All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Passing user referral code on user registration
- Shows partner challenges regardless of joined status
- SEPA confirmation checkbox in become sponsor
- Links to imprint and data privacy in user registration
- Login issue
- Improves overall stability
- Issue which prevented challenge image to show up in the user challenge view
- Adds alert for local users when tapping on sponsorship
- Missing trophies
- Bug, which prevented dashboard to reload properly
- Displays an error message when following a remote user is impossible
- SignUp/Login to respect account confirmation status
- Become partner is now native and triggers opening with a selected package
- Voucher redemption in offer
- Sponsor membership on info button tap
- Join a project when active
- Many UI refinements
- Sponsor membership will now be saved on the server, confirmation email will be sent
- Challenge template UI
- Challenge creation UI
- Navigation titles
- The region of the magazine entries will now be changed accordingly to the user's region in the profile.
- Partner challenge UI
- Additional information in the Profile
- The height of survey card on the dashboard.
- Font sizes in various views.
- Challenge details (progress of users in group challenges) are now loaded after changing to detail screen
- Wording and order in the info menu
- Marketplace items now react to dynamic type changes
- Dialog, when user got a new trophy
- Dialog for accepted user invitation now shows the new friend's avatar
- Wording on invite friend to challenge screen
- Answering a weekly challenge more than three days after last day of previous week was possible.
- Favorite news/projects in detail views
- Ignored Challenge responses
- Follow/unfollow localizations
- Dummy become sponsor screens
- Project detail image size
- Removes developer mode from applink entitlement
- Internal test feedback
- Vertical scrolling in partner challenges
- Partner challenge
- Added support Marketplace offers without discount
- Makes convert button more prominent
- Improved new user screen
- Removed password auto-fill
- Conversion of local to remote accounts
- Image / response caching
- Unfollowing users
- Supporter checkmark on Avatar
- Avatar picking
- Local user editing
- Show followers / followings
- Show favorited projects from profile
- Show favorited news from profile
- Show trophy details
- Sending of updated user data for remote users
- Hides invite user screen for local users when creating a challenge
- Partner logo to challenge template
- Account deletion completed
- Fixes a bug when answering joined challenges
- Marketplace code redemption
- Group challenge participant's progress
- Login with existing account
- Invite link sharing from grid button
- Trophies
- Many UI enhancements
- Adds content pages
- Connects quiz to backend
- Rebrands News to Magazin
- Invite friends
- User avatars
- Integration of backend for news and challenges
- Account setup for registered users
- Filtering by region in Challenges, Projects and Marketplace
- Partner challenges
- improves reload in dashboard
- improves synchronisation of challenges
- Profile sheet on all tabs
- Bug in user challenge when challenge was answered completely
- Support for funding projects
- Various UI improvements
- user creation
- joining and leaving projects
- projects in profile
- Voucher redemption
- UI improvements
- Saving of user challenges
- Improved logic for answering to challenges
- Leaving challenges