My coding assignment for Delivery Hero.
Try the deployed app or read below hot to run it locally.
First checkout the repository ($ git clone
) or download it as a ZIP file.
Then install dependencies:
$ npm install
And run development server:
$ npm run server
It’ll open the app in your browser.
- React.
- alt — a simple Flux implementation: stores, actions, etc.
- window.fetch polyfill.
- Moment.js.
- bem-cn — BEM-style class name generator.
- Stylus.
- Autoprefixer (via Stylobuild Stylus plugin).
- Tâmia — my front-end framework.
- Gulp.
- Bower.
- Webpack.
- Babel (as a Webpack loader) — ES6/JSX trasformation.
The MIT License, see the included file.