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84 lines (43 loc) · 3.58 KB

tidyjson dev

New functions

  • Add bind_rows() support. Though currently not an S3 implementation, it behaves as much like the dplyr variant as possible, preserving the attr(.,'JSON') components if all components are tbl_json objects. (#58)

Documentation Changes

  • "Using Multiple APIs" vignette added to show support for using tidyjson with multiple APIs (#85)

  • Updated to better explain spread_all() (#92)

Bug fixes and minor changes

  • DROP=TRUE caused an error. Altered behavior to be consistent with tbl_df

  • Fix spread_all(recursive=FALSE) bug that caused an error (#65)

  • Alter spread_all() behavior to recursively check for deduplication of names (and thus avoid an error) (#76)

  • Add named support for the NSE versions of dplyr functions (filter(),mutate(),slice(), etc.) since the SE variants are no longer called behind-the-scenes since dplyr 0.6.0. (#97)

  • Fix errors with print.tbl_json() when the JSON attribute is missing

  • Fix json_structure() failure if missing by imputing the missing (#86)


New functions

  • json_complexity() computes the "complexity" (recursively unlisted length) of JSON data (#5)

  • json_structure() recursively structures arbitrary JSON data into a single data frame (#2)

  • json_schema() creates a schema for a JSON document or collection (#12)

  • is_json functions for testing JSON types, such as is_json_string(), is_json_null() or is_json_object() (#39)

  • spread_all() spreads all scalar values of a JSON object into new columns (#56)

  • as.character.tbl_json() converts tbl_json objects back into JSON character strings (#62)

  • gather_object() replaces gather_keys(), with default of name instead of key (#66). This more closely matches the JSON standard, which refers to objects as name-value pairs, and is now consistent with gather_array().

Documentation Changes

  • "Using Multiple APIs" vignette added to show support for using tidyjson with multiple APIs (#85)

  • Updated to better explain spread_all() (#92)

  • "Visualizing JSON" vignette for visualizing the structure of complex JSON data, like the companies example (#4)

  • Significant updates to all documentation and examples for clarity (#42)

  • Updated "Introduction to tidyjson" vignette to be more concise and use new functionality (#74)

Bug fixes and minor changes

  • enter_object and the jstring, jnumber and jlogical functions now accept unqoted strings to specify their path (#26)

  • tbl_json objects now print with a tidy character representation of the JSON attribute (#61)

  • Use purrr for most list based internal operations (#1)

  • Use tidyr for gather_array and gather_object functions (#28)

  • Imported the magrittr %>% operator (#17)

  • Fixed dplyr::slice() not working correctly with tbl_json objects (#18)

  • First argument to verbs is .x rather than x to avoid name conflicts in NSE (#23)

  • Fixed spread_values() to not coerce types (#24)

  • gather_array() and gather_object() can be called repeatedly in the same pipeline with the same argument, and will simply append an integer identifer to the new columns (#38)

Other changes

Deprecated functions

  • gather_keys() -> use gather_object() instead