Number of + signs indicate how much work implies the change
- add doctest when possible
- make an outer function that selects, from an Arff file, specified values of specified columns (+)
- extend ArffFile object and arff file types to accomodate with uncertain data (+++)
- add a general binary decomposition method (+++)
- add multilabel chaining methods (+++)
- add multilabel calibrating methods (+++)
- add decision trees (+++)
- add credal model averaging logistic regressions (+++)
- add credal model averaging of networks (+++)
- transform decomposition methods (binary relevance, Frank and all method) so that they accept any base classifier (++)
- add classifiers comparison using Demsar paper (+++)
- add a function doing fold cross validation for any method (++)
- add structured validation in fold creation function (+)
- add transformation and approximations between different formats (+++)
- add possibility distributions (+++)
- add comparative probabilities on singletons (+++)
- add neighbourhood models: PMM, denisity-ratio (++)
- for each model, add extreme point extraction method (+++)
- for each model, implement directly combination method (conjunctive, disjunctive)