The processing system INI file described the wet-lab processing of the sample (adapter sequences, target region, data type, etc) and defines the main parameters for the data analysis:
- Processing system short name (must be a valid file name).name_manufacturer
- Processing system full name (can be any name, including characters that are invalid in file names).target_file
- Target region BED file path. The target region is used to determine where indel realignment and variant calling are done.adapter1_p5
- Read 1 adapter sequence (Illumina standard isAGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA
- Read 2 adapter sequence (Illumina standard isAGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGTGTAGGGAAAGAGTGT
- Processing system type:WGS
,Panel Haloplex
for randomly-fragmented reads,false
for amplicon-based
- Currently onlyGRCh37
is supported.
In addition, for the RNA analysis pipeline:
- Target region is only used for mapping quality
- Basename of the genome build. FASTA, STAR index and GTF annotation have to be present.