This is a Symfony2 boilerplate including the following useful bundles.
- SonataUserBundle and its dependencies
- FOS user bundle
- SonataAdminBundle and its dependencies
- SonataBlockBundle
- SonataCacheBundle
- SonatajQueryBundle
- SonataEasyExtendsBundle
- SonataDoctrineORMAdminBundle
- KnpMenuBundle
- SonataPageBundle and its dependencies
- SonataIntlBundle
- SonataSeoBundle
- SonataNotificationBundle
- SymfonyCmfRoutingExtraBundle
- SonataNewsBundle and its dependencies
- SonataMediaBundle
- SonataFormatterBundle
- KnpMarkdownBundle
- SimpleThingsFormExtraBundle
- SimpleThingsEntityAuditBundle
And also including these libraries.
Here are the bootstrap commands for your web site application.
cd workspace
git clone YourApp
cd YourApp
sh bin/
chmod -R 0777 app/cache app/logs
cp app.php index.php # for prod
cp app_dev.php index.php # for dev
Next, setup your environment through web configurator. Open http://localhost/config.php with a web browser and follow the instructions.
And then, you should run the following commands to create required tables, user records, and pages.
# create tables related to sonata page bundle sonata admin
php app/console doctrine:schema:create
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
# configure fos user bundle
# if you want to use fos user bunde instead of sonata user bundle, run this command
# and then, create your User, Group entity to src/Bundle/UserBundle/Entity/
# see official doc to get information in detail
#php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=Application/Bundle/UserBundle --dir=src
# configure sonata user bundle
# this command has already been done in this boilerplate
# enable sonata user bundle on your application
#php app/console sonata:easy-extends:generate SonataUserBundle --dest=src
# create users
php app/console fos:user:create admin [email protected] adminpass --super-admin
php app/console fos:user:create testuser [email protected] userpass
# configure sonata page bundle
# see official doc
# this command has already been done in this boilerplate
# enable sonata page bundle on your application
#php app/console sonata:easy-extends:generate SonataPageBundle --dest=src
# create a default site
php app/console sonata:page:create-site --enabled=true --name=sample \
--locale=- --host=localhost --relativePath=/ --enabledFrom=now \
--enabledTo="+1 years" --default=1
# create default pages
php app/console sonata:page:update-core-routes --site=all
# create snapshots
php app/console sonata:page:create-snapshots --site=all
# configure sonata media bundle
# see official doc
# this command has already been done in this boilerplate
# enable sonata media bundle on your application
#php app/console sonata:easy-extends:generate SonataMediaBundle --dest=src
# create upload dir
mkdir -p web/uploads/media
chmod -R 0777 web/uploads
# configure sonata news bundle
# see official doc
# this command has already been done in this boilerplate
# enable sonata news bundle on your application
# php app/console sonata:easy-extends:generate SonataNewsBundle --dest=src
Now you can start web server and open login page for admin site http://localhost/admin/login .
If you want to get more information, see documentation of each bundle.