This repository has scripts for scanning using CxFlow or CxCLI. The scripts ingest a text file of public git repos.
scan_git.ps1 is a powershell script that allows a git clone of multiple git repos from a text file and a scan via the CLI or CxFlow
- Install Chocolatey -
- Open a CMD prompt as admin
- Replace the following user directory with yours
choco install -y wget unzip
cd C:\Users\CxAdmin
mkdir CxConsole && cd ./CxConsole
#Latest public CxCLI
wget -O && unzip && del
- Update the .ps1 script values $CxServer, $CxTeam, $CLI
- To get token run the following command and replace with your login info
. .\scan_git.ps1; GetToken -CxUser admin -CxPass P@ssword1
- Update the .ps1 script value $CxToken
- Update the .txt file of choice and run the following command to scan
. .\scan_git.ps1; AsyncScan -gitList giturls.txt
choco install -y wget unzip
cd C:\Users\CxAdmin
mkdir CxFlow && cd ./CxFlow
#latest stable release
wget -O cxflow.jar
wget -O cxflow.jar
- Update username, password, team, base-url in the application-scan.yml file
- Update the .txt file of choice and run the following command to scan
. .\scan_git.ps1; FlowScan -gitLis giturls.txt is a bash script that allows a git clone of multiple git repos from a text file and a scan via CxFlow
- Install wget
- Update username, password, team, base-url in the application-scan.yml file
- Update the .txt file of choice and run the following command to scan
#latest stable release
wget -O cxflow.jar
wget -O cxflow.jar
sh scan_git_cxflow giturls.txt
Sam Quakenbush, Sales Engineering - Initial work
This project is licensed under TBD