This Repository includes terraform modules for following resources:
Clone this repository from the below command.
git clone
Run the below shell script, which will enable the below apis before provisioning the infrastructure.
Below API's will be enable by running the shell script.
Explore other API's from this link->$PROJECT_ID
Let's Provision our infrastructure through terraform.
There are 5 Directories. Each containing its child module and root module
- Child Module -> Includes all the details which can be reused for creating resources.
- Parent Module -> Includes all the configuration logic to create the infrastructure.
Go into each directory:
cd gcp-terraform-resources
To create individual resources, just follow the below steps:
- Service Account
We will create a service account for gke cluster.
Go inside the "sa" directory
cd service-account
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
-> After executing the above commands, our service account will be created.
- Custom Roles
We will create Custom Roles and bind it with the our Service Account
Go inside the "custom-roles" directory
cd custom-roles
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
-> After executing the above commands, our Custom Roles will be created.
Go inside the "vpc-subnets" directory
cd vpc-subnets
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
-> After executing the above commands, our VPC will be created.
We are creating a public cluster with private endpoint. Go inside the "simple_regional_private" directory
cd simple_regional_private
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
-> After executing the above commands, our GKE cluster will be created.
Thanks, Let me know your suggestions and feedback
- Teardown our infrastructure
terraform destroy