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scottoffen edited this page Oct 8, 2014 · 6 revisions

RestRequest is used to interact with a RestClient. It defines the pattern for the resource, the request method and the request payload content type.

RestRequest inherits from AbstractEventLogger.


There are multiple constructors that take the following three parameters in various combinations, including no parameters at all.

var r = new RestRequest(HttpMethod.GET, "/resource/{id}", ContentType.TXT);

// could also be written

var r = new RestRequest("/resource/{id}", HttpMethod.GET, ContentType.TXT);
  • HttpMethod method : The HTTP request method to be used for the request. Defaults to HttpMethod.GET.

  • ContentType type : The content type of the data being sent. Defaults to ContentType.DEFAULT.

  • String resource : An optionally-tokenized string that represents the path info to the desired resource. Before tokenized requests can be sent, values must be provided for each token. Defaults to an empty string.


AddParameter (String name, String value)

A name/value pair should be added for every token in the resource string, where the name is the same as the string inside the curly braces.

var r = new RestRequest("/{department}/person/{id}");
r.AddParameter("department", "finance");
r.AddParameter("id", "8952-8653345");

When the Reset method is called, all parameters are cleared.

AddQuery (string name, string value)

These name/value pairs will be joined into a query string when the QueryString property is requested.

var r = new RestRequest("/person/search");
r.AddQuery("gender", "male");
r.AddQuery("age", "93");

var qstr = r.QueryString;
// returns "gender=male&age=93"
  • You do not need to URI-encode the names or the values. Returns null if there are no key/value pairs.

  • When the Reset method is called, all query string values are cleared.

Reset ()

The Reset method clears the Payload value and clears all provided parameters and query string key-value pairs. This method is called by default whenever a request is executed, regardless of the response returned.



ContentType : ContentType

Gets or sets the ContentType to be used for this request.

Encoding : Encoding

Gets or sets the Encoding to be used for this request.

Get and/or otherwise interact with the WebHeaderCollection for this client.

All headers are sent with each request.

Headers are not cleared when Reset is called.

Method : HttpMethod

Gets or sets the HttpMethod to be used for this request.

PathInfo : String

Returns the Resource string with all tokens replaced by their respective values from the AddParameters method.

Throws a ServerStateException if there is not a value for every token in Resource.

Payload : String

Gets or sets the data payload to be sent with this request.

QueryString : String

Returns the concatenated, URI-encoded name/value pairs added via the AddQuery method.

var r = new RestRequest("/person/search");
r.AddQuery("gender", "male");
r.AddQuery("age", "93");

var qstr = r.QueryString;
// returns "gender=male&age=93"

Returns null if there are no name/value pairs.

Resource : String

Gets or sets the optionally-tokenized string that represents the path info to the desired resource. When the value is changed, all parameters are cleared (but not the query string).

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