Rule id-name-format
will enforce a convention for ids.
(defaults totrue
, or a Regular Expression that the id name must match (e.g.^[_A-Z]+$
: Custom explanation to display to the user if an id doesn't adhere to the conventionignore
: Array of names to ignore
allow-leading-underscore: true
convention: hyphenatedlowercase
When enabled, the following are allowed:
#hyphenated-lowercase {
content: '';
&#_with-leading-underscore {
content: '';
#foo {
@extend #hyphenated-lowercase;
content: '';
When enabled, the following are disallowed:
content: '';
#camelCase {
content: '';
@extend #snake_case;
allow-leading-underscore: false
convention: hyphenatedlowercase
When enabled, the following are allowed:
#hyphenated-lowercase {
content: '';
&#another-hyphenated-lowercase {
content: '';
#foo {
@extend #hyphenated-lowercase;
When enabled, the following are disallowed:
#_with-leading-underscore {
content: '';
content: '';
#camelCase {
content: '';
@extend #snake_case;
convention: camelcase
When enabled, the following are allowed:
#camelCase {
content: '';
#foo {
@extend #anotherCamelCase;
convention: pascalcase
When enabled, the following are allowed:
#PascalCase {
content: '';
#Foo {
@extend #AnotherPascalCase;
When enabled, the following are disallowed:
content: '';
#foo {
@extend #snake_case;
convention: snakecase
When enabled, the following are allowed:
#snake_case {
content: '';
#foo {
@extend #another_snake_case;
When enabled, the following are disallowed:
content: '';
#foo {
@extend #camelCase;
convention: ^[_A-Z]+$
convention-explanation: 'IDs must contain only uppercase letters and underscores'
When enabled, the following are allowed:
content: '';
#FOO {
When enabled, the following are disallowed:
(Each line with an id will report IDs must contain only uppercase letters and underscores
when linted.)
content: '';
#snake_case {
content: '';
#foo {
@extend #camelCase;