What you should learn from this project:
- Why Python programming is awesome (don’t forget to tweet today, with the hashtag #pythoniscool :))
- What’s the difference between errors and exceptions
- What are exceptions and how to use them
- When do we need to use exceptions
- How to correctly handle an exception
- What’s the purpose of catching exceptions
- How to raise a builtin exception
- When do we need to implement a clean-up action after an exception
- Write a function that prints x elements of a list.
- Write a function that prints an integer with "{:d}".format().
- Write a function that prints the first x elements of a list and only integers.
- Write a function that divides 2 integers and prints the result.
- Write a function that divides element by element 2 lists.
- Write a function that raises a type exception.
- Write a function that raises a name exception with a message.
- Write a function that prints an integer.
- Write a function that executes a function safely.
- Write the Python function def magic_calculation(a, b): that does exactly the same as the following Python bytecode:
- Create three C functions that print some basic info about Python lists, Python bytes an Python float objects.
Python lists:
- Sebastian Lopez Herrera - sebas119