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File metadata and controls

166 lines (117 loc) · 5.09 KB


This is a small library to make it easier to work with RDF and SPARQL in Clojure 1.4. Uploaded to Clojars at


Add the following line to your dependencies:

[seabass "2.1.1"]

Default Prefixes


build [ & targets ]

Takes n-many arguments and returns an RDF model. These arguments can be

  • Strings for relative or absolute pathnames for RDF files
  • Strings for URI's that resolve to an RDF file online
  • Vectors for RDF files where the first element is the URI/pathname, and the second element is the language (when the file suffix isn't sufficient). Valid language strings (following Jena) are:
    • "RDF/XML"
    • "N-TRIPLES"
    • "TTL"
    • "N3"
  • Strings for Jena Rules files (must end with ".rules" in the filename)
  • RDF models previously created with the build function
  • A Jena model

bounce [ query target ]

This executes a SELECT query against an RDF model, returning a map with the following keys:

  • :vars - the list of variables used in the select query's 'projection' clause
  • :data - a list of maps whose keys are the variables listed in :vars

The arguments are:

  • query: a SPARQL Select query string
  • target: either a URI string for a Sparql Endpoint or an RDF model

ask [ query target ]

This executes an ASK query against an RDF model, returning a Boolean value. The arguments are:

  • query: a SPARQL Ask query string
  • target: either a URI string for a Sparql Endpoint or an RDF model

pull [ query target ]

This executes a CONSTRUCT query against an RDF model, returning a new RDF model. The arguments are:

  • query: a SPARQL Construct query string
  • target: either a URI string for a Sparql Endpoint or an RDF model

stash [ model target ]

Writes the contents of a model to the file specified by the target string.
The resulting file is encoded in n-triples. Only RDF facts are written (i.e. not rules). Returns the path name of the written file (ie the provided 'target' parameter).

  • model: an RDF model previously constructed (via build or pull)
  • target: a string for a relative or absolute pathname for the file to write to

resource-fact [subject predicate object]

These functions return Jena triples, which can be pushed into a model.

  • subject: A string that is a valid uri or a string starting with '_:', indicating a blank node
  • predicate: A string that is a valid uri
  • object: A string that is a valid uri, or a string starting with '_:', indicating a blank node. Will be interpreted as an RDF resource.

literal-fact [subject predicate object]

These functions return Jena triples, which can be pushed into a model.

  • subject: A string that is a valid uri or a string starting with '_:', indicating a blank node
  • predicate: A string that is a valid uri
  • object: Either a string, integer, long, double, boolean, or date (java.util.Date). The value will be converted to an appropriate RDF datatype. If the conversion fails, either an exception will be thrown or a nil will be returned (depending on how crazy the submitted value is).

push [model triples]

Asserts a collection of triples into the target, which can either be a Jena model or a remote endpoint uri string.


  • Build an RDF model with a local TTL file, a remote NT file, and a model pulled from an Endpoint
(def c "construct {?x <> ?y}
	{ ?y <> ?x }")
(def m (build ["data/my-ontology.rdf" "TTL"] 
       (pull c "http://my-endpoint/sparql")))
  • Push three facts into a locally-hosted Sesame repo called 'test'
(def endpoint "http://localhost:8080/openrdf-sesame/repositories/test/statements")
(def r1 (resource-fact "http://foo/luke" "http://foo/sibling" "http://foo/leia"))
(def r2 (resource-fact "_:v" "http://foo/father" "http://foo/luke"))
(def l1 (literal-fact "_:v" "http://foo/wears" "http://foo/cape"))
(push endpoint [r1 r2 l1])
  • Ask whether a Sparql endpoint is up
(ask "ask {}" "http://my-endpoint/sparql")
  • Execute a Select query
(def q "select ?x ?y ?z 
        {?x <> ?y . 
         ?z < ?y . }")
(def m  (build "data/my-ont.ttl" "data/your-ont.owl"))
(bounce q m)


All built-ins supported in Jena 2.9.2 (the current release as of April, 2011) can be used. The following built-ins have been added for Jena Rules (i.e. in .rules files, and not in Sparql queries):

  • diff-second: Returns the difference between two times, dates, or datetimes in seconds.
  • diff-minute: Returns the difference between two times, dates, or datetimes in minutes.
  • diff-hour: Returns the difference between two times, dates, or datetimes in hours.
  • diff-day: Returns the difference between two times, dates, or datetimes in days (1 day = 24 hours).


Copyright (C) 2012 Ryan Kohl

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.