Following is the approach I took for the Analytics Vidhya Enigma-codeFest-Machine-Learning Competition,I got a public Leaderboard loss of 787.56 and Ranked 8th overall.
My solution approach was simple and straight forward. First, I did data visualization and saw the distribution of data. I used seaborn to plot and find correlation to find important features. I plotted the histogram of the data and found that features like Views and Reputuation are distributed with high values and UserName,ID features are unnecessary features which can be removed.
Next I spent most of my time on data preprocessing where I removed unwanted features,scaling,filtering and did feature engineering which was a key element for my success. I used Binarizer as a new feature in my training data which could say if Answers features has some value or not above a thershold.
3.I tried with different algorithms like SGDRegressor,SVR and even decision tree and neither of them work as I thought at first as the data distribution is polynomial.Therefore I took PolynomialRegressor with Linear regression LassoLars which I found to be a best fit for this data.
4.Cross validation was the key and I splitted my data with test size of 0.22 and trained it to get a r2 score of 0.91 on val set. To get less loss I tried different approachs like Progressive Learning, Xgboost,ANN and neither of them worked as they overfitted. So I decided to fine tuning hyperparamter that I had to get a good score.
- One important outliner I found was the Views feature so I removed values if it was more than 3000000 from the training set as I found that only 4 values similar exist in the test set which contributed to majority of the loss. Once I removed those scores and varied my Binarizer threshold I ranked 1st in public scoreboard but in overall ranking I stood 8th and I feel the reason behind that is I still would should tried simpler approachs like linear regression to get high rank in private scoreboard.
You can download the data from Analytics Vidhya webpage.