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Arnaud Delorme edited this page Oct 5, 2019 · 19 revisions

This plugin removes low-frequency drifts, flatline channels, noisy channels, short-time bursts and incompletely repaired segments from the data. Hopefully parameter tuning should be the exception when using this function -- however, there are 3 parameters governing how aggressively bad channels, bursts, and irrecoverable time windows are being removed, plus several detail parameters that only need tuning under special circumstances.

Notes: This plugin uses the Signal Processing toolbox for pre- and post-processing of the data (removing drifts, channels and time windows); the core ASR method (clean_asr) does not require this toolbox but you will need high-pass filtered data if you use it directly.

Below we detail the GUI interface. Individual function contain additional help information.

![](gui_interface.png =250x)

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