By following these steps you will create your own instance of the manuela gitops repository and use it to deploy and configure an application via GitOps to a single OpenShift cluster.
- Prequisites
- Quickstart deployment
- Prepare your own instance of the gitops repository
- Deploy the OpenShift GitOps (ArgoCD) Operator
- Deploy the Applications via GitOps
- Configure the Sensors via GitOps
- Local Workstation: You have the
command line clients installed - OpenShift Cluster: You are logged into your cluster as cluster admin in via the
command line client - GitHub Account: You are logged into GitHub and can fork public repositories
This deployment is a minimal configuration for a simple showcase. It covers the following basic demo sceanrios:
- GitOps based deploment all componenets
- MQTT messaging with AMQ
- Configuration sensors with GitOps
Fork into your own GitHub organisation (you will need to make changes in this repo).
Clone the forked repo to your local home directory (you can chose a different base directory and repo name, but this document assumes the repo is present under ~/manuela-gitops):
cd ~
git clone<organisation>/manuela-gitops.git
Configure ArgoCD applications to point to your forked gitops repo. Note: on OSX, the sed syntax is slightly different, you need to add an extra quotation marks after the -i: sed -i "" "s|....
cd ~/manuela-gitops
REPOURL=$(git remote get-url origin | sed "s|[email protected]:||")
sed -i "s|repoURL:.*|repoURL: $REPOURL|" meta/argocd-quickstart.yaml \
config/instances/manuela-quickstart/manuela-quickstart-line-dashboard-application.yaml \
config/instances/manuela-quickstart/manuela-quickstart-messaging-application.yaml \
git add .
git commit -m "adapt repo URLs"
git push
If you are NOT using CRC, adapt the gitops configuration to match your environment's base URL:
cd ~/manuela-gitops/config/instances/manuela-quickstart
sed -i "s|apps-crc.testing|$OCP_WILDCARD_DOMAIN|" line-dashboard/line-dashboard-configmap-config.json \
line-dashboard/line-dashboard-route.yaml machine-sensor/ \
machine-sensor/ messaging/route.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "adapt base DNS names"
git push
cd ~/manuela-gitops
Installing the OpenShift GitOps Operator is a manual step in this quickstart guide.
Follow the OpenShift Documentation. I.e. Installing OpenShift GitOps Operator in web console
Please select:
- Latest update channel
- Installation mode: All namespaces
- Installed Namespaces: openshift-operators
- Update approval: Automatic
Wait until the OpenShift GitOps operator is installed. This might take a short while.
After the Red Hat OpenShift GitOps Operator is installed, it automatically sets up a ready-to-use Argo CD instance that is available in the openshift-gitops namespace, and an Argo CD icon is displayed in the console toolbar.
After the installation is complete, ensure that all the pods in the openshift-gitops namespace are running:
oc get pods -n openshift-gitops
Example output:
cluster-b5798d6f9-zr576 1/1 Running 0 65m
kam-69866d7c48-8nsjv 1/1 Running 0 65m
openshift-gitops-application-controller-0 1/1 Running 0 53m
openshift-gitops-applicationset-controller-6447b8dfdd-5ckgh 1/1 Running 0 65m
openshift-gitops-redis-74bd8d7d96-49bjf 1/1 Running 0 65m
openshift-gitops-repo-server-c999f75d5-l4rsg 1/1 Running 0 65m
openshift-gitops-server-5785f7668b-wj57t 1/1 Running 0 53m
Note, in this quickstart deployment, we will use the cluster Argo CD instance and won't deploy any Manuela specific Argo CD instance.
Check that you can login into the Argo CD instance by using the Argo CD admin account:
- Follow the instructions in the documentation: Logging in to the Argo CD instance by using the Argo CD admin account
- Or, pull the
password with
oc get secret openshift-gitops-cluster -o 'go-template={{index .data "admin.password"}}' -n openshift-gitops | base64 -d
The admin credentials are needed because the manual sync runs into problems, when you login into ArgoCD with an OpenShift user.
We will deploy the three part of the core Manuele Applicatoion step by step:
- Messaging component inclusive the AMQ Broker Operator and instance
- Line Dashboard
- Senor Simulators
Deploy the Messaging component:
$ oc apply -f config/instances/manuela-quickstart/manuela-quickstart-messaging-application.yaml
Example output: created
Check the status:
$ oc get application -n openshift-gitops
Example output:
manuela-quickstart-messaging Synced Progressing
Use the Argo CD UI to follow the installation.
You might run into issues with the AMQ operator installation when this guide a a bit outdated. Check with the OpenShift Administrator Console, if the update chancel, that is defined in config/templates/manuela/messaging/amq-operator-subscription.yaml
is still available for the AMQ operator.
Deploy the line dashboard component
$ oc apply -f config/instances/manuela-quickstart/manuela-quickstart-line-dashboard-application.yaml
Example output: created
Check the status:
$ oc get application -n openshift-gitops
Example output:
manuela-quickstart-line-dashboard Synced Progressing
manuela-quickstart-messaging Synced Healthy
Wait until the application is Healthy
Open the Manuela line dashboard web application and view the sensor data by selecting the "Realtime Data" menu item. Retrieve the UI URL via:
echo http://$(oc -n manuela-quickstart-line-dashboard get route line-dashboard -o jsonpath='{}')/sensors
Note, no sensor data is displayed , because the senor simulators are not deployed yet.
Deploy the line machine sensor application:
$ oc apply -f config/instances/manuela-quickstart/manuela-quickstart-machine-sensor-application.yaml
Example output: created
Wait until the application is Healthy
$ oc get application -n openshift-gitops
Example output:
manuela-quickstart-line-dashboard Synced Healthy
manuela-quickstart-machine-sensor Synced Healthy
manuela-quickstart-messaging Synced Healthy
Showcase GitOps for OT configuration management.
Enable the second temperature sensor via GitOps:
cd ~/manuela-gitops
git add .
git commit -m "enable temperature sensor"
git push
Wait for ArgoCD to sync the changed configuration (you can also trigger a sync via the ArgoCD UI). The new sensor data will appear in the Web UI.
The end-to-end scenario is described in Gitops Configuration Management demo module.