npm install vue-paginatron --save
vue-paginatron exposes several scoped-slot props that you can use to get basic pagination functionality, you have complete control over what is rendered.
import Paginatron from 'vue-paginatron'
export default {
components: { Paginatron }
- items
: items to be paginated - itemPerPage
: number of items per page - rotate
: Wether or not to rotate at the end of the pages
- Methods:
: Sets an specific pagenextPage
: Advance to the next pageprevPage
: Return to the previous page
- Data:
: Items shown in the current pagepage
: Current active page -pages
: Total of pages -hasPrevPage
: wether or not the current page is the first onehasNextPage
: wether or not the current page is the last one
- Attribute bindings:
: hides/shows button if there is a previous pagenextButtonAttrs
: hides/shows button if there is a next page
- Event bindings:
: handles click event to go to the next pagenextButtonEvents
: handles click event to go to the previous page
- Called every time active items has changed
- Payload:
of the current page
- Called when method nextPage is called
- Payload:
{ prev, current }
: object with the previous and current page
- Called when method prevPage is called
- Payload:
{ prev, current }
: object with the previous and current page
- Called every time active page has changed
- Payload:
active page
<div id="app">
<paginatron @change="updateItems" @next="advanced" @previous="decreased" :items-per-page="5" :items="items">
<div slot-scope="{ setPage, nextPage, prevPage, page, pages, hasNextPage, hasPrevPage, nextButtonEvents, prevButtonEvents, nextButtonAttrs, prevButtonAttrs }">
<button v-on="prevButtonEvents" v-bind="prevButtonAttrs" >Prev</button>
{{ activeItems }}
<button v-on="nextButtonEvents" >Next</button>
<div v-for="(page, index) in pages" :key="index">
<p @click="setPage(index)">{{ page }}</p>
import Paginatron from 'vue-paginatron';
export default {
name: 'app',
components: { Paginatron },
data() {
return {
activeItems: [],
items: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
methods: {
updateItems(activeItems) {
this.activeItems = activeItems;
decreased({ prev, current }) {
console.log(prev, current);
advanced({ activeItems, prev, current }) {
console.log(prev, current);