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Forgettable - Backend

This is the backend of Forgettable repository.

How to set up backend

  1. Make sure your current directory is Forgettable/backend

  2. Create .env under repo's backend folder

    • MONGODB_URI should be set to a running mongodb instance url (should start with mongodb+src://)
    • PORT should be set to 3001 (*that is, if proxy on forgettable-frontend is set to http://localhost:3001/)
    • FIREBASE_TEST_AUTH_KEY should be set to the Firebase project's web API key (project can be accessed with the team gmail account)
    • FIREBASE_TEST_AUTH_EMAIL should be set to a Firebase project user's email (e.g. [email protected] or any account on
    • FIREBASE_TEST_AUTH_PASS should be set to the above Firebase project user's password
    • ALGOLIA_APP_ID should be set to the Aloglia Forgettable app id ( can be accessed using the team account credentials)
    • ALGOLIA_SECRET_KEYshould be set to the Admin API Key found on the Algolia Forgettable app
  3. Add the forgettable_service_account.json to the firebase-configs folder. These keys can be generated at: and should be renamed to forgettable_service_account.json

NOTE: The above .env variables and service_account json can be found in the setup-resources channel in the SE701 Team 3 Discord server

To run application

  1. Run npm i to install all the dependencies of backend.
  2. Run npm start to run the server


Integration Testing

Integration testing tests API endpoints through mock in-memory mongodb instance. We use supertest for wrapping express app, mongodb-memory-server for mock mongodb instance, jest for running the tests.

  1. Run npm run test to run all the tests.

Static Testing (Lint)

ESLint is set up to enforce coding standard. Our lint setup extends AirBnB's lint settings, with some overridden rules.

  1. Run npm run lint to check what lint issues there are
  2. Run npm run lint-fix to fix all the errors that can be automatically resolved by lint.

For Developers

Here are some useful information to help future contributors to understand the codebase.

Languages / Framework / Tool

  • Typescript
  • Node & Express & MongoDB
  • Jest for test
  • Npm for dependency management. Do not use yarn

Architecture Description

We follow a standard backend architecture.

  • src
    • routes configures endpoints and attaches controller as an action to each route's REST methods
    • controllers contains high-level operations using services, consumed by routes
    • services contains database operations
    • models describes mongodb database schema (person.model.ts) and exports interfaces (PersonModel)

Creating an integration test

Integration test wraps express app and connects to a mock, in-memory mongodb instance.

Here's an example of integration test. Make sure to create integration tests under src/routes/__test__ for easier navigation.

Example of an integration test (src/routes/__test__/person.route.test.ts)

import httpStatus from 'http-status';
import databaseOperations from '../../utils/test/db-handler';
import { PersonModel } from '../../models/person.model';
import app from '../../index';

const supertest = require('supertest');

beforeAll(async () => databaseOperations.connectDatabase());
afterEach(async () => databaseOperations.clearDatabase());
afterAll(async () => databaseOperations.closeDatabase());

const requestPersonData:PersonModel = {
  first_name: 'new person',
  last_name: 'hellob',
  interests: ['a', 'b'],
  organisation: 'helloc',
  time_added: new Date('2022-01-01'),
  how_we_met: 'helloe',
  birthday: new Date('2002-12-12'),
  encounters: [] as any,

describe('person ', () => {
  it('can be created correctly', async () => {
    await supertest(app).post('/api/persons/create')
      .set('Accept', 'application/json')

    const { body } = await supertest(app).get('/api/persons');
    const result:PersonModel = body[0];

We can run these tests through npm run test