SOP 16SrRNA microbial diversity : large data analysis This is the analysis for amplicon shot gun sequences without sample barcodes, meta-data information and mapping file. In this situation the reads are already multiplexed, without barcode labels. This can affect downstream analysis. In this situation, analysis can only be done at a sequence level.
Here, we show how to overcome the above challenge by relabeling sequence identifiers and achieve the following objectives: (1) assign taxonomy (2) compare phylogenetic relationship among sequences (3) predict genes and functions. This SOP focuses on overcoming memory cap issues with USEARCH 32-bit version. The included scripts can be used to perform these objectives.
Linux or Unix 64-bit OS, > 20GB RAM and > 4 CPU cores.
USEARCH 7.0.1001: and usearch version 6.1.554 # rename USEARCH61 Make sure usearch version 6.1.554 is installed in your path (moved to /usr/bin) or you run it your dir sudo chmod 777 /usr/bin/usearch61 #make executable . Both USEARCH are required
QIIME 64-bit of the latest qiime should be installed along with its dependencies. Cent OS installation guide: and
download reference database
download UPARSE scripts:
download Faster_splitter:
download Greengenes Database