedge Antilles” is present.
- Write a script that gets the contents of a webpage and stores it in a file.
- Write a script that computes the number of tasks completed by user id.
- Write a script that prints all characters of a Star Wars movie:
- Write a script that prints all characters of a Star Wars movie:
- Write a Javascript script that takes in 3 strings and sends a search request to the Twitter API
- Sebastian Lopez Herrera - sebas119