In this automation best practices workshop you will learn the latest and greatest tools and techniques to drastically improve your testing!
We will focus on a holistic approach of testing front-end and back-end, web and APIs, functional testing, component testing, and many other things in between 😁
✅What is an automated atomic test
✅How to code automated atomic tests
✅How to login without a UI using a HTML web forms
✅How to login without a UI using JWT
✅How to write a component test
✅How to add a test id to our web app
✅How to correctly test a link and a tab
✅How to replace e2e tests with component tests
✅visual e2e tests
✅visual cross-browser tests
✅CICD with Github Actions
- ReactJS
- Cypress
- WebdriverIO
- React testing library
- Jest
- Screener visual E2E testing
- Sauce Labs
- Github Actions
- Use NVM for this installation by following instructions
- Pre-requisites that make the process work
- Make sure that a
exists. Check withopen -e ~/.bash_profile
. If nothing opens then create withtouch ~/.bash_profile
- With VS Code, make sure that your terminal corresponds to the installation location of NVM. For example, if NVM was installed to
then make sure that you are using thebash
terminal and notzsh
or another one
- Make sure that a
- It should be just a single command to run in our terminal
- !Don't forget to restart your terminal!
- Pre-requisites that make the process work
- After installation, confirm install was correct by running
and seeing an output - Intall Node 14 with
nvm install 14
Here's what the output would look like:
Downloading and installing node v14.16.1...
######################################################################### 100.0%
Computing checksum with shasum -a 256
Checksums matched!
Now using node v14.16.1 (npm v6.14.12)
Creating default alias: default -> 14 (-> v14.16.1)
- Confirm node installation with
node --version
and seeingv14.16.1
or similar - Confirm NVM is set to 14 for default by running the following commands:
nvm list #will show all versions
nvm use 14 #to use 14
nvm alias default 14.16.x #to set it to the default
- Sign up for a free Github account
- Fork this respository
- Make sure you are logged into Github
- click the Fork in the upper right of the Github.
- Clone your fork of the repository to your machine. Must have Git installed
git clone URL_OF_YOUR_FORK
- Navigate to the directory of where you cloned your repo
cd YOUR_FORK_DIR/automation-best-practices
cd my-react-app
npm install
npm run start
Expected Output:
Your output should look similar to this
Compiled successfully!
You can now view my-react-app in the browser.
Local: http://localhost:3000
On Your Network:
Note that the development build is not optimized.
To create a production build, use npm run build.
Don't worry about fixing any warnings that may appear during npm install
Once the app is running, kill the server by executing Ctrl + C
in command line. We don't need the app running right now.
4.Have an IDE installed that can handle NodeJS (We will use VSCode)
We will have a 2nd repo from which we work from only for login testing.
- Fork
- Clone this repo to another directory (we will open it as a separate project later in the workshop)
- Install everything
cd cypress-example-recipes
npm i
5.Sign up for a free Sauce account
Copy your Sauce Labs username and accessKey in the User Settings section of the Sauce Labs Dashboard.
Open a Terminal window (command prompt for Windows) and set your Sauce Labs Environment variables:
$ export SAUCE_USERNAME="username" $ export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY="accessKey"
> set SAUCE_USERNAME="username" > set SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY="accessKey"
To set an environment variables permanently in Windows, you must append it to the
variable.Go to Control Panel > System > Windows version > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables > System Variables > Edit > New
Then set the "Name" and "Value" for each variable
Test the environment variables
WARNING FOR UNIX USERS!: If you have problems setting your environment variables, run the following commands in your terminal:
💡 this is a tip
🏋️♀️ this is an exercise for you to do
❓ this is a question for us to think and talk about. Try not to scroll beyond this question before we discuss