- Rebuilding Football Dashboard in react.
- Football dashboard is a single-page application that shows up-to-date information about football leagues and teams.
- Used SportDataApi which is not a public api, so error might occur due to the request limit.
- Made as a personal project to improve understanding in React.
Render logic
- Vanilla JS (Before): Explicitly rendered placeholders on click, get data from model, then called each commponents' render method.
- React (Now): Managed
and more as state, rendered when state changes. - Lots of responsibilities(and codes) in
split to page components, each cards.
- Used react-router-dom
- Descriptive URL
- Created 'page components'; Readable composition structure in
return ( <div className="app"> <Sidebar> <MainLogo /> <MainNav /> </Sidebar> <MainDisplay> <Switch> <Route path="/custom"> <Custom /> </Route> <Route path="/league/:leagueName"> <League /> </Route> <Route path="/team/:leagueName/:teamName"> <Team /> </Route> <Route path="/"> <Home /> </Route> </Switch> </MainDisplay> </div> );
Used semantic ui for more readable, clear UI.
Changed directory structure; Less nested, based on each component's functionalities.
- Mobile View
- Redux