Name | Description |
Saritasa.AppDeploy | Contains functions to deploy desktop, ClickOnce and service projects to remote servers. |
Saritasa.Build | Contains functions to execute MSBuild targets, restore NuGet packages, run EntityFramework migrations. |
Saritasa.FileSystem | Contains functions to manage files and directories. |
Saritasa.General | Contains general PowerShell helpers. |
Saritasa.Git | Contains functions which help to maintain gitflow branches in target git repository. |
Saritasa.LocalManagement | Contains functions to control local computer. |
Saritasa.NewRelic | Contains functions to call New Relic ( service APIs. |
Saritasa.Prtg | Contains functions to call PRTG monitoring service ( APIs. |
Saritasa.Web | Contains various methods for web requests and SSL handling. |
Saritasa.Publish | Contains methods to generate ClickOnce packages. |
Saritasa.Redis | Contains Redis management cmdlets. |
Saritasa.RemoteManagement | Contains functions to execute actions on a remote server. Allows to set up IIS, import sites and app pools, install MSI packages. |
Saritasa.Test | Contains functions to run unit tests. |
Saritasa.Upsource | Contains functions related to JetBrains Upsource. |
Saritasa.Web | Contains various methods for web requests and SSL handling. |
Saritasa.WebDeploy | Contains functions to control app pools and synchronize IIS web sites using Microsoft WebDeploy tool. |
Saritasa.WinRM | Contains functions to set up WinRM and execute remote commands. |