execute.py is excution script for given iccad2017 benchmarks.
You can easily find this part inside of the python scripts.
- dirpos : (string) Benchmark directory position
- binaryName : (string) Compiled OpenDP binary name
- outpos : (string) Set a output folder location - The binary saves 'legalized def' files
- logpos : (string) Set a log folder location - The binary saves standard-output log like des_perf_b_md2_2018-10-6_20:34:24.log
- numThread : (int) Define the number of threads OpenDP can use
For example, if you have LEF/DEF benchmarks as (dual LEF)
./opendp -tech_lef ../bench/aes_cipher_top/tech.lef -lef ../bench/aes_cipher_top/cell.lef -def ../bench/aes_cipher_top/floorplan.def
or if you have LEF/DEF benchmakrs as (single LEF)
./opendp -lef ../bench/pci_bridge32/tech.lef -def ../bench/pci_bridge32/floorplan.def
- Currently OpenDP does not support multi thread processing.