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Example Calls
Adam Anderly edited this page Sep 8, 2023
21 revisions
use SaintSystems\OData\ODataClient;
// Using the example OData service from odata.org
$odataServiceUrl = 'https://services.odata.org/V4/TripPinService';
$odataClient = new ODataClient($odataServiceUrl);
use SaintSystems\OData\ODataClient;
// Need to authenticate the requests to the service?
// Pass in an Authentication Delegate Closure as the second argument
// which will get passed the request object. The Closure will be
// called prior to every request.
// Access token retrieved from an oauth provider
$accessToken = 'abc';
$odataClient = new ODataClient($odataServiceUrl, function($request) {
// OAuth Bearer Token Authentication
$request->headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer '.$accessToken;
// OR Basic Authentication
$username = 'foo';
$password = 'bar';
$request->headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic '.base64_encode($username.':'.$password);
// Retrieve all entities from the "People" Entity Set
// Issues an HTTP GET request to http://services.odata.org/V4/TripPinService/People
$people = $odataClient->from('People')->get();
// Retrieve a specific entity by the Entity ID/Key
// Issues an HTTP GET request to http://services.odata.org/V4/TripPinService/People('russellwhyte')
$person = $odataClient->from('People')->find('russellwhyte');
echo "Hello, I am $person->FirstName ";
// Retrieve a specific entity by the Entity multi-part ID/Key
// Issues an HTTP GET request to http://services.odata.org/V4/TripPinService/People(username='russellwhyte',userid='1')
$person = $odataClient->from('People')->find(['username' => 'russellwhyte', 'userid' => '1']);
echo "Hello, I am $person->FirstName ";
// Select only the "FirstName" and "LastName" properties
// Issues an HTTP GET request to http://services.odata.org/V4/TripPinService/People?$select=FirstName,LastName
$people = $odataClient->from('People')->select('FirstName','LastName')->get();
// Retrieve all entities where gender is female
$person = $odataClient->from('People')->where('Gender', '=', 'Microsoft.OData.Service.Sample.TrippinInMemory.Models.PersonGender\'Female\'')->get();
// Return the first two entities from the "People" Entity Set
$people = $odataClient->from('People')->take(2)->get();
// Skip the first two entities from the "People" Entity Set
$people = $odataClient->from('People')->skip(2)->get();
// Request 8 records per page using the 'pageSize' method on the Builder
// Call 'cursor' method which returns a LazyCollection generator
$people = $odataClient->from('People')->pageSize(8)->cursor();
$totalRecordCount = $people ->count(); // Will return 20, which is the total number of 'Person' records in the Person EntitySet
$firstPerson = $people ->first(); // Will return the first person in the EntitySet (Russell Whyte)
$lastPerson = $people ->last(); // Will return the last person in the EntitySet (Krista Kemp, from page 3 of the paginated results)
// Skip the first 8 records (page 1) and get the first person on page 2 (the 9th Person)
// This will issue a second request to the @odata.nextLink endpoint to retrieve the second page of results in order to get the 9th person in the EntitySet (Marshall Garay)
$ninthPerson = $people ->skip(8)->first();
// Iterating through the cursor LazyCollection will automatically issue 3 http requests
// to the OData Endpoint as it's being iterated to retrieve all 3 pages (20 records) from the EntitySet
$data->each(function($person) {
echo $person->UserName;
// Select only records whose FirstName = "Russell"
// Issues an HTTP GET request to http://services.odata.org/V4/TripPinService/People?$filter=FirstName eq 'Russell'
$people = $odataClient->from('People')->where('FirstName','=','Russell')->get();
// Omitting the "=" operator defaults to "=" operator (synonymous with the request above)
$people = $odataClient->from('People')->where('FirstName','Russell')->get();
// Select records whose FirstName is Russel or whose LastName is Ketchum
$people = $builder->from($entitySet)->where('FirstName','Russell')->orWhere('LastName','Ketchum')->get();
// Order all entities from the "People" Entity Set by Name (default asc)
$people = $odataClient->from('People')->order('Name')->get();
// Order all entities from the "People" Entity Set by descending Name
$people = $odataClient->from('People')->order('Name', 'desc')->get();
// Order all entities from the "People" Entity Set by asc ID and desc Name
$people = $odataClient->from('People')->order(['Id', 'asc'], ['Name', 'desc'])->get();
$people = $odataClient->from('People')->order(['column' => 'Id', 'direction' => 'asc'], ['column' => 'Name', 'direction' => 'desc'])->get();
// Order all entities from the "People" Entity Set by asc ID and desc Name
$order = array(['Id', 'asc'], ['Name', 'desc']);
$order = array(['column' => 'Id', 'direction' => 'asc'], ['column' => 'Name', 'direction' => 'desc']);
$people = $odataClient->from('People')->order($order)->get();
// Expand all entities from the "People" Entity by PersonGender
$people = $odataClient->from('People')->expand('PersonGender')->get();
// Expand all entities from the "People" Entity by PersonGender and PersonOccupation
$people = $odataClient->from('People')->expand(['PersonGender', 'PersonOccupation'])->get();
// Count all entities from the "People" Entity Set
$countPeople = $odataClient->from('People')->count();
// Retrieve a subset of entities from the "People" Entity Set
$people = $odataClient->from($entitySet)
->where('Gender', '=', 'Female')
->order('Name', 'desc')