a PHP library for accessing tv show info from tvrage.com
include ('TVRage.php ' );
$ show = TV_Shows::findById ('2930 ' );
print_r ($ show );
$ episode = $ show ->getEpisode (1 ,2 );
print_r ($ episode );
TV_Show Object
[showId] => 2930
[name] => Buffy the Vampire Slayer
[showLink] => http://tvrage.com/Buffy_The_Vampire_Slayer
[country] => US
[started] => 861519504
[ended] => 1053414000
[seasons] => 7
[status] => Canceled/Ended
[classification] => Scripted
[network] => UPN
[runtime] => 60
[genres] => Array
[0 ] => Action
[1 ] => Adventure
[2 ] => Comedy
[3 ] => Drama
[4 ] => Mystery
[5 ] => Sci-Fi
[airDay] => Tuesday
[airTime] => 20 :00
[twelveHourAirTime] => 8 :00 pm
TV_Episode Object
[season] => 1
[number] => 2
[title] => The Harvest (2 )
[airDate] => 857980800
[formattedAirDate] => Mon, March 10 , 1997
[url] => http://www.tvrage.com/Buffy_The_Vampire_Slayer/episodes/28078
You can also search for TV shows:
$ shows = TV_Shows::search ("90210 " );
//returns an array of TV_Show objects with 90210 in their title