PajeNG (Paje Next Generation) is a re-implementation in C++ of the
well-known Paje visualization tool for the analysis of execution
traces (in the Paje File Format). The tool is released under the GNU
General Public License 3. PajeNG comprises the libpaje
library, and an
auxiliary tool called pj_dump
to transform Paje trace files to
Comma-Separated Value (CSV). This dump tool also serves to validate
the contents of a Paje trace file. The space-time visualization tool
called pajeng had been deprecated (removed from the sources) since
modern tools do a better job (see pj_gantt
, for instance, or take a
more general approach using R+ggplot2 to visualize the output of
). This effort was started as part of the french INFRA-SONGS
ANR project. Development has continued through a collaboration between
INF/UFRGS (Brazil) and Inria (France).
sudo apt-get install git cmake build-essential libboost-dev asciidoc flex bison libfmt-dev;
git clone git:// ; mkdir -p pajeng/b ; cd pajeng/b ; cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. ; make install
PajenNG is available at the Spack official repository. The installation of PajeNG and all its dependencies is handled automatically and without superuser permissions.
git clone && cd spack
./bin/spack install pajeng