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Matthias Mees edited this page May 8, 2017 · 7 revisions


  • (!!) – Should work by all means
  • (!) – Would be nice if it worked
  • (-) – Keep if it works, otherwise deprecate because it's not worth the effort
  • (x) – Has been deprecated (i.e. moved to the alpha directory)

Event plugins


  • (!!) Amazon Media Button (serendipity_event_amazonchooser)
  • (-) Coppermine Selector (serendipity_event_cpgselector)
  • (!!) Extended Editor Buttons: Youtube etc. (serendipity_event_youtube)
  • (!!) Split long entries (serendipity_event_entrysplit)
  • (!!) Versioning of entries (serendipity_event_versioning)
  • (!) Backup Interface (serendipity_event_backup)
  • (!!) SMTP Mail (serendipity_event_smtpmail)
  • (!!) External user authentication (LDAP)/tracking (serendipity_event_externalauth)
  • (!!) HTTP-Authentication (serendipity_event_httpauth)
  • (-) Comics (serendipity_event_comics)
  • (!!) Customizable Entries Archive (serendipity_event_customarchive)
  • (!) Hide/delete entries for non-registered users after a specific timespan (serendipity_event_outdate_entries)
  • (!!) Highlight search queries (serendipity_event_searchhighlight)
  • (!!) WrapURL: (serendipity_event_wrapurl)
  • (!) flickr Photostream CSS (serendipity_event_flickrcss)
  • (!) Newsbox (serendipity_event_newsbox)
  • (!!) Suggest entries (serendipity_event_suggest)
  • (!!) Validates authors login (serendipity_event_loginform)
  • (!) Discussion forum / phpBB comment mirroring (serendipity_event_forum)
  • (!) Export blog as PDF (serendipity_event_blogpdf)
  • (!!) RSS Aggregator (serendipity_event_aggregator)
  • (!!) Show entries via JavaScript (serendipity_event_backend)
  • (!!) Disqus comments (serendipity_event_disqus)
  • (!!) Facebook (Experimental!) (serendipity_event_facebook) - mal Robert fragen, nicht verzagen
  • (!!) Frontend entry filtering (serendipity_event_filter_entries)
  • (!) Realtime Comments (serendipity_event_realtimecomments)
  • (!) Import from Flickr (serendipity_event_flickr)
  • (!) Markup: Gallery Image (serendipity_event_galleryimage)
  • (!) Photoblog Entries (serendipity_event_photoblog)
  • (!) Template Header/Logo Image (serendipity_event_kubrickheader)
  • (!) Thumbnail Page (serendipity_event_thumbnails)
  • (!!) getID3() support for fetching media properties (serendipity_event_getid3)
  • (!!) Free Wiki links for your entries (serendipity_event_wikilinks)
  • (!!) Glossary (serendipity_event_glossary)
  • (-) Markup: Mobile Output (serendipity_event_mobile_output)
  • (!!) Markup: Smarty Parsing (serendipity_event_smartymarkup)
  • (!!) Markup: Wiki (serendipity_event_textwiki)
  • (-) MimeTex/LaTeX TeX Interpreter (serendipity_event_mimetex)
  • (!!) Prettify for S9Y (serendipity_event_prettify)
  • (!) Transforms HTML for comments (serendipity_event_unstrip_tags)
  • (!!) Google Analytics (serendipity_event_google_analytics)
  • (!) Polls (serendipity_event_pollbox)
  • (!!) Show read/unread state of entries for visitors (serendipity_event_markread) [Can be replaced with a CSS solution, if better?]
  • (x)(-) Community Rating (serendipity_event_communityrating)
  • (!!) CKEditor Plus (serendipity_event_ckeditor)
  • (!) Category Assignment (serendipity_event_assigncategories)
  • (!!) Proxy Real-IP (serendipity_event_proxy_realip)
  • (!) GeoURL (serendipity_event_geourl)
  • (!!) OpenID Authentication (serendipity_event_openid)
  • (-) e-Mail Entry (serendipity_event_mailentry)


  • Announce entries (serendipity_event_weblogping): remove non-working services
  • LJ/MySpace/Serendipity Update Plugin (serendipity_event_ljupdate): remove dead services
  • Rules for publishing (serendipity_event_entrycheck): check entry locks - working?
  • Display RSS-Feed in Backend Overview (serendipity_event_backendrss): fix backend
  • Forgot Password (serendipity_event_forgotpassword): fix frontend design; fix text; move to CORE
  • Linktrimmer (serendipity_event_linktrimmer): remove dead services
  • Serendipity Autoupdate (serendipity_event_autoupdate): copy to CORE
  • Layout-Plugin: Printerfriendly version (serendipity_event_layout_printerfriendly): fix CSS
  • Embed Ads (, Custom) (serendipity_event_textlinkads): remove dead services
  • Sitemap Generator (for Crawlers) (serendipity_event_google_sitemap): remove dead services
  • oEmbed Plugin (serendipity_event_oembed ): remove dead services
  • Microblogging (Twitter,Identica) (serendipity_event_twitter): make it better any time, any way


  • (x) Markup: Wordwrap long text (serendipity_event_wordwrap)
  • (x) UTF-8 aware sorting (serendipity_event_sort)
  • (x) HTML Validator (serendipity_event_htmlvalidator)
  • (x) Uses FCKeditor as WYSIWYG editor (serendipity_event_fckeditor)
  • (x) Uses TinyMCE as WYSIWYG editor (serendipity_event_tinymce)
  • (x) Uses XINHA as WYSIWYG editor (serendipity_event_xinha)
  • (x) Simple Cached/Pregenerated Pages (serendipity_event_cachesimple)
  • (x) Advanced configuration types (serendipity_event_advtypes)
  • (x) Layout-Plugin: Link-Markup (serendipity_event_layout_linkmarkup)
  • (x) Layout-Plugin: Quote-Markup (serendipity_event_layout_quotemarkup)
  • (x) Delete Link (serendipity_event_deletelink)
  • (x) Feedburner FeedFlare (serendipity_event_feedflare)
  • (x) Babelfish (serendipity_event_babelfish)
  • (x) Link SnapShots using (serendipity_event_snapshotlinks)
  • (x) Music of the Moment (serendipity_event_motm)
  • (x) Y!Q Related Search (serendipity_event_yq)
  • (x) Picasa (serendipity_event_picasa)
  • (x) PHPOpenTracker (serendipity_event_phpopentracker)

Sidebar plugins


  • A plug-in (serendipity_plugin_delicious)
  • (!) Amazon Recommendations (serendipity_plugin_amazon)
  • (x)(-) Feedburner Sidebar (serendipity_plugin_feedburnersidebar)
  • (!!) Flickr badge (serendipity_plugin_flickrbadge)
  • (!) Gadu-Gadu IM status description (serendipity_plugin_ggopis)
  • (x)(-) Google PageRank (serendipity_plugin_pagerank)
  • (!!) Google Quicksearch (serendipity_plugin_google_quicksearch)
  • (!!) Last Search (Google, Yahoo, Bing, Scroogle) (serendipity_plugin_google_last_query)
  • (x)(-) On »Heavy Rotation« (serendipity_plugin_heavyrotation)
  • (!) Random Quotes (serendipity_plugin_randomquotes)
  • (x)(-) Shoutcast (serendipity_plugin_shoutcast)
  • (!) Wikipedia Finder (serendipity_plugin_wikipedia_finder)
  • (!) flickr Photostream (serendipity_plugin_flickr)
  • (!!) Authors login (serendipity_plugin_loginform)
  • (!) Quick Link (serendipity_plugin_quicklink)
  • (!) Shoutbox (serendipity_plugin_shoutbox)
  • (!) SideBar Logo (serendipity_plugin_sidebarlogo)
  • (!) Timezones (serendipity_plugin_timezones)
  • (!!) AdSense (serendipity_plugin_google_adsense)
  • (!!) Authors (serendipity_plugin_authors)
  • (!) Birthdays of users (serendipity_plugin_userprofiles_birthdays) - test together with s9y_events_userprofiles
  • (!) Category Tree Menu (serendipity_plugin_category_dhtml_menu)
  • (!) Currently... (serendipity_plugin_currently)
  • (!) Serendipity Authors (serendipity_plugin_userprofiles)
  • (!!) Show Entries in sidebar (serendipity_plugin_showentries)
  • (-) Coppermine Thumbnails (serendipity_plugin_coppermine)
  • (-) Gallery Random Photo Block (serendipity_plugin_gallery_menalto_random)
  • (!) Photoblog Entries (serendipity_plugin_photoblog)
  • (x)(-) Average Rating (serendipity_plugin_communityrating)
  • (!) Polls (serendipity_plugin_pollbox)


  • Social Bookmarks Plugin (serendipity_plugin_socialbookmarks): remove dead services
  • Unified Sidebar Image Display (serendipity_plugin_imagesidebar): remove dead services
  • Top Referers (serendipity_plugin_topreferers): drop this - or the other one -> This one should probably go :)
  • Top Referrers (serendipity_plugin_topreferrers): drop this - or the other one


  • (x) Audioscrobbler (serendipity_plugin_audioscrobbler)
  • (x) Frappr (Friend Mapper) (serendipity_plugin_frappr)
  • (x) Hitmaps (serendipity_plugin_hitmaps)
  • (x) Zooomr Plugin (serendipity_plugin_zooomr)
  • (x) SmileTag shoutbox (serendipity_plugin_smiletag) [WTF]
  • (x) IPv6 Check (serendipity_plugin_ipv6)