Please, go to the conference homepage in order to checkout the final schedule 🙂🦄
- Calisthenics - Smells - SOLID - Cohesion / Cupling connecting the dots
- Communication Antipatterns and where to find them
- Continuous Deployment With Jenkins X And Kubernetes
- Developer Responsibility Principle
- Istio Service Mesh & pragmatic microservices architecture
- Kubernetes in Startups vs Enterprise: Using Custom Resources to extend workflow
- Reactive microsystems
- The Science of Not Estimating
- Timeless Streams
- A cowgirl journey
- Todo lo que podría salir mal, ha salido mal con D3 y grafos.
- Automatiza y vencerás!
- Mide más y sufre menos
- Del CSS semántico a utility-first: nuestro viaje hacia un CSS comprensible y reusable
- MVP & FRP for a controllerless architecture
- Texturas
- Machine Learning para optimizar imágenes
- Dame tus tipos Pegaso
- Mi Monolito Mola Mucho
- Serverless Programming for implementing Active Security in a microservices world.
- Acercándonos a la Programación Funcional 🦄 a través de la Arquitectura Hexagonal 🎯
- Spending $34.66 for saving $150,000.00 a year in AWS
- Retos en el desarrollo de un videojuego HTML5 para una principiante
- Culture: engine and stopper of changes
- Creating a web browser game with websockets
- Case Study: Practical tools and strategies for tackling legacy practices and legacy systems in a fast-growing startup.
- Operational Serverless
- Powerpoint karaoke
- keep calm and do a great presentation
- Cambios en paralelo. Cambios grandes, pasos pequeños
- Playing with IoT and planes
- Kubeflow: Escalando tus modelos de tensorflow con kubernetes
- Talks in Spanish: 19
- Talks in English: 9
- Workshops in Spanish: 4
- Open Space: 3h on each one of the 4 tracks