Set an environmental variable containing the directory name where raw reads are located. The same name can then be re-used to create matching output directories.
run=$(basename ${raw}) # name of directory with raw reads: tutorial in this example
This runs bwa mem
for samples in samples.txt
using ${ref}
as reference sequences. The input are trimmed reads located in the ${in} input directory. Input is specified as paired-end reads, with two files per sample, ending in .trim1.fastq.gz
and .trim2.fastq.gz
, respectively.
bsub <
This creates an output directory ${mapping} with a subfolder for each sample, as well as a copy of the sample file samples.txt
. In each sample subdirectory, you'll find the reference *.fasta
file used to map against, the mapped reads in the *.bam
files and corresponding *.bam.bai
index files, as well as some basic mapping statistics ending in *.flagstats.txt
and a bwa.Q${Q}.log
log file.
This computes coverage statistics for samples in samples.txt
for reads mapped with quality ${Q} against all regions in ${ref}
bsub <
This collects mapping and coverage statistics for all samples in samples.txt
using the mapping quality and coverage thresholds ${Q} and ${maxcov}, respectively. -s samples.txt -Q ${Q} -m ${maxcov}
This generates a heatmap and violin plots of the coverage analysis results. The visual output can be used to update the selection of adequate filtering thresholds. The mapfile.txt
can be a file with a header and single column with sample base names, or it can contain a second column with group memberships. Group memberships are used to filter loci in each group separately, and to determine the overlap of remaining loci loci.txt
# Filtering thresholds
minploci=0.2 # min. proportion of regions recovered per sample (filters taxa)
minptaxa=0.7 # min. proportion of samples recovered per region (filters loci)
minlen=1 # minimum mapped length in .bam (filters loci)
mincov=8 # minimum average coverage in .bam (filters loci)
maxcov=1000 # maximum average coverage in .bam (filters loci)
minratio=0 # minimum target alignment fraction (alignment length / target length) (filters loci)
minfrac=0.7 # minimum fraction of samples conforming to the absolute locus filters (minlen, mincov, maxcov, minratio)
# Visualize coverage analysis and filter loci
filter.visual.coverages.R mapfile.txt coverage_stats.Q${Q}.txt ${ref} ${minploci} ${minptaxa} ${minlen} ${mincov} ${maxcov} ${minratio} ${minfrac}
To get to the next steps, follow the Read Assembly tutorial.