1 bug fix:
Fixed (again) /p{L}/ being nothing like /w/.
4 minor enhancements:
Added #active qualifier
Added all_active_tasks
Added filtering to #all_subtasks.
Added some cleanup to remove duplicate tasks (by ticket_id, first one wins).
5 bug fixes:
Fix for CJK name support. (inevity)
Fixed #non_dropped_project for newer omnifocus applescript changes.
Fixed creating release/triage tasks for an existing project.
Fixed filtering existing tasks, was ignoring ‘_’ in project names and duplicating tasks.
Force load all plugins in bin/of on start
4 minor enhancements:
Added ‘of version` subcommand to print out versions for omnifocus and plugins.
Added config file (~/.omnifocus.yml) to exclude syncing named projects.
Added debug ivar to OmniFocus instead of ruby’s $DEBUG (noisy!).
Extended ‘of help` subcommand to print out all known subcommands with descriptions.
5 minor enhancements:
Extended _context to try tags first.
Extended _flattened_contexts to try tags first.
Extended reschedule subcommand to create missing release/triage tasks where needed.
Refactored _context and _flattened_contexts methods.
Refactored neww project sub-command to new_or_repair_project.
1 bug fix:
Fixed to work with omnifocus 3 (single context -> multiple tags)
1 minor enhancement:
Switched to rb-scpt for OSX compatibility. (current version is noisy, hopefully this will be fixed soon)
3 bug fixes:
Fixed marking tasks in/complete with latest version of omnifocus.
More fixes for defer_date changes in OF applescript dictionary.
Project field is defer_date (and alias doesn’t seem to work)
1 minor enhancement:
Added support for hash parameter to make. (andrewguy9)
1 minor enhancement:
Customizable nerd folder via OF_FOLDER. (maxim)
1 minor enhancement:
Review command filters out dropped projects.
1 bug fix:
Fixed ‘of reschedule’ to gracefully deal with tasks w/o repeat.
1 minor enhancement:
Popped mechanize dependency up to 2.x.
1 bug fix:
Removed 2.0 warnings. (moujp)
1 bug fix:
Fix task population for projects with whitespace in their names (thank you vesen)
1 minor enhancement:
Make “of sync” aware of nested tasks (dohzya)
4 minor enhancements:
Added “reschedule” command to evenly distribute review & release chaos.
Added Project#review_interval=.
Added Task#project.
of fix_review_dates now fully re-distributes projects to be evenly spread out.
2 minor enhancements:
Added bin/of
Added deprecation notices to bin/omnifocus*
1 bug fix:
_plugins should skip classes explicitly.
1 bug fix:
Removed filtering on active project to avoid sync creating duplicates everywhere
2 bug fixes:
Roll back mechanize from 2.x to 1.x… buggy mechanize is buggy
refactored and fixed existing task scanning
2 minor enhancements:
Rewrote all the task accesses to be a single fetch.
Updated mechanize and rb-appscript deps.
2 bug fixes:
Fixed a bug with rb-appscript caused by ruby 1.9. :( (turadg)
Project names with ‘.’ in them were being ignored by my regexp
1 minor enhancement:
Added plugin filtering from the commandline (eg omnifocus github).
Requires all plugins to provide a PREFIX constant.
2 minor enhancements:
Refactored. Extracted into walk_queue_deep
Updated to mechanize 1.0.x! No more WWW! YAY!
1 minor enhancement:
Added ability to re-open tasks. (aja)
1 bug fix:
Rakefile should have declared pluggable!
3 minor enhancements:
Added omnifocus_new so I can create tasks via shell. yay!
Cleaned up a fair amount of appscript calls, mostly negated by changes for OF’s model.
Figured out the necessary appscript to navigate OmniFocus’ byzantine hierarchical object model.
adding methods: all_{tasks,folders,projects}
3 minor enhancements:
Changed bts_id to match /SYSTEM(-project)?#id/ to work with PITA BTSen.
Debug mode prints pseudo-actions as well as dumping its knowledge db.
run method now extends with plugins before hitting the backend.
1 bug fix:
Fixed load_plugins from loading both gem and local plugins.
1 major enhancement