All routes that take data as parameter expect JSON
- 'id',
- 'name',
- 'email',
- 'email_verified_at',
- 'password',
- 'avatar',
- 'remember_token'
Creates a new user. Requires a name, email, password, and password_confirmation
Logs the user in and returns a JSON Web Token (JWT)
Invalidates the JWT
Returns information about the connected user (id, name and email)
Invalidates the previous JWT and returns a new one that's valid for the next 60 minutes
A json object containing the following keys:
- 'id',
- 'event_title',
- 'event_time',
- 'event_description',
- 'event_city',
- 'event_location',
- 'event_image',
- 'event_author', -> id of the author
- 'reminder'
Returns the first 6 events that haven yet to take place by chronological order, as well as pagination information
Returns the 6 most recent past events by reverse chronological order, as well as pagination information
Returns the event with the id, the informations of the author and all the attendees.
Creates a new event Returns the newly created event object, including its id
Only allowed if you are the author of the event Updates one, all or several fields of a specified event
Only possible if you are the author of the event Deletes the specified event
- 'event_id', -> id of the event
- 'user_id' -> id of the attendee
Creates a new entry with the connected user id and the event id
Deletes the user's registration to the specified event